Need help with the Stars of a Thief Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Ahoy maties!

    Are you stuck? In need of a helping hand? Or have some pearls of wisdom to share with others?

    Well, look no further...

    And remember, if you are offering help, I would also advise not to give the whole game away, and so, in the spirit of exploration and adventure... try by cryptic with your help and give to the point answers.

    Post below and collectively we may be able to guide each other through...

    The Stars of a Thief Tall Tale!

    (Ps - If we have redirected you here, please don't be offended but we are trying to gather all the hints/clues and tips into one easy to read post)

  • 79
  • Our constellation is a sideways dipper and to the left is a triangle with the point left and a line out the top

  • @musicmee Ahoy I am looking for the answer of the riddle "the patient" on thieves heaven I think.

  • @claws-nyso Ahoy matey!

    Thieves Haven is correct! You need to find somewhere to dig inside the island that the constellation can see though too! Somewhere with a hole in the roof? Can you see the constellation trough it?

  • Yes but I see it from several places, the holes of Thieves Heaven are very big!

    Oui mais je la vois depuis plusieurs endroit, les trous de Thieves Heaven sont très grands !

  • @claws-nyso Maybe there's a smaller hole?... I would decamp and take a look around and see if you can see the star sign through one of the smaller holes.

  • I find, thanks for the help!

  • @musicmee Got stuck after I woke the ancient statue with the rubies and got a few pages & a shark totem, help?

  • Is this mission time limited? I was trying to figure out snakes deseat. Suddenly I get a message of misson failed star gem lost... I hadent even got the first gem. I couldn't have lost something I hadn't found yet.

  • @mynuku Ahoy matey!

    This mission isn't time limited but if other crews manage to steal any of your tale items then it will require you to restart the take...

    There could have been an item out at sea that another crew had found before you did...

  • @Musicmee We got stucked at Stars of a thief. At the moment we are searching for Great eagle landing. I think it is on Lone Cove but I dont found anything. Can you probably tell me where it is on Lone Cove?

  • @moskitofeuerlol Ahoy matey!

    You need to put the eagle on its perch ;) and then dig....

  • @musicmee sagte in Need help with the Stars of a Thief Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    @moskitofeuerlol Ahoy matey!

    You need to put the eagle on its perch ;) and then dig....

    Ho do you mean put the eagle on its perch?

  • @moskitofeuerlol Use the rock, and the eagle constellation to make hit sit on it... Like in the book.

  • @musicmee to a new Island?

  • @moskitofeuerlol Nope it's on Lone Cove

  • @musicmee We got Thanks

  • @Musicmee can you help me again? =D Now im searching the stone for The man, who lost his Treasure(I dont know maybe I translated it wrongly) I have to find a hole in rock and sand. Is it Mermaids Hideaway?

  • @moskitofeuerlol Maybe there is somewhere on that island that is a secret cave?

  • @musicmee so my question is unnecessary unfortunately I dont understand why but I got a screen a the moment it said Tale lost but we did nothing. How can that happen?

  • @moskitofeuerlol Two things may have happened there :(

    Either a server merge or another crew was on your island or your next island and stole a piece of your tale...

    So sorry matey :(

  • @musicmee so probalbly a crew had random dig on an island we had to go and got our stone? Its ok. Now i know if i do this riddle again i know where it is =D

  • @moskitofeuerlol Correct!

    Good luck matey!

  • I need help i found the first gem fine but the second one i couldn't find page said They Were Voyagers and showed a picture of plunder valley and two other island's a snake and shark but couldn't figure it out and lost the gem

  • @musicmee i need help please...i try to translate it:

    A fable about a man hunting a old biest
    Sounds like he lived at kraken watchtower from my seapost to boar
    On an island thin and high monsters killed a mans pride. He swore to hunt the biest
    He saw a feader falling down a near rock peak. He build a weapon on this rock circle and shot it how far he could

    Follow the arrow to uncharted land,
    The biest fell from the southwest coast
    In the grave of the biest around koralls (german: Korallen) in a deep cave
    It's heart is now a bloody stone...

    Can't figure out, please help
    Hope I translated it good

  • @shurthugal found it myself, but thank you

  • @musicmee

    Please feed this back to whomever wrote this Riddle. Its goes not look like an eagle is sitting on the rock.

    I was playing with 4 mates and none of us even came close.

    If anything it looks like you need to cannon blast yourself from lonely isle towards a rock with an eagle

  • @musicmee where is the eagle perch

  • @holyschick05 The big rock at Lone Cove... try get him to sit down ;)

  • Wait so we found the one on line cove but next we went to snake island am I right? Is it on snake?

  • @Musicmee

  • I must be so blind, i dont even understand what to to with the spyglass and the pictures of stars.

  • @kalfla Ahoy matey!

    You need to use the stars to navigate your way around and find the islands you need, they will also help you find the right places to dig.

  • @musicmee the crab puzzle place what is.the code we keep dying

  • hey I am stuck on Snake's deseption part, I think the island that i am supose to dig at is sailors Bounty but I can be wrong

28 out of 79