Easiest way to get to pirate legend

  • I've been playing alot lately I have lvl 25 on gold hoarders order of souls and merchant alliance but I need an easy way to get my reputation up can any1 leave a tip

  • 12
  • @beast3rbgamer
    There really is no easy way. Its gonna be a grind no matter what. As you rank up in the factions your voyages will give better treasure.

    Ima give u the best piece of advice.
    Dont play the game to rank up. Do whatever u feel like. Treasure comes and goes. You will hit legend eventually.
    Focus on the fun and not the grind.
    You grind to legend then what? You have nothing to look forward too.
    Drop a voyage, kill a meg, sink a ship. All of it at the same time. Grinding is gonna make you bored and burned out.
    Heed my warning OP.

  • But if u must grind, the easiest way is to go on discord and find an alliance server that is doin only pve.
    I have heard of players gaining legend in a few days

  • @nwo-azcrack
    I did not know arena was that good. I work full time and other issues and have not become PL. but I’ll be honest I don’t play the game enough I have been at like level 45 in all factions for well over a year.
    It’s my own fault but I plan on fixing that in the next two months.

  • @beast3rbgamer Forts are great. They give rep to all three original factions.

    Devil's roar voyages are good too. Double the reward for ashen treasure and the islands you go to aren't spread over three seas.

  • @zombie-p1ague
    Mate i been playin since the beta and im not a legend yet lol. So dont feel bad. Im 3 lvls away and in no hurry.

    I dont care about rep or gold or some fake legend title for collecting chickens.

    Players who grind miss the entire point of gaming. Fun.

  • @nwo-azcrack
    Same I pre ordered the game and most the alpha sign in by like one week lol. I have medical issues and spend a lot of time in the hospital. The beta was fun though and o love how much this game has grown.

  • @beast3rbgamer I second @NWO-Azcrack pirate legend is just a pretty title. The adventure is incredibly fun as we never know what we may get into.

    It is true that there are discord fleets that take over a server and find ways to have alliance wide servers where everyone plays pve and gaining levels.

    Now we can turn in gunpowder barrels to all merchants. Collect them from forts and return to an outpost. Boring, but you'll gain free rep with little effort.


  • Do forts, simple as that. They are soloable nowadays and not very desirable by players anymore. Kill everything in the way, megs, kraken, ghost ships, sunken ships.

    • The ashen fortress or fleet is not effective, considering time it takes to finish both + ashen fortress is really messy in terms of getting the loot out, all other fortresses can easily get the loot harpooned to the ship.

    Low level voyages are completely useless and time consuming, considering the distance you have to travel and time vs the reward. Your time will be better off spent going around searching for sunken ships.

    Another thing you could do is ask people to put Ashen Athena voyage.

    Ps. The problem with being a pirate legend is that loot has no value anymore, currently sitting on 3 million gold with nothing to spend them on.

  • @nwo-azcrack sagte in Easiest way to get to pirate legend:

    Mate i been playin since the beta and im not a legend yet lol. So dont feel bad. Im 3 lvls away and in no hurry.

    I dont care about rep or gold or some fake legend title for collecting chickens.

    Players who grind miss the entire point of gaming. Fun.

    This is the way it has to be!

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Easiest way to get to pirate legend:

    title for collecting chickens.

    Bruh, you need chickens? I got the nicest, plumpest chickens this side of the Roar.

    Guaranteed to fetch the most rep possible from Lady M...

  • Decide which three factions you want to get to 50 and focus on the task or do forts.

    However, as an Athena 10 legend I advice to relax, do what you enjoy and you will get here as well, no need to rush. Enjoy the session, focus on becoming a real legendary pirate... the title isn't what makes you one. We are all equals.

4 out of 12