Hot Air Balloon.

  • First things first.
    I have thought carefully about this and to keep in spirit of the game this concept in no way shape or form can be a better mode of transport than the ship. You will still need your ship to move around.
    So those who just got TRIGGERED by the heading, please bear 🐻 with, i can explain.

    This idea is purely for a novelty factor and fun with your crew kinda like harpoon rowboats.

    Much rarer than rowboats you can come across a very small improvised craft. Its essentially a big crate with ropes tied with a cooking pot and sail cloth. Very small one person thing with just enough room for maybe a chest. It also has a harpoon

    It is fuelled by planks and once it runs out it will glide down.

    It is totally at the mercy of the wind meaning if you wanna change direction you must wait for the wind to change.
    However you can land on water and use oars to row the craft slowly.

    You can also harpoon ships and parasail.

    Why would you need this?

    Its mainly just for fun.
    You could use it as an impromptu escape raft conveniently landed on your deck but in all honesty its not practical as a sniper shot will down you and you cant steer.

    So if anything, it wont affect balance at all.
    Its literally a quirky novelty.
    It would be quite fun to do, parasail or scout an island from the sky then row back, or wait on the water for the wind to change to the direction you want.

    You will still need your ship to do anything really as you cant steer a balloon.


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  • @daringclarky
    Sorry to say I have nothing on this. My heart remains to the seas and ship I command or serve. I leave the sky for the birds. Good read though.

  • @inboundbomb Thats a fair comment. It wont be for everyone i must admit.

  • This sounds like a fun little aesthetic to enjoy for a bit. I could see it as a great lookout post rather than the crow's nest. Using a harpoon to latch onto your ship, a crew mate could ride it up, look around and then return to the deck. Reload with planks, then go back up as lookout.

    If anything, it would certainly allow for some really nice visuals and screen shots.

  • @kiethblacklion Exactly!

    In all honesty though if i was Solo slooping i would basically just see where the wind would take me in the sky.
    Harpoon myself onto a skellie galleon or another ship.
    Who knows? 😂

  • @DaringClarky I know I'm being a little nit-picky, but details like this matter. When hot air balloons no longer have hot air in them, they will deflate after reaching the ground. I don't think adding physics based balloon fabric is something that could be realistically added to the game though, so I don't really know how the landing in water part would work. If they never deflated, it would look very weird and look almost like a static object (especially in the water.)

    I like the idea, even if it doesn't really fit in, but also keep in mind that "just enough room for maybe a chest" means infinite of any item in the game, since you can place objects directly inside of each other. I think that being able to shoot the balloon to make it start descending is pretty balanced, but I'm still unsure. I agree with @InboundBomb though: Pirates have no place in the skies.

    Either way, cool food-for-thought.

  • This has been suggested before. Could be cool in a game yes but I just don’t think it’s for sea of thieves.

  • I'd love to see Rare's take on an airship game using the same basic mechanics as Sea of Thieves. That said, I have to agree it doesn't fit this game.

  • i could just imagine cruising along and seeing a 4 player galleon with real people on it, sailing below totally oblivious to my presence.

    Wouldnt need hardcore physics. Just an ability to elevate when fuelled and float on water.

    It could fit into SOT easily too given the craft is essentially sail cloth, rope and a wooden platform.

    Even if u fit infinite chests in the small space you are at the mercy of the wind, you definitely dont want tons of loot when you have no say on your direction of travel.

    Like i said though, its more of a novelty and there would be some fun emergent moments whilst sailing and playing normally by those who are using these things.

  • I like it but then i also like a firedragon attacking it :")

  • If you want hot air, you should just watch the weekly update videos

  • @daringclarky

    This idea is purely for a novelty factor and fun with your crew kinda like harpoon rowboats.

    Except i'm imagining people using these balloons to drop gunpowder kegs, literally bombing people like war-zepplins. xD

    Maybe not a good idea after all? : /

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    This idea is purely for a novelty factor and fun with your crew kinda like harpoon rowboats.

    Except i'm imagining people using these balloons to drop gunpowder kegs, literally bombing people like war-zepplins. xD

    Maybe not a good idea after all? : /

    Good luck doing that when you cant steer.

    If the wind takes to directly over them then it was meant to be.

  • @daringclarky said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    This idea is purely for a novelty factor and fun with your crew kinda like harpoon rowboats.

    Except i'm imagining people using these balloons to drop gunpowder kegs, literally bombing people like war-zepplins. xD

    Maybe not a good idea after all? : /

    Good luck doing that when you cant steer.

    If the wind takes to directly over them then it was meant to be.

    You said yourself, there's harpoons on the balloon, so if you pass by a ship, you can latch onto it, and.... commence nuclear annihilation. xD

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @daringclarky said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    This idea is purely for a novelty factor and fun with your crew kinda like harpoon rowboats.

    Except i'm imagining people using these balloons to drop gunpowder kegs, literally bombing people like war-zepplins. xD

    Maybe not a good idea after all? : /

    Good luck doing that when you cant steer.

    If the wind takes to directly over them then it was meant to be.

    You said yourself, there's harpoons on the balloon, so if you pass by a ship, you can latch onto it, and.... commence nuclear annihilation. xD

    You are quite low to the ground to use harpoon though. So the enemy ship will be very much aware you are there.

    Unfortunately for the baloonist, one sniper bullet will end his dream of aerial bombing.

    Being at the mercy of the wind is for balance.

    The harpoon is just to enable you to park it on your boat or follow a target closely, a target that likely has to be friendly due to your relatively low altitude.

  • @daringclarky I can see it as part of a story "The city above the skies" Bioshock style but not transportation to move around.
    In the concept artbook there is an air balloon and it looks awesome and its a great book in general for Sea of Thieves fan.

    Edit: it would be bad for the game air balloons but its a funny feature, i imagine myself with a friend on an air balloon full of gunpowder barrels hovering above a galleon while they are completing a skull fort then dropping on them kegs that would be the funniest thing ive ever seen!
    But again im afraid its too OP and dosent fit to this world.

  • @daringclarky I quite like this as an idea. I can see your design in my mind's eye, and it could be made to fit the aesthetic of the game. I'm sure there could be a fudge to avoid having to have fabric in the water. Feeding the stove with planks would work for resource-limited flying.

    I like how you've managed to encourage balance by your lack of directionality, and ability to shoot it down.

    Those who say it would be used for bombing raids - it would be very difficult to achieve this, if tethered by a harpoon line the balloon would be blown away from the ship, so would be unlikely to be overhead.

    I would suggest allowing such harpoon lines (and perhaps harpoon lines in all cases) to be cut with a sword. This would limit the use of harpoons to following your own ship on the balloon.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @daringclarky I can see it as part of a story "The city above the skies" Bioshock style but not transportation to move around.
    In the concept artbook there is an air balloon and it looks awesome and its a great book in general for Sea of Thieves fan.

    Edit: it would be bad for the game air balloons but its a funny feature, i imagine myself with a friend on an air balloon full of gunpowder barrels hovering above a galleon while they are completing a skull fort then dropping on them kegs that would be the funniest thing ive ever seen!
    But again im afraid its too OP and dosent fit to this world.

    What would your strategy be to bomb a ship from above when you cant control its direction?

    How would you positiin yourself directly above a moving target when you have no control?

    Harpoon wouldnt work because ur altitude would leave you exposed.

    So how would it be bad?

  • @daringclarky If they will ever release an air balloons it will be something that you will be able to control first of all and of course there are ways to counter it but i dont think we need to be aware from what is above us aswell.
    If a ship is moving then i of course you wont be able to keep up but ambushing someone can be strong.
    Im not saying it is a bad idea or im saying big NO on this one but there are so many OP ways to use it.
    But it could be a nice feature.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @daringclarky If they will ever release an air balloon it will be something that you will be able to control first of all and of course there are ways to counter it but i dont think we need to be aware from what is above us aswell.
    If a ship is moving then i of course you wont be able to keep up but ambushing someone can be strong.
    Im not saying it is a bad idea or im saying big NO on this one but there are so many OP ways to use it.
    But it could be a nice feature.

    Well my idea was that you CANT control it. You are at the mercy of the wind. All you can do is go up or down.

    If you had full control it would become a second mode of transport which would be overpowered.

    My idea is no more than a flying rowboat that becomes a regular rowboat if you want to go in a direction other than tbe wind.

    Its very balanced.
    I dont see why youd need to worry about kegs fron above as youd be very unlucky for the wind to line up perfectly with your ship.

  • @daringclarky If you cant control them then of course its not crazy but whats the fun in that?
    You can control the rowboats so its a funny little tool but something you are just onboard on sounds annoying but again im not against it i just want RARE to give us a balanced way to implement it.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Hot Air Balloon.:

    @daringclarky If you cant control them then of course its not crazy but whats the fun in that?
    You can control the rowboats so its a funny little tool but something you are just onboard on sounds annoying but again im not against it i just want RARE to give us a balanced way to implement it.

    Personally id love to fly them any direction. But other community members would hate it because some peoole woukd just scuttle the ship and use the balloons.

    Being at the mercy of the wind brings balance.

    Its a whole lot better than no balloons

  • when i read the title I was made but I really want this... :)

  • @daringclarky

    So the enemy ship will be very much aware you are there.

    But unable to do much about it... You ever tried to hit an airborne target with your cannons?

    Unfortunately for the baloonist, one sniper bullet will end his dream of aerial bombing.

    Then griefing comes to mind, anyone you come across will always shoot the balloon, essentially meaning, ballooning wont be possible, because everyone will shoot you down...

    So what's the point of ballooning, when you cant actually balloon? :P

    There doesn't really seem to be a middle-ground here.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    So the enemy ship will be very much aware you are there.

    But unable to do much about it... You ever tried to hit an airborne target with your cannons?

    Unfortunately for the baloonist, one sniper bullet will end his dream of aerial bombing.

    Then griefing comes to mind, anyone you come across will always shoot the balloon, essentially meaning, ballooning wont be possible, because everyone will shoot you down...

    So what's the point of ballooning, when you cant actually balloon? :P

    There doesn't really seem to be a middle-ground here.

    Firstly i never said cannons.

    Secondly, you are a tiny balloon not a big balloon in an ocean with a handful of ships.

    Do you constantly get griefed where its impossible to sail?

    Course you dont. The middle ground is well... My idea because the scenario of never ending griefing doesnt exist.

    The scenario where you get shot at so much u cant use it doesnt exist because 1) probably wont see you 2) isnt that many ships where they gonna converge on you like a reapers chest. 3) its totally balanced and like i said its a novelty for fun.

    If you cant see my point i guess there isnt any way i can make it easier to see. :/

  • @daringclarky

    Firstly i never said cannons.

    I was talking about ship cannons, obviously... No, you didn't mention them, i did. :P

    Secondly, you are a tiny balloon not a big balloon in an ocean with a handful of ships.

    This reinforces my point about how hard it would be to hit an airborne target with the cannons on a ship, fyi.

    Do you constantly get griefed where its impossible to sail?

    If you give players the chance to shoot your balloon down with a gun... I guarantee you, every ship you encounter, will shoot you down.

    In fact, i bet your teammmates will do that constantly too.

    So what's the point of adding balloons, if you, essentially, cannot use it? :P

    Course you dont. The middle ground is well... My idea because the scenario of never ending griefing doesnt exist.

    That doesn't really refute my point... Willful ignorance doesn't refute anything.

    The simple fact of the matter is, gaming communities world wide, and historically speaking, are notoriously known to be mischievous and ruthless.

    So if you give people the power to grief you... They WILL grief you... What CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong. Murphy's Law.

    The scenario where you get shot at so much u cant use it doesnt exist because 1) probably wont see you

    Even a small balloon is quite large, and easy to spot mate.

    They have to be large enough to lift several humans, or at least one human off the ground. :P

    What you're arguing is wishful thinking.

    1. isnt that many ships where they gonna converge on you like a reapers chest.

    That may be true, i suppose.

    1. its totally balanced and like i said its a novelty for fun.

    I just explained, multiple times, several reasons why that is not the case... Denial also isn't a valid argument. -.-'

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    Firstly i never said cannons.

    I was talking about ship cannons, obviously... No, you didn't mention them, i did. :P

    Secondly, you are a tiny balloon not a big balloon in an ocean with a handful of ships.

    This reinforces my point about how hard it would be to hit an airborne target with the cannons on a ship, fyi.

    Do you constantly get griefed where its impossible to sail?

    If you give players the chance to shoot your balloon down with a gun... I guarantee you, every ship you encounter, will shoot you down.

    In fact, i bet your teammmates will do that constantly too.

    So what's the point of adding balloons, if you, essentially, cannot use it? :P

    Course you dont. The middle ground is well... My idea because the scenario of never ending griefing doesnt exist.

    That doesn't really refute my point... Willful ignorance doesn't refute anything.

    The simple fact of the matter is, gaming communities world wide, and historically speaking, are notoriously known to be mischievous and ruthless.

    So if you give people the power to grief you... They WILL grief you... What CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong. Murphy's Law.

    The scenario where you get shot at so much u cant use it doesnt exist because 1) probably wont see you

    Even a small balloon is quite large, and easy to spot mate.

    They have to be large enough to lift several humans, or at least one human off the ground. :P

    What you're arguing is wishful thinking.

    1. isnt that many ships where they gonna converge on you like a reapers chest.

    That may be true, i suppose.

    1. its totally balanced and like i said its a novelty for fun.

    I just explained, multiple times, several reasons why that is not the case... Denial also isn't a valid argument. -.-'

    Lets agree to disagree.

    Its rare I get griefed and i sail solo.
    So if you are saying you cant fly a balloon without being harassed i supposed you are saying you cant sail a sloop solo without being harassed.

    I assure you, you can.

    Yes you can snipe a balloon...if you can hit it.
    Cant snipe it if you are high up enough though and you could fly out of its range.

    So this whole “you cant use it whats the point” argument is invalid because you would be able to.

    Give me a scenario where EVERY time you use it you get shot down or cant use it.
    I challenge you.

    Sea of thieves is a quiet game with instances of chaos, not chaos with instances of quiet.

    Whether you agree or disagree though i honestly dont care after all it isn't up to any of us and im certainly not gonna lose sleep over it.

    Im happy with my idea. Im sure others would be too.

  • I would love to see simplistic hot air balloons added to the game, and i honestly can't see any way they would be OP.
    The most sensible idea would be to leave it at the mercy of the winds as suggested and give it a harpoon to latch on to things with to make it actually somewhat useable. (imagine being towed around by a Meg lol)

    What I do think would need to be reworked though is the "drop" mechanics, adding a bit more physics to them so that a keg would not teleport down below, but actually "fall". This would make it a fun novelty but prevent it from becoming an unstoppable pinpoint accurate bomber.

  • I just explained, multiple times, several reasons why that is not the case... Denial also isn't a valid argument. -.-'

    Ha, Denial.
    Ive actually rebuted your whole argument right back at you.

    Im not in denial at all, i just disagree with what you have said is all. Your opinion isnt necessarily correct in my opinion.

    Now im not calling you a noob, in no way shape or form im implying that... But saying you cant fly a hot air balloon due to one sniper on one ship? Really? U cant land it, swim over to the ladders and fight back?

    If a sniper keeps you awake at night when it cones to hot air balooning then please, dont bother solo slooping or solo brigging in that regard. You'll have more than snipers to contend with

  • @daringclarky

    "Yes you can snipe a balloon...if you can hit it.
    Cant snipe it if you are high up enough though and you could fly out of its range."

    Okay, so basically, you can't snipe it?

    Make your mind up, can you, or can you not shoot the balloon down?

    If you intend for the balloon to be out of range, then what's the point of allowing it to be shot down? That's completely contradictory... And if a sniper cannot reach the balloon, what's the point of having harpoon guns on the balloon? They certainly wont reach anything at that point.

    Your arguments are ridiculous, mate. ._.

    Give me a scenario where EVERY time you use it you get shot down or cant use it.

    I challenge you.

    I don't need to, you just ruined your own credibility with contradictions... Why would i need to create a scenario where your balloon gets shot down, when you JUST said the balloon will NEVER be within reach to be shot down?

    What is wrong with you?

    I mean if the balloon is that far away, it doesn't need harpoon guns, because those wont reach, and it doesn't need to be able to be shot down, because it's too far away for a sniper to reach.

    This also makes bombing ships more or less impossible, because the balloon will be so high into the air, that the View Distance will reveal nothing but MIST in every direction, that's right, you can't even see the landscape beneath you, or if you can, you can only see a small patch of landscape directly beneath your balloon.

    I mean by all means, this wont mess with balance, sure, but it also wont be much fun for the ballooners, seeing as they can't really get a decent view. :P

    Lets agree to disagree.

    I haven't disagreed with anything, actually... The only thing i've been doing, is trying to make you simulate in your head how your suggestion would actually play out... And point out the flaws of your suggestion, and your logic, apparently. o_.

    Ha, Denial.

    Ive actually rebuted your whole argument right back at you.

    Im not in denial at all, i just disagree with what you have said is all. Your opinion isnt necessarily correct in my opinion.

    Btw, not everything is opinion... So you can't justify everything you say and do, by calling everything people say "opinion". :P

    My opinions are too controversial for these forums, you have no idea what my opinions are... And you mistakenly thinking my arguments are opinions, only reinforces my theory about your denial, fyi.

    Now im not calling you a noob, in no way shape or form im implying that...

    Well, that came out of nowhere! :)

    Nobody said anything about noobs, or namecalling, and all of a sudden you bring this up? Wat. xD

    But saying you cant fly a hot air balloon due to one sniper on one ship? Really?

    Correction: Any person, on any ship/crew...

    U cant land it, swim over to the ladders and fight back?

    I would answer, but this sentence seems out of context, and it's just gibberish to me, i can't make sense of it. o_.

    If a sniper keeps you awake at night when it cones to hot air balooning then please, dont bother solo slooping or solo brigging in that regard. You'll have more than snipers to contend with

    ... ? As if Hot air ballooning is even remotely comparable to solo slooping... What the heck are you talking about, mate? xD

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hot Air Balloon.:


    "Yes you can snipe a balloon...if you can hit it.
    Cant snipe it if you are high up enough though and you could fly out of its range."

    Okay, so basically, you can't snipe it?

    Make your mind up, can you, or can you not shoot the balloon down?

    If you intend for the balloon to be out of range, then what's the point of allowing it to be shot down? That's completely contradictory... And if a sniper cannot reach the balloon, what's the point of having harpoon guns on the balloon? They certainly wont reach anything at that point.

    Your arguments are ridiculous, mate. ._.

    Give me a scenario where EVERY time you use it you get shot down or cant use it.

    I challenge you.

    I don't need to, you just ruined your own credibility with contradictions... Why would i need to create a scenario where your balloon gets shot down, when you JUST said the balloon will NEVER be within reach to be shot down?

    What is wrong with you?

    I mean if the balloon is that far away, it doesn't need harpoon guns, because those wont reach, and it doesn't need to be able to be shot down, because it's too far away for a sniper to reach.

    This also makes bombing ships more or less impossible, because the balloon will be so high into the air, that the View Distance will reveal nothing but MIST in every direction, that's right, you can't even see the landscape beneath you, or if you can, you can only see a small patch of landscape directly beneath your balloon.

    I mean by all means, this wont mess with balance, sure, but it also wont be much fun for the ballooners, seeing as they can't really get a decent view. :P

    Lets agree to disagree.

    I haven't disagreed with anything, actually... The only thing i've been doing, is trying to make you simulate in your head how your suggestion would actually play out... And point out the flaws of your suggestion, and your logic, apparently. o_.

    Ha, Denial.

    Ive actually rebuted your whole argument right back at you.

    Im not in denial at all, i just disagree with what you have said is all. Your opinion isnt necessarily correct in my opinion.

    Btw, not everything is opinion... So you can't justify everything you say and do, by calling everything people say "opinion". :P

    My opinions are too controversial for these forums, you have no idea what my opinions are... And you mistakenly thinking my arguments are opinions, only reinforces my theory about your denial, fyi.

    Now im not calling you a noob, in no way shape or form im implying that...

    Well, that came out of nowhere! :)

    Nobody said anything about noobs, or namecalling, and all of a sudden you bring this up? Wat. xD

    But saying you cant fly a hot air balloon due to one sniper on one ship? Really?

    Correction: Any person, on any ship/crew...

    U cant land it, swim over to the ladders and fight back?

    I would answer, but this sentence seems out of context, and it's just gibberish to me, i can't make sense of it. o_.

    If a sniper keeps you awake at night when it cones to hot air balooning then please, dont bother solo slooping or solo brigging in that regard. You'll have more than snipers to contend with

    ... ? As if Hot air ballooning is even remotely comparable to solo slooping... What the heck are you talking about, mate? xD

    This isnt a deposition. There isnt a need to pick my words apart. Yes you can snipe it but you had better be an amazing shot if you are at max altitude.

    Go re-read the OP. You are taking things too literal and i think you are doing this deliberately to troll me
    You are twisting my words and making point that i never actually made and it seems deliberate which is quite pathetic

    Most of the time its just you and the sea.

    You come across quite hostile and i have no intention of feeding the troll.

    Its an idea, theres no need to be negative.

    I expresselly said i didnt call you a noob either, but judging by your hostility i can see you are something far worse.

    Theres no need to reply to me because im not even going to acknowledge you.

  • @daringclarky

    You are taking things too literal and i think you are doing this deliberately to troll me.

    ... What?

  • It sounds like a fun little thing you could mess around with.
    I say why not, I like the idea of attaching it your boat and power gliding ahaha

    And Napoleon used them for when he was commanding battles lol. Although I think he’s still a couple of hundred years out xD

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