Where are the pumpkins?

  • Why dont you guys have things activate based off a calendar date? You compare yourselves to other online services like wow but world or warcraft is a 15 year old game now and it has always had holiday stuff run on a back end like once halloween starts in wow boom decorations all over the game. This isnt something they have to patch into the game it just activates based off the calendar. It would be really nice and make the game feel more fulfilled if you could just log in and see things change with the seasons instead of this method of patch stuff in, then remove i feel like the pumpkins and everything from last october could have just been an automated switch instead now you guys would have to manually go readd all that stuff making extra work for yourselves

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  • @magus104 the october festivities will launch on 10/16 with this months content patch. Look for it then!

  • I rather see the pumpkins together with the new content to make it more immersive.

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