
  • I believe adding whirlpools to sea of thieves would be a great addition to making the seas more lively than they already are. It would give players another challenge to look out for in the sea and who knows battling over a whirlpool would be interesting but for the most part dealing with one would be awesome because we get to see our beautiful sea come to life reacting to us not just in a storm but else where as well.

  • 10
  • @iskylines Like the one in Pirates of the Caribbean 3?

  • @travis354 I mean we can use that as a reference I am mostly thinking as just another addition to make the sea more alive. Now what players do during a whirlpool is on them from either just trying to survive it or battling in it would be fun to experience and "sea"

  • The word you are looking for is a Maelstrom.

  • @mr-tickle5 this is true lol

  • Im all for any of natures disasters being added so I could go for this. I also always thought it would be cool to add a random Bermuda triangle type thing. Have it be a rare spawn but if you hit it your ship starts to spin and holes pop in it. How fun would that be?

  • @combatxkitty said in Whirlpools/Maelstrom:

    Im all for any of natures disasters being added so I could go for this. I also always thought it would be cool to add a random Bermuda triangle type thing. Have it be a rare spawn but if you hit it your ship starts to spin and holes pop in it. How fun would that be?

    I can hear the whining of the inexperienced now.

    "There I was minding my own business bringing a hateful skull to an outpost when suddenly I am caught in a storm and holes pop in my ship. I only had two boards because I did not think to replenish my stock but I clearly sunk due to the Maelstrom being to powerful. Not because I was unprepared."

    That being said I am all for it.

  • I mean it would make the seas more unique than they already are which would more fun IMO

  • And Tornados please!!!

    Both maelstorms and tornadoes could be random events from Storms.
    A storm can leave a maelstorm behind.
    You can sail at the boarder to fish very rare stuff, but you need always be aware to not get soaked i to it and sink. Also the maelstorm can release the Maelstorm Kraken what is a harder beast with more reward while you are maneuvering the cycle and shoot it until it disapears with the maelstorm and leaves you plenty of loot.

    A Tornado would be a left over in a region of a storm as well. The storm moves south for example and the Tornado what is a random event in Storms like Maelstorm/Kraken splits up from it and moves in his own random direction devastating everything in it's way.
    Tornadoes are dangerous, but they also have loot inside you can try to get without to sink while the tornado makes your ship a playball and not controllable/stearable anymore. But you can harpoon stuff out of the air if you stay at right distance but if you come too close it will rotate your ship and maybe let it crash very hard and do good amount of damage, break your Mast... .
    To have people risk it the loot should be random, bot worthy and special.

  • It’s coming some day

4 out of 10