Nerf the skeleton ships!!!

  • @schwammlgott said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @lucklessjustis this whole thread makes you look like one...

    But I try it different now...sail in a curve, when you sail parallel with the skellie ship and you don't shoot them it's obvious they hit you all the as soon as they arrive turn your wheel completely in theyr direction

    Wasn't that my very 1st piece of advice?

  • @lucklessjustis said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @galactic-geek I would never lie about a games flaw. I have tried everything! It's not that easy, in my experience. With them shooting nonstop cannonballs. These are not excuses, and i don't know how you come up with me trolling. The best way is shoot cannonballs and then board which is not always guaranteed.

    Unless you have a keg, boarding a skeleton ship is pointless. The same is actually true for the most part regarding players if your goal is to sink them, but with them you have the added benefit of distracting them, slowing them down, or demoralizing them - all things that are pointless against the skeleton ships.

    You said you've hit them with cannonballs over and over again and they don't sink. Are you aiming below the water line? Because, if not, they'll never sink.

  • @lucklessjustis

    I have done fleets solo, before the nerfs, before the sloops and just waves of double galleons. I have done fleets afterwards as a solo and they seem significantly easier.

    The ones that pop up are a single ship... how are they overpowered?

    Sink them and gain loot, stay near them and they cannot shoot cannons, head near rocks and land and they crash. They really aren't that bad. In the end, it is the journey not the treasure you should seek.

  • @galactic-geek ha detto in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @lucklessjustis said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @galactic-geek I would never lie about a games flaw. I have tried everything! It's not that easy, in my experience. With them shooting nonstop cannonballs. These are not excuses, and i don't know how you come up with me trolling. The best way is shoot cannonballs and then board which is not always guaranteed.

    Unless you have a keg, boarding a skeleton ship is pointless. The same is actually true for the most part regarding players if your goal is to sink them, but with them you have the added benefit of distracting them, slowing them down, or demoralizing them - all things that are pointless against the skeleton ships.

    You said you've hit them with cannonballs over and over again and they don't sink. Are you aiming below the water line? Because, if not, they'll never sink.

    It's not pointless to board them. If you're not solo, while your mate shoot at them with cannon you can board them and kill skelly, preventing both from use cannons and repair their ship, you can even throw water in their ship with the bucket to make them sink faster.

  • @ezpeps said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @galactic-geek ha detto in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @lucklessjustis said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @galactic-geek I would never lie about a games flaw. I have tried everything! It's not that easy, in my experience. With them shooting nonstop cannonballs. These are not excuses, and i don't know how you come up with me trolling. The best way is shoot cannonballs and then board which is not always guaranteed.

    Unless you have a keg, boarding a skeleton ship is pointless. The same is actually true for the most part regarding players if your goal is to sink them, but with them you have the added benefit of distracting them, slowing them down, or demoralizing them - all things that are pointless against the skeleton ships.

    You said you've hit them with cannonballs over and over again and they don't sink. Are you aiming below the water line? Because, if not, they'll never sink.

    It's not pointless to board them. If you're not solo, while your mate shoot at them with cannon you can board them and kill skelly, preventing both from use cannons and repair their ship, you can even throw water in their ship with the bucket to make them sink faster.

    While you may be right, it's a slow, arduous process that can be more easily achieved by having a good cannoneer and a good wheelman coordinating well together.

  • Fascinating thread. The OP posts about their trouble with skeleton ships and states that a nerf is needed. Nearly everyone else disagrees and shares the successful tactics they use. OP disregards that advice and even gets offended by the idea that OP needs to rethink their approach. It is frustrating to see good advice being ignored. Many of us handle skeleton ships without much trouble and we’re being told we don’t know what we are talking about? Time to throw in the towel then. You can’t say the community didn’t try to help.

  • @galactic-geek said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    While you may be right, it's a slow, arduous process that can be more easily achieved by having a good cannoneer and a good wheelman coordinating well together.

    It's good if you are trying to save cannon balls, you can also farm CCBs from the skeletons as they load them into the guns.

  • @octopus-lime said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @galactic-geek said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    While you may be right, it's a slow, arduous process that can be more easily achieved by having a good cannoneer and a good wheelman coordinating well together.

    It's good if you are trying to save cannon balls, you can also farm CCBs from the skeletons as they load them into the guns.

    I can understand looting their ship, but in my experience they don't generally offer much, and I'd be asking myself if it would be worth leaving the ship and leaving it more vulnerable as a result. Good idea about stealing the CCBs BTW - great way to farm specific CCBs, since they're all ship-based.

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