Ghost Ship Rewards and Reaper's Bones Reputation

  • Hey Everyone!

    Following the release of Haunted Shores last week, we've enjoyed seeing crews face off against Flameheart's spectral fleets and the new challenges that these ship battles bring to the seas - all while Flameheart taunts your crews progress!

    We've seen stories of Skeleton Ships caught in the fray - turning their fire to the Ghost Ships, players defeating the entire encounter with only island cannons and a rowboat and boat-load of delicious loot haul screenshots.

    Following some initial server instability and extended black screen times when returning to an active Ghost Ship encounter, we deployed a server hotfix over the weekend to address these critical issues and are now in a more stable state.

    With the Haunted Shores update bedding in now over a week and players learning the ropes of the encounter, we have continued to review the rate in which players are progressing with all these new ghostly rewards flooding the seas. While most Trading Companies are seeing generous growth from these new rewards, the Reaper's Bones are profiting sizeably and we are finding players are progressing through the Reaper's Bones Trading Company much faster than we intended.

    Digging into the setup of these rewards behind the scenes, we've identified an issue that was resulting in players earning more Reaper's Bones Reputation than intended for these Ghost Ship rewards. We have now corrected this and the change has been fully rolled out across our servers.

    As always, we will continue to monitor the players progression across all Trading Companies following this change and be ready to adjust as needed to ensure we maintain a consistent experience across all companies.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback and for sharing your stories from the seas, we love seeing the ingenious ways you approach the new features and the stories it creates within our community.

    Thanks again and see you on the seas!

    Drew 'S0nicbob' Stevens

  • 43
  • Can you please not?

  • Basically, you found out that people were getting high returns from this event when selling to the Reapers Bones. So, you nerfed it.

    How could you not have anticipated this? Again, this goes back to the same issue from the Emissary nerf before!

    Rare, you designed the game. You made it possible to sell everything in the game to the Reapers Bones company. Of course people are going to look at their flags (Reapers netting the most because all items are affected).

  • "Digging into the setup of these rewards behind the scenes, we've identified an issue that was resulting in players earning more Reaper's Bones Reputation than intended for these Ghost Ship rewards. We have now corrected this and the change has been fully rolled out across our servers."

    I dont think it was THAT much, I got about 3 Level from 3 Flameheart Raids and about 10 Voyages, it felt pretty fair...
    I just dont know why we have to grind even harder now...
    I mean yeah surely the Players shall have something to grind, but Reapers is SO hard to level, thats actually insane, many people say the same, and NO I am not a PvE/Alliance player who complains that you have to do PvP for Reapers Bones...

  • @lord-szarvas This wasnt a problem that you can sell everything to reaper bones, the problem is you got too much reputation than you should for fotd items. I went from level 62 to 70 in less than 2 days and around 5 flameheart runs + some forts/fleets on the side when we were waiting for a new one.

  • Thanks for working on that hotfix.

  • @iamcookie1312

    Maybe read my post before trying to identify the problem (which you didn't). The problem is; how could they have not anticipated this?

    Its following their gameplay loop that they created themselves. It was obvious from the beginning.

    You're going to get 'high' returns on a level 5 flag on all items turning into this 1 company.

  • " players defeating the entire encounter with only island cannons and a rowboat and boat-load of delicious loot haul screenshots." That's what happened to me and my friend!

  • @lord-szarvas If I had to guess, i'd say they forgot they made standard loot 1/4 the rep for Reapers Bones, and to apply the proper tag to the new loot to classify it as something that doesnt just to give full rep. Or something of that nature, it wasnt a conceptual error this time, but a technical one, based on the line "we've identified an issue that was resulting in players earning more Reaper's Bones Reputation than intended for these Ghost Ship rewards"

  • @s0nicbob Yeah, I saw this coming. My crew & I were actually discussing it. Thanks for at least leaving the gold on it alone.

  • @minercrafter240 they shouldnt stop that from happening

  • @dekeita

    People are progressing because the event drops so much loot for the amount of time spent playing it.

    The only real bottleneck for it is waiting for the event to spawn and getting the Reaper's flag to grade 5. Not every server is the same, some people will attack the reaper ships. Some servers can be dead.

    You can sell every single storage crate that drops in addition to the loot piles dropped from all the lead ships and the Flameheart ship.

  • Imagine only stolen loot was necessary to upgrade reaper's bones flag. i know, would be too difficult, but just imagine!

  • @s0nicbob can you please fix the steam version it's unplayable during fort events + when fighting skeleton fleets

  • @snakeofficialyt have you tried to um, kill people to get reapers rep?

  • @fruitlust Uhh.. Think you're going to need to be more specific than that. But I'm a steam player, and the only issue I've had was the long load screen in the ghost fleet, which they mentioned they've addressed in the post you replied to.

  • @s0nicbob sounds like you made a good change to the rep. I'm glad you did this because of we all maxed out reapers so quickly, it would be no fun! We should have to work for our rep and rewards. Thank you!

  • Can you actually add a way to tune down the ghost loot. I love this game but every time I play the new event I have a headache please please please and thank you

  • @s0nicbob Oh come on, really?

    My friend and I finally were able to do this, now it's nerfed. I hate being an adult, I always miss out on stuff like this. Well, good for the people who play all the time.

    Thanks for nothing! :)

  • For everybody complaining, I think I will simplify. The game had a bug/error/etc that gave players more reapers reputation than they should be getting. Probably one line of code or something, maybe even one number somewhere that was too high. This was not intended, obviously, so they didn't "nerf" it, they fixed it.

  • Yay, another Reaper's Bones nerf ! EXACTLY what this game needed! (if you can't feel the irony here, you probably need get a new sense of humour).
    Like, Rare come one. No one plays emissary, loots give absolutely no reaper's XP, there is no way of getting a good amount of reaper's XP, why do you keep nerfing it? You know what, it's official now.
    THE REAPER'S BONES IS DEAD. And you, Rare, killed them. Good job.

  • @lord-szarvas I'd say it's fairly hard to balance in advance due to the low number of people playing on the Insider servers. This would be especially noticeable when leveling a PvP faction due to fewer people focusing on it in lower population servers.

  • I consider Rare should retroactively decrease the Reaper's rep of all players who benefitted from this temporary bug, while still letting them keep any rewards they might have purchased based on gained rep levels (e.g. reapers' titles).

    Note that I have benefitted from this temporary bug myself. I'm not saying that out of jalousy, but out of overall fairness.

  • You have made a commendation on hitting a player ship with Wraith cannonballs, that's fine. But there are two major gripes with this. Firstly, why on earth isn't this crew based? And Secondly why are they the fewest in the cannonball crate after defeating Flameheart.

  • @hivenpiece No one plays emissary because your a walking target. Personally I love and welcome any challengers that come at me. But you put a system in that requires you to eather grind or to sail around screaming at people to come at you and the people that get screwed over are the crews that run sloop. Just from last night my crew killed a gally 5 times and 6 different sloops and that was a dead server and every single one ran an emissary.

  • @methetron-mkii this is to slow the progression in which you can complete the accommodation so that you complete it over time rather then grind it all out and never come back, just a way of keeping it relevant.

  • @flexfitftw fair play, but it should be crew based though

  • @s0nicbob
    What could be great is that at Rare you focus on doing the things the "right" way. Stop pushing new content to be easy hoarding / mass rep, because you know that with a single flaw, you will allow people to do far more than you expected.

    Keep is a little harder at the beginning, adjust at first patch to increase. I'm back since month. Same story.

    New Content -- Massive Balancing Issues -- Nerf -- Nerf : People have used/abused, ladders are ruined, commendations are done too fast etc... and you can't go back on those.

    Happy to see that you fix and rebalance, just disapointed you always fail to start low and adjust.

  • thanks for adjusting it. Keep the good work Rare.

  • Long story short: They are buffing Reaper's Bones.
    I like that.

  • @general-keys735 Incorrect, "we've identified an issue that was resulting in players earning MORE Reaper's Bones Reputation than intended.... Long story short, they're nerfing Reaper's again

  • @lord-szarvas Jesus do you hear yourself? Yeah it's high but it was HIGHER than intended. That's the fix, wth are you on about that the should have "anticipated it", it was abused, they recognized it and fixed it. Don't go off saying "read my post before commenting " like LMAOO?

  • @lord-szarvas on the previous nerf they changed it so that non pvp aka not stolen but gathered loot gives a heck of a lot less xp then when you actually steal it.

    I guess they forget to do that with these new loot items, this does make me wonder how object oriented they are coding because this would usually be handled by an interface or abstract class

    Like before the gold isnt touched just the rep gains

  • for the moment I think you should buff it a bit...not even half a level with all els loot + storage boxes + ball crate it goes up LESS quickly than normal loots for me which doesn't make sense.

  • The Reaper leaderboard is ruined now thank you

30 out of 43