Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves!

  • How long you need to get this Title? What was the hardest Fish to complete? Is it true that you can catch Shadow Stormfish only at Sea Dog Tavern, or is it catch“able“ everywhere but rare?

    It’s my question because I was today 2,5 Hours!!! at an Ship Wreck for 1! ONE Snow Wrecker wow that was hard and satisfying! Another thing, the Treacherous Plunder, throwed the fishing rod and reeled in over 100! Times(Almost 1 hour) in an Pond to Catch 1!! Skull or Old Boot and I need 50 of this!

    Wow people with this Title you’re true legends, forget Athena 20!

  • 18
  • Yeah you can catch shadow stormfish everywhere. This commendation took me 1 month. The hardest fish was Blackcloud wrecker, you need to catch them 50 times and they are only spawning in storm on shipwreck. But there are more crazy commendations for example "Merchant Shipwright" you need to deliver 50 wood crates on voyage. You can get voyage only from message in the bottle and it's very rare (like 1 voyage per 100 bottles)

  • 2,5 month if im not mistaken. (when it was released) so it was before the buff of the fish xp/gold sheit :P

  • Took some time to get for sure, and the Blackcloud Wrecker is the worst as mentioned.

    I would suggest working on the rest and take every single opportunity to get a Blackcloud as they present themselves. Trying to hunt for them will drive you insane.

    The Shadow Stormfish can be caught anywhere, it is just a lot easier to do at the Seadogs Tavern. The reasoning for this is that this is the center of the SoT and between all zones, so ONLY Shadow/Twilight Stormfish and Splashtails are catchable there. This greatly thins out the pool of fish you need to catch.

    The rest is just fish until you catch them, no real trick to it.

  • @Archangel-Timmy @ReapingLegion do you had problems with the Treacherous Plunder? I think it will take forever I’m at 7/50 :(

  • @king-deka haha i was just fishing for it in the pounds basically.
    The last fishes i got was the Shadow Stormfishes....fished whenever the storm was on the (now called) Sea Dogs Tavern :P

  • I stopped pursuing the fishing achievements because it's ultimately very boring. That said, when I encounter shipwrecks, I loot every barrel, because in each one there's bound to be at least 3 non splashtail fish in there. My crews always make it a point to do a sail-by on the outposts to deliver a handful of fish and then mermaid back to the ship.

  • I just spent hours fishing but for only 2 levels. Also caught snow wrecker though

  • I got mine in 3-4 weeks from the anniversary update. It took a lot of gally fishing boats, it wasn't the most entertaining games of my life.

  • Took me hours, weeks, maybe even months. But tbh, I enjoyed it. I didn’t grind it out - I waited until I needed a break from constant PvP and usually on a Friday or Saturday night would load a fishing galleon and get drunk and chat to people for 4-5 hours.

    Treacherous Plunder was painful, that took the longest.

    Blackcloud Wreckers were toughest other than, Shadow Stormfish were a close second.

    Don’t bother unless you’re in a galleon. 4 people will save you time and effort.

    Good luck! Enjoy it, it’s a great time for socialising and relaxing.

  • One of my favorite steals of all time, was a rowboat full of treacherous plunder. Millions of gold coins to be had out on the sea of thieves and some old boots and moldy hats is what does it for me.

  • @dekeita sagte in Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves!:

    One of my favorite steals of all time, was a rowboat full of treacherous plunder. Millions of gold coins to be had out on the sea of thieves and some old boots and moldy hats is what does it for me.

    Lucky guy what a Dream :) saves you a lot of pond grinding :D

  • @king-deka Big thing with fishing though, if you're grinding, do it with a galleon, or brig at least.

  • @king-deka said in Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves!:

    @Archangel-Timmy @ReapingLegion do you had problems with the Treacherous Plunder? I think it will take forever I’m at 7/50 :(

    Fishing at Mermaids Hideaway and Hidden Spring Keep, managed maybe 1-2 pieces an hour per player on average. Would get lucky sometimes and snag 4-5 in an hour, but that was rare. I would also fish off the back of the boat as we traveled, caught a few pieces of plunder that way as well.

    Another thing I would do is not let my line sit out for more than 10-15 seconds or so before recasting as the majority of the plunder I caught seemed to appear within that time frame while some of the fish would take up to 30+ seconds to appear. It's possible I lost some plunder by cutting it short, but I don't think it would have been much if any at all.

    Best thing is to get 2-3 others along for the ride. My normal crew is a Brigantine, so we would work on fishing here and there and got it done a lot quicker than we had thought it would take.

  • Also, whenever you’re not on a dedicated fishing Galleon, nominate yourself to do tasks that will provide fish.

    Jump off at every shipwreck, fire off to every set of floating barrels, and nominate yourself to be the guy who sits on Thieves Haven during TH runs So you can fish Moss/Raven/Amethyst Islehoppers and Ancientscales.

  • @king-deka
    I just got this myself, and it took a very long time of fishing lol. 😅🎣🐟👍 While I did most of my fishing solo, I joined co-op fishing sessions for the last bit of it and it helped a lot. For fish like the Shadow Stormfish, the Blackcloud Wreckers and for the Treacherous Plunder, I'd highly recommend playing in a group of 4 on a Galleon for those. There were times that we fished for 3 hours and I only got very few of what we were fishing for, but because of the group getting more than I did, we got a really good amount to turn in when we were done. It's very random and time consuming, but just stick with it and you can definitely get this done. 😊👍🐟👏🥇

  • @king-deka This is nothing to do with your post really but I just remembered you thinking I had a female pirate, and I realized why. It's because my insider pirate changes all the time. But I had a female character there for a while. And we've run into each other there more then on live game probably.

  • @dekeita maybe that’s the case :) but I will never forget that you killed me in Arena, I m taking revenge some day Mate :D

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