• Please give us more shanties to play with our crews. I know there are tons in the public domain, like Drunken Sailor that are super popular and could bring some refreshing feels for instruments. We only have a small selection as it is and it most likely wouldn't require too much code. I believe this is someone everyone could enjoy.

  • 9
  • @nemesistc90 if you listen closely, We Shall Sail Together, is to the tune of Drunken Sailor!

  • Totally agree. I think you should unlock more progressively as you progress in trading companies, Tall Tales, and Athena. I particularly like the password shanty for the Legend hideout, its be cool to play it whenever. I always hoped they'd add vocals to the shanties, so your pirates would sing along with them.

  • More shanties please

  • Plus you could sell shanties in the pirate emporium I'd buy them

  • @captaincow6380 said in MORE SHANTIES!!!!!:

    Plus you could sell shanties in the pirate emporium I'd buy them

    I was about to suggest that. Most people I know would. Sea of Thieves is a game that evolves around your crew. Finding more ways to strenghten that bond is a must for it. Shanties are a great way and they are awesome the way they implemented them. I trully believe it would be a good investement of time and effort.

  • @nemesistc90 Agreed!

    I'd love to hear some like Joli Rouge and Health to the Company

  • This may not be as easy as it seems. I know MIDI files exist and can facilitate playing songs using a variety of sounds, but the tune has to be done in a way that sounds good in several combinations. The main melody has to be possible whistling, on a banjo, hurdy gurdy, and so on. Then the harmonies, counterpoint, etc. all also have to work together as players drop in and out with their own instruments. A competent musician could do it. I’d be surprised if one or more of the posters here couldn’t do something cool. My point is that it isn’t just a matter of plugging in a MIDI file of some public domain songs without it sounding terrible.

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