Morrow's peak or how our ship was cought in trap by level designers.

  • So the evining is good you and the boys is trying to visit good old Marrow's peak with 200k+ worth loot but you didn't know that pier have that awful pocket what will neve let you go if you will tuch him in any way. Because of that you lost your ship and loot coz afc you was found by the other players that was waiting for such incredible luck of theirs. That was brilliant and nefarious trap.


  • 5
  • ah yes

    the ol' morrow's outpost trap for level 5 reaper galleons

    gets 'em every time

  • You could have parked on the other side of the dock where there are more directions to go rather than the side that will only let you go backwards. Getting trapped there, unless they somehow pushed or rammed your ship into that position, is entirely your fault.

  • Oh hey! I’ve done that before! However, you’ve made a great tactical flaw in that position: you didn’t clip through the rocks with your boat. Once you do that, it’s not too hard to grapple the inside of the rock and go flying into the stratosphere. I can’t figure out how to link the clip, but I do have a video of it!

  • as far as getting stuck during an ambush goes that one looks worse than it is unless it was another galleon of decent+ pvpers

    3/4 of your surroundings are gonna block cannonballs especially lower deck and you have a large enough crew to cover that back pocket of open space while you board them and snipe them to keep them off cannons if they go to the open spot

3 out of 5