Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 22
  • "Players who purchased the sails at the incorrect price will be compensated."

    What absolute madlads had 49k dubloons.

  • Why was the emote removed? Because nobody liked it? I did! Was it perhaps culturally inappropriate in some way?

  • @galactic-geek

    Offense can be found in anything. I don't agree it should have been removed, but it is what it is.

    Quick note. The beards still don't show on that costume.

  • @galactic-geek I suspect, based on the names, that people were using them for simulating certain acts in-game.

  • @fernofry I doubt it. They would have removed the new "plead" emote if that was the case.

  • On extended Voyages, players should now consistently find Merchant cargo in the Captain’s cabin once unlocked.

    Thank god. I had this issue two days ago where we couldn't find the ship and took over two hours. When we found it it was totally empty. That was stressful.

  • How did the new emote cause discomfort!!?? It's amazing what people can find offensive nowadays.

  • @soyabean566 If people were upset by it, then so be it. Take it out, I really don't mind. But how do they conclude that it is distressing enough to warrant removal?

    Rare built a game with one of the core components being the loading of a firearm and pointing it at a human. Then pulling the trigger to ensure that you have murdered them. It's not real, it's a cartoon. That's why we can suspend disbelief. The game even rewards an achievement for putting a shotgun in someone's back and pulling a real-life trigger in your hand.

    It's damage control for "that side" of the internet in 2021. I can understand it, I just don't agree with it.

  • Oh good! They fixed the invulnerable Ghost Ships! Mostly just bug fixes, so no problems. Don’t know why they removed the emote, but at least they repayed those who bought it. Nice job to those who both finished the commendations and could afford the Sails, wish I was that player.

  • Why did that emote get removed? I dont think i ever got to see it. Did it look like t bagging or something?

  • @assenator3001 i read on reddit you could make it look like you were giving a b-j. Idk why they just didn't say that.

  • @assenator3001 That's the 'plead' emote you are thinking of. That's still in the game.

  • @assenator3001 said in Release Notes -

    @assenator3001 i read on reddit

    Well 100% of the emotes have been used to make creative simulations of lovey dovey so this should end well

  • @idiot Yeah I was like: "Who.... spent that much doubloons? My god they must have been freaking out..."

  • Is the plead emote still in because that one can be used in an appropriate way, never even seen the costume emote

  • @satanicnemesis They actually fixed that issue with the costume. On insiders when I wear the lunar costume it shows my beard now. That fix will most likely come out in the February update.

  • Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

    In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

    Well its still there ....

  • @jadescissors32 That's why it's listed under "Known Issues"

  • The ghost ships are still invincible during the final waves and now the island cannons are shooting ghost and fire ghosts...

  • @ii-antski-ii I did a ghost fleet at crooked masts and was surprised to see the island shooting, kegs dropping on the island itself and fleet escort ships being invulnerable.

    It seems those fixes have not stuck.

  • I am still hearing chicken sound at wrong time.

5 out of 22