What is considered bannable?

  • Is tucking bankable? Is tucking? Is spawncamping? Is spamming rolls on deck laughing? Is betraying an alliance bannalbe? Is bucketing a dead body bannable?

  • 57
  • Is teaming in arena bannable?? Like farming cannon hits or kills? Is spawncamping as a team bc somone ruined your tdm in arena bannable?

  • @rtl-saint Nah, all those are allowed. Tucking and spawn camping is a strategy, but the rest can be considered BM.

  • If being annoying to someone else was a bannable offense there would be no players left

  • Use your best judgement and you'll be fine. Don't go in game chat yelling things people don't need to be hearing like a 12 year old.

  • @rtl-saint

    In any game bannable offenses usually deal with what a players "says" to another player and/or player exploits/glitches that garner an advantage towards another player.

    Other stuff are dependent on ToS and really just common sense, but ultimately are decided by Rare.

    Out of everything you mentioned the only one bannable in your list is Teaming in Arena or the team spawn camping. Which I'm guessing is probably your main concern.

    TDM'ing is not bannable. However, Teaming in Arena is bannable, especially if you are teaming to force players out or teaming to spawn camp a ship in Arena because they interrupted your TDM.

    Players are going to tell you that its not bannable, but it is.

    With all bans or offenses the biggest obstacle is proof. Some players will say "Well I've never been banned for doing it" probably never got caught or the players that reported just didn't have proof.

    A lot of offenses in this game require proof.

    Questions you should ask yourself -

    Am I exploiting something in the game that is clearly unintended??

    Does it provide me with an unfair advantage because of the exploit?? ( This is why teaming in Arena is bannable. Teaming gives you an unfair advantage towards other players. However, you can TDM as much as you want or team to set up TDM's. You just can't team up against players who don't want to TDM, interrupt your tdm, or team spawn camp them. )

    Is it against the ToS?? (which almost every form of language revolving around attacks towards a persons gender, race, religion, etc etc.) Now a lot of these go unpunished because honestly its harmless fun. People saying "I slept with your mom" will get a pass. People saying "I slept with your mom and hope your whole family gets cancer and dies you little orphan annie" MIGHT get a communications ban or at least a suspension as a warning.

    Bucketing someone who died, or hiding on a ship, or betraying alliances. They are all part of the game. Spawn camping in adventure isn't bannable either as the players have a way out, Scuttling.

  • @rtl-saint Those are all in-game mechanics, something developer has full control of, so if they don't like it they will disable it. I would not worry about it.

    Also remember if people threaten you with ban for playing game, you can report them. Its still a "threat" and cyber bulling.

  • Is the thud dance, fishing rod emote glitch bannable??

  • @rtl-saint

    Does it provide some kind of in game advantage to you?? If not, then probably not bannable.

    Needs to provide an advantage in some way and needs to be against the ToS for something to be bannable.

  • @xultanis-dragon it puts a fishing rod where your crotch is.

  • @wolfmanbush At least not in this game 🥁

    "iTs A pIrAtE gAmE!"

  • @rtl-saint

    That one is iffy. I think you can get suspended but not banned. I know some players got suspended when the spyglass was doing that but only because of HOW they were presenting it.

    Example :

    They were using the glitch and using it in a sexual matter. They weren't really saying anything on the mic but again ToS and common sense.

    I don't think you can be banned for just DOING IT. Doing it out for laughs and what not, but if you start trying to push the boundaries by doing the glitch and then chasing players around in Arena making them feel uncomfortable then yeah, you might get banned for it. Doing the glitch and then pointing the rod at peoples faces to suggest sexual innuendos then possibly yes.

    You are obviously doing the glitch because of the innuendo, so just depends on how far you are going to push it and how uncomfortable other players are about it.

  • @thagoochiestman said in What is considered bannable?:

    @wolfmanbush At least not in this game 🥁

    "iTs A pIrAtE gAmE!"

    and it should stay that way

    I get in battles every day. A lot of the people are annoying with low hanging fruit smack talk or they are cringey or they are awkwardly passive aggressive. None of these should be banned and none of their gameplay should be banned.

    Punishing people to push them to conform into complainer's ideas of acceptable behavior or lose access only creates a bubble of like minded people that turn on each other when they run everyone else off it doesn't solve anything.

    Some people are unpleasant and/or don't act how you want them to act, so what. Move on.

  • @xultanis-dragon I mean when someone interrupts a tdm we usually just let one team deal with them.

  • @seventhsailor

    I don't think that is an issue. I think its more of a "taking things too far" type of situation.

    TDM'ing is fine.

    I think its where the line is drawn really, and I think its drawn at teaming or chasing a ship down as a team.

    Crew A,B,C,D are TDM'ing at fort. Ship X comes to interrupt, TDM'ers rotate ships to sink X. That should be fine.

    Crew A branches off to kill ship X, that should also be fine.

    Basically, since TDM'ers are exploiting the game to set something up, you guys have little protections. You are technically able to TDM because its being "allowed". It has not been officially sanctioned by Rare and Rare has taken a stance back when Arena was launched that Teaming or exploitation the match making system was not allowed, frowned upon.

    They fixed it and forced crews to split after merge, so you never fought the same peeps twice, but I think this was dependent on player count as it had only lasted maybe a month or 2 after the patch and then it was back to normal. Again, I think this was because of the players getting their 240 wins and leaving Arena so the player count isn't high enough to swap crews around anymore.

    As long as you keep to yourself it should be fine. "What if we get attacked??" - Yeah, you can protect yourself but only as far as that, the second it starts to turn in a 1 vs 2 or more you are in bannable territory.

  • @seventhsailor said in What is considered bannable?:

    @xultanis-dragon I mean when someone interrupts a tdm we usually just let one team deal with them.

    ....And that's because some (no name will be mentioned ) tend to shoot fellow TDMers on another ship.

  • trying to lure people in a bait should be bannable.

  • @jadescissors32 well that sucks lol

  • If you can't say it in front of your grandmother you probably shouldn't say it.

    I am a Grandmother.

    You'd be surprised.
    ........Don't say it.

  • @pithyrumble said in What is considered bannable?:

    If you can't say it in front of your grandmother you probably shouldn't say it.

    I am a Grandmother.

    You'd be surprised.
    ........Don't say it

    My grandma had a rattlesnake and racoon as guard dogs and cursed like a drunken sailor at kids that walked passed her trailer in the middle of nowhere to fish at a pond she was parked nearby

    not a good gauge for me as she's where I learned how to spit red hot fire

  • @wolfmanbush

    Maybe a better metric would be, "would you say it in front of somebody else's grandma"?

    Of course, if me or my brothers mouthed off in the wrong place, we got swatted on the behind with the wooden board (it was called The Smacker) and got our teeth scrubbed with a Dawn-soaked toothbrush.

    In our house you had respect for others or else, so this was never an issue for me.

  • @seventhsailor "friendly fire" with out voice chat its harder to coordinate now, unless everybody get into private chat.
    I think grabbing "TDM invaders" boat and riding to red sea with it works best.
    On side note, I think disabling voice and chat in Arena helped hitreg. Not sure why but since that disable, it has been improvement.

  • Whats funny people really get upset when somebody asks for TDM in Arena. I was solo and figured I will check if any TDMers are in the lobby, All i got was replay that "TDM sucks" "TDM noob" and when match started 3 ships started sailing in my direction.
    Fools, my cannon aim is way better than my EoR aim.

  • @rtl-saint said in What is considered bannable?:

    Is teaming in arena bannable?? Like farming cannon hits or kills? Is spawncamping as a team bc somone ruined your tdm in arena bannable?

    i mean teaming is annoying but i really don't think it's bannable

  • @closinghare208 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @rtl-saint said in What is considered bannable?:

    Is teaming in arena bannable?? Like farming cannon hits or kills? Is spawncamping as a team bc somone ruined your tdm in arena bannable?

    i mean teaming is annoying but i really don't think it's bannable

    Teaming is bannable and has been since the dawn of Arena.

    Just like most things though its hard to prove. If you have video proof of it then you can get the players banned.

    TDM is not the issue, its when players don't want to TDM or when TDM'ers team up to force players out of the server.

    Rare said during the launch of Arena (I think about a few weeks or month after release??) that they knew about crews starting up sessions and teaming for wins or teaming in general. They were against teaming and so they implemented a system to break up the crews after every match. This work for a bit while the player base for Arena was high enough to do it. Its just not anymore.

    But yeah Teaming is bannable. Not to be confused with TDM'ing or trying to start a lobby to TDM in. Players keep confusing Teaming and TDM'ing as the same thing. Its not. Not all crews that Team are TDM'ers. There are some that Team to swap wins or to help their crewmate win by going after all the other ships and protecting their friend.

    Teaming is not about TDM'ing. Its just that most Teaming offenses are from TDM'ers or at least the most easily proven ones anyways.

    You can TDM even though Rare never took an official stance on it, probably because players can still get wins by going after chests. If a player interrupts the TDM and the TDM'ers team up against them and spawn camp as a team, bannable. If the TDM'ers chase after the ship as a team in multiple matches to try and force them to leave, thats bannable.

    If they send a single ship then shouldn't be an issue.

    Issue is when a premade multiship crew or TDM'ers team up to attack a ship. Thats a no no

  • If you are TDMing and another ship comes over to interrupt, just be careful how you handle it. You would be surprised how often an Xbox message asking them nicely to not cannon gets a “I’m sorry I didn’t know, what’s a TDM?” reply. There was one occasion when the team actually joined the TDM. Once we talked them out of their swords, it was fun 😂

    Of course, that’s not always the response. What you want to avoid is multiple teams spawn camping them. In that case, they can submit clips of two different teams not shooting each other, but only shooting them. What does that look like to Rare? Teaming. What do you get for that? At the least a temp ban. So, be careful. And maybe try being nice first.

  • @sammyr0cks said in What is considered bannable?:

    If you are TDMing and another ship comes over to interrupt, just be careful how you handle it. You would be surprised how often an Xbox message asking them nicely to not cannon gets a “I’m sorry I didn’t know, what’s a TDM?” reply. There was one occasion when the team actually joined the TDM. Once we talked them out of their swords, it was fun 😂

    Of course, that’s not always the response. What you want to avoid is multiple teams spawn camping them. In that case, they can submit clips of two different teams not shooting each other, but only shooting them. What does that look like to Rare? Teaming. What do you get for that? At the least a temp ban. So, be careful. And maybe try being nice first.

    So the problem with Arena claim of teaming is that there is no voice chat so no way to team with anybody, and just because two different ship colors are on one ship does not mean they are teaming.
    So "teaming" claim is pretty much empty claim at this point. One pirate is not responsible for actions of other.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @sammyr0cks said in What is considered bannable?:

    If you are TDMing and another ship comes over to interrupt, just be careful how you handle it. You would be surprised how often an Xbox message asking them nicely to not cannon gets a “I’m sorry I didn’t know, what’s a TDM?” reply. There was one occasion when the team actually joined the TDM. Once we talked them out of their swords, it was fun 😂

    Of course, that’s not always the response. What you want to avoid is multiple teams spawn camping them. In that case, they can submit clips of two different teams not shooting each other, but only shooting them. What does that look like to Rare? Teaming. What do you get for that? At the least a temp ban. So, be careful. And maybe try being nice first.

    So the problem with Arena claim of teaming is that there is no voice chat so no way to team with anybody, and just because two different ship colors are on one ship does not mean they are teaming.
    So "teaming" claim is pretty much empty claim at this point. One pirate is not responsible for actions of other.

    My apologies, I probably wasn’t clear with what I said.

    Intent isn’t the issue here. When player A reports players B/C/D, they also submit a video of players B/C/D spawn camping player A, while being from different teams. To Rare, that looks like they are teaming to help another player get a win, which results in a ban. This happened recently to some Xbox TDMers. All I’m saying is, be careful with your actions. The intention of your actions can be misinterpreted quite easily. Especially when you have limited ways to defend those actions.

  • @sammyr0cks Yeah not sure how they deducting "intent" but I have been reporting for in-game harassment to XBOX when they come to "break up" TDM. I record everything so it will be their video against mine. And since my video shows no action from our side to team up (no voice comm no messages to team up) there is no intent in it.
    XBOX report goes on their gamertag so its XBOX/Microsoft wide. Beyond Rare and Sea Of Thieves.
    I record every match, just in case, as soon somebody comes to cannon our ships, I report them.

  • @sammyr0cks

    If Crews B/C/D are spawn camping A because A interrupted the TDM, that doesn't look like Teaming, that IS Teaming.

    Like I mentioned above, its a fine tight rope. TDM'ers don't have a lot of protections since they are using the mode outside of its intended mechanic and are actually ruining the mode for the players IN that server that want to have an Arena match.

    I'm not disagreeing with you or anything, just clarifying what you are saying.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @sammyr0cks Yeah not sure how they deducting "intent" but I have been reporting for in-game harassment to XBOX when they come to "break up" TDM. I record everything so it will be their video against mine. And since my video shows no action from our side to team up (no voice comm no messages to team up) there is no intent in it.
    XBOX report goes on their gamertag so its XBOX/Microsoft wide. Beyond Rare and Sea Of Thieves.
    I record every match, just in case, as soon somebody comes to cannon our ships, I report them.

    You report all people who fire cannonballs to your ship ?

    If those reports are successful, no wonder Arena is empty ...

  • @lem0n-curry No I only report people that think they are SoT police and go out of their way to interrupt TDM.
    Thats why it pays to have video from whole match showing we are away from main area so somebody has to make a decision to come there.

    Once report needle reaches red, they will be gone permanently from all games.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @lem0n-curry No I only report people that think they are SoT police and go out of their way to interrupt TDM.
    Thats why it pays to have video from whole match showing we are away from main area so somebody has to make a decision to come there.

    Once report needle reaches red, they will be gone permanently from all games.

    Does it say in the Arena rules that TDM'ers have to be left alone ?

    Some long shots that happen to land on ships of TDM players are reportable in your opinion ?

    Trying to make a far-fetched point somewhere somehow ?

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @lem0n-curry No I only report people that think they are SoT police and go out of their way to interrupt TDM.
    Thats why it pays to have video from whole match showing we are away from main area so somebody has to make a decision to come there.

    Once report needle reaches red, they will be gone permanently from all games.

    ?????? You do know how reports work right?? Players don't have some kind of report counter that once they reach they get banned. This is why PvP'ers like Summit, Pace, or any of the super PvP'ers that you know get reported religiously are still playing. I've been reported countless times and I'm still around because I'm not breaking any rules, just hurting their feelings.

    The more false reports you make the less priority your reports get.

    Players can come over and bother your TDM all day and its not bannable. They can outright message you that they are coming to interrupt your TDM solely because you are TDM'ing and its not a bannable offense.

    Even if they interrupt you guys, once you team up to take them out that is teaming. Easily so if they catch you with other crew mates on their boat helping each other spawn camp. Your reports do not counter balance theirs.

    "Well I did this bannable offense ONLY because they did this and thats fair" nope. Thats not how that works. They didn't break the rules by interrupting your TDM, but you broke the rules by teaming.

    This isn't a discussion on "but they are harassing us". No they are not, they are just attacking you as one would do in Arena. Why they attack you doesn't matter.

    They aren't breaking any rules interrupting your TDM's, you are breaking the rules by teaming. You might get some saving grace if you just sink them right away and don't spawn camp them or try to force them out of the server. I think Rare might have left that grey area in there as a grace rule that you guys are just protecting yourselves so you can TDM, which they probably might allow. Just have to make sure to sink the boat and then go back to TDM'ing because the second you go from TDM'ing to teaming against the ship because they made you mad, you are breaking the rules because you are TEAMING at that point.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in What is considered bannable?:

    @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @lem0n-curry No I only report people that think they are SoT police and go out of their way to interrupt TDM.
    Thats why it pays to have video from whole match showing we are away from main area so somebody has to make a decision to come there.

    Once report needle reaches red, they will be gone permanently from all games.

    ?????? You do know how reports work right?? Players don't have some kind of report counter that once they reach they get banned. This is why PvP'ers like Summit, Pace, or any of the super PvP'ers that you know get reported religiously are still playing. I've been reported countless times and I'm still around because I'm not breaking any rules, just hurting their feelings.

    The more false reports you make the less priority your reports get.

    Players can come over and bother your TDM all day and its not bannable. They can outright message you that they are coming to interrupt your TDM solely because you are TDM'ing and its not a bannable offense.

    Even if they interrupt you guys, once you team up to take them out that is teaming. Easily so if they catch you with other crew mates on their boat helping each other spawn camp. Your reports do not counter balance theirs.

    "Well I did this bannable offense ONLY because they did this and thats fair" nope. Thats not how that works. They didn't break the rules by interrupting your TDM, but you broke the rules by teaming.

    This isn't a discussion on "but they are harassing us". No they are not, they are just attacking you as one would do in Arena. Why they attack you doesn't matter.

    They aren't breaking any rules interrupting your TDM's, you are breaking the rules by teaming. You might get some saving grace if you just sink them right away and don't spawn camp them or try to force them out of the server. I think Rare might have left that grey area in there as a grace rule that you guys are just protecting yourselves so you can TDM, which they probably might allow. Just have to make sure to sink the boat and then go back to TDM'ing because the second you go from TDM'ing to teaming against the ship because they made you mad, you are breaking the rules because you are TEAMING at that point.


32 out of 57