Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 34
  • @meroviel “404 treasure not found” when clicking the link.

  • @recunz Looks like the website is catching up. Hopefully it should be good to go in a few minutes.

  • Are there any release/patch notes detailing exactly how reduced the rewards for trades routes are now?

  • How can the same thing be both a fixed issue and known issue?

  • @theprogramer64 said in Release Notes -

    How can the same thing be both a fixed issue and known issue?

    Talking about Resource and Commodity Crate Collection Issues ?
    It seems they fixed it with the Cargo crates, but Animal crates are still an issue.

  • I knew the second they announced maintenance that they were going to nerf the merchant stuff smdh.

    What they should actually do is buff the fort of fortune.

  • @that-vegan-guy I agree with you, dude!

    But the maintenance in menchant voyage was esential to fix much gold involved.

  • @meroviel does sea of thieves have a Discord server.

  • @capt-bandana


  • @musicmee cheers I’ll join it

  • I feel like this was the wrong way to go with these changes. The normal crates should not be a profit unless they're sold at a high profit if purchased at a normal rate. Right now you can purchase crates at a normal rate and sell it at a normal rate and because of the emissary reward you still profit.

    Instead you should emphasize the buy low sell high by making prized routes that take a while and the profit is scaled based off how long the route is. Right now the best way to make money is to make a full circuit and just sell whatever is in demand and buy everything even if it isn't surplus. This isn't really trading in the sense of buying low and sell high, this is buying everything and only somewhat selectively selling.

    A better change would be to emphasize the surplus-to-sought-after ratio by making that reward them the majority of the reputation and gold reward from the activity. You can also give Reapers notifications of the high-value trade routes so they know when and where to patrol to find merchants.

  • How far has the price for the sought after crates been nerfed?

  • Quick! Someone go sell a couple of trade route crates and let us know. I'd do it, but I'm at work.

  • @oftheoldschool my buddy did it, a desired crate sold for 6800 with a grade 5, the regular crate sold for about 5100 with a grade 5. So nerfed almost 2/3 from last week as when launched desired was selling for about 15000 with grade 5

  • @hunterp4nther my buddy did it, a desired crate sold for 6800 with a grade 5, the regular crate sold for about 5100 with a grade 5. So nerfed almost 2/3 from last week as when launched desired was selling for about 15000 with grade 5

  • I feel like they decreased it too much, the only thing that requires an emissary should have a higher reward. Nobody is gonna go on boring trip if it doesn't reward well.

  • My game is closing out of nowhere and staying open, I was trying to end the game through the task manager but my windows was crashing.

  • wow the price drop seems more than half. I bought and sold 7 commodities with no emissary to test the price drop and made only 10k which means that if I bought and sold every outpost commodities over the 3 day period with a merch grade 5 flag it would only net an average of 175k. this is crazy. nobody is going to sail point to point for this .

  • @yamabrah Nerfed into oblivion then - waste of time adding it to the game if this is the finale, no-one's gonna bother doing it at all now.

  • Seems like a waste of time to add in the trade routes in the first place. They were actually really fun and relaxing, but now that they’ve nerfed them into oblivion, I doubt anyone will be doing them.

  • What a waste, I enjoyed being a merchant for once but I guess as with everything in rare if you have a good thing going... NOPE NERF. They are legitimately not worth doing at this point. You used to be able to buy a crate for 2800 gold and sell it for 5-6k. Now you only sell for about 4000 which means your profit is nothing. It’s a far cry from launch where you bought a crate at 2800, got your merchant up to grade 5 then sold for 15-19k each. If you’re going to release cosmetics that cost 40 million gold then you need to introduce a way to earn it without having to grind for months on end. And you did that but nope. What even was the point in adding it if you’re only going to profit a little over 1000 gold from the crates. If that was the case then maybe you could work on bringing out more actual content instead of skins and a useless merchant mechanic

  • @shinigami2296 the point of having cosmetics worth so much is for them to be rare. They are specifically for players who are dedicated to the game and put lots of time and effort into it. They are the only ones who should be able to get the DA cosmetics.

    I was annoyed at first that there were such hard locked cosmetics, but I realized there should be something for those who put that effort in, and it is in DA. DA shouldn't and never will be something that is easily obtainable.

  • @punchytootle So to understand this, basically for anyone who works and has an actual life, not only are they insulted with endless time sensitive content they often lose out on due to not being able to be on 24/7/365, on top of any such content released earlier in the game's life/earlier events etc.. that most of the day 1ers surely have and newer players can never get, and/or all the twitch drops they miss, every day, but there needs to also be more cosmetic items in game that cost exponentially more than their worth(simply because people who've done nothing but play for years had nothing left to spend their money on..) and which players who aren't able to commit that amount of time into the game will probably never see..? I may just start only playing during G&G weekends and turning in during gold rush because otherwise the economy is just 100% broken. Buy a full cannonball crate for 5k, sell it back for 500.. why didn't they do something about that..? Why is an empty storage crate 17.5k? Finally adding actual useful items to spend gold on is great, but add more instead of just inflating the prices on the few items they decided to make available.. but they seem to just want people doing the same old grinds, which boil down to hrs played.. smdh.. we already bought the game, we'll keep playing as long as the content warrants it, but nerfing this after a week when it was just starting to become interesting "as the trade routes have become busier", with people just figuring out the new prime targets were merch5s, and with the barell to hide at outposts, this could have remained an epic aspect of the game and encouraged more pvp and an actual purpose for merchant to even exist and now it's just another pointless grind. And for it to FORCE you to raise Emissary and grade up to now get barely any return at all vs risk/investment is a bit ludicrous. And still have the nerve to say sold for a high profit? Buying for 1600 and selling for 2200 isn't even worth the time for the sail from the one outpost that has it to another that doesn't, even with grade 5 it's a joke now.. Nerf it a little, sure, 1/4 or even 1/3 and I could understand that, it was slightly OP, but nerf it 2/3 and just wtef..? If they're gonna do that they should adjust everyone who exploited it's gold by cutting their last weeks merch profits accordingly. I mean, when they don't payout right during special events they give everyone a stimulus check, they either need to reclaim some of the gold earned this past week through merchant or just award everyone else a few mill to balance it out. One guy saying he made 20-30 million the first week just going in circles.. You mentioned time and effort, I see it as Time vs effort. The two are not the same. Plenty of people put in exponentially more effort in less time and still struggle financially in game. The only real way to turn less/limited time into more money is to thieve heavily(or luck into a FoF maybe), which I'm all about but it's not for everyone. Especially if, god forbid, you dont have 2-3 friends to play with.. With the trade routes, a solo slooper finally had just as much chance to make a mil or a few mil in a session as the 4 man galleon of double gunning reaper sweat server hoppers who simply pop in and out til they find a server wherein people have already been putting in the time and effort for them so all they have to do is grade up, find them, sink them, sell, hop/
    rinse/repeat.. It wouldn't annoy me so much if I didnt feel this was planned by Rare from the start, get people hyped then nerf something, it's kinda been their MO with SoT for at least as long as I've been playing and longer from what I've heard. Also for a sandbox type game it really just seems they want you to play how they want you to play and to hull with anyone who wants to do anything else. Ie - now that they've had everyone check out and become invested in the trade routes, they need you to forget about them for a little while because too many people were enjoying(or at least profiting from) it and the day ones and sweats just couldn't stand the thought of mere merchants turning these kinds of payouts, formerly reserved only for them.. even though it's just a form of merchant stacking, just like stacking vaults.. but no, they needed more barell hiding, FoF contestations, and of course people to focus on the Reapers vs World event which conveniently enough also started today as well.. ugh what can you do though, modern gaming eh. I guess the TL;DR version of this would be that they could have went about this in a better way and hopefully future updates will focus more on ACTUALLY balancing the economy and game in general.

  • @theykillmice I think they definitely nerfed it too much. It was very unbalanced originally but now it doesn't give enough. So I think they should raise it a bit, but keep it reasonable.

    As for the DA comments. The point is for vets and players who have sunk lots of time into the game to be able to show off to others.

    If they bring the price down, it'll just become a common cosmetic again, which is exactly the opposite of what Rare and veteran players wanted out of the DA cosmetics. It's supposed to be ludicrously expensive so it's uncommon to see and so it can be a bragging right for the vets who get the various cosmetics.

  • @punchytootle but that's kinda my point, there are already quite alot of rare, cosmetics for veterans to flex. Cosmetics that are no longer available for anyone to acquire. There's a whole, "you had to be there" heavy vibe with alot of SoT vets I've played with. I mean I do understand and appreciate the DA stuff, but let's be honest, regardless of how long someone's been playing, chances are that unless they play 24/7, or just on alliance servers exclusively or their main style of play is reaping/thieving/pvp, they just most likely aren't gonna have that kind of cash just from doing passive or pve gameplay or especially tall tales. The amount of time it takes for those who prefer to play the game that way I can't even imagine. Idk, maybe that kind of play doesn't deserve the DA stuff lol idk, but it's still just a tad overpriced. Pricing it at about half of what it is would be a bit more reasonable while still being astronomically high, and that still creates a barrier for most players, newer and veteran alike, who will either never see that much, or may have once had that much but buy every single item/cosmetic in the game so would still have to come up with another 40-50 mil. But I know Merchant has always been the most gimped out faction besides hunters but it was pretty much the main thing on the real seas and I'm glad they're at least focusing on trying to fix it, I'd like to generate enough feedback to unnerf the trade routes some, they seem to be listening alot lately, or trying to at least. Maybe listening a little too much.

  • Ah, ye olde "We put trade routes in the game at these numbers, and knew the gold income was this high, so we are nerfing it now that our players have been incentivized to test it."

    My real feedback is as follows:

    Return Trade Crates to their previous levels and instead buff everything else to compensate and make it more competitive. Trade Crates are risky, because after a full rotation you have a few dozen crates and getting sunk nets the sinking party a pretty big haul.

    Or, return 50% of the nerf and buff everything else. A Captains Chest being worth 1k base is pretty wack: Want 40 million gold? All you have to do is go farm 16,000 Captain's chests, oh, and don't waste time picking up anything lower than marauder.

  • @domikazi1183 extra risky because that's your actual money you've put out to acquire all these goods as opposed to 200 gold for a voyage. This is exactly what I'm saying. There is virtually .00001% chance that this wasn't premeditated. Like not one person sat down and did the math before releasing this..?

  • @goofythescot its true man going back to reapers and being toxic to new players for me. make more money stealing all the loot on a server and hoping to a new one. thanks rare

  • @theykillmice bro you wrote a whole book lol

  • @yamabrah yeah lil bit lol.. One the devs unfortunately probably won't bother reading, and one that could have been much longer considering all the issues I've noted over my time playing, but eh, it's the truth.. but definitely seems like they planned high payouts to incentivize testing because I doubt even anyone in insider was dying to try out the trade routes with the FoF around and the money not counting towards main account anyways, then immediately nerf it to oblivion the same day they want us to start the new reap v world event.. just lil too convenient is all I'm saying lol

  • Hey pirates. I see you guys hard at work fixing new bugs and problems, but it looks like you are ignoring long time issues that plague your game.
    Rowboats still glitch out making it impossible to trust the rowboat to work when trying to escape volcanos or other pirates.
    Skeletons still spawn in stone walls on certain islands when doing Athena or order of souls voyages.
    Loot is still disappearing on rowboats and kegs despawn when kept in the crows nest.
    The wind is in our faces 90% of the time. After several video tests, we have confirmed that it isnt just coincidence.

    There are other issues, but these have been around for a long time and it is driving people away. The wind causes the game to feel boring to all players since it drags out the voyage. Maybe make it blow from one or two directs based on time of day or certain events.

  • So, Rare basically you think we all have time to play this game all day everyday. So you added a trade route method in the game sounds, fun and rewarding. Now it sounds like a big ole waste of time, I get it you don't want people making stupid amounts of money. How about you kept this the same and buff everything elses value. You make nothing in this game to get a million takes atleast two days for 8-12 hours. Like really?!?!?!?!?!? I get it you want rewards for really hard work but, some of us are getting really sick of putting all this time into the game for no reward, and every method we find you nerf. YOU JUST MAKE THIS GAME WORSE AND WORSE!!!!

  • @crazybizzell114

    So, Rare basically you think we all have time to play this game all day everyday. So you added a trade route method in the game sounds, fun and rewarding. Now it sounds like a big ole waste of time, I get it you don't want people making stupid amounts of money. How about you kept this the same and buff everything elses value. You make nothing in this game to get a million takes atleast two days for 8-12 hours. Like really?!?!?!?!?!? I get it you want rewards for really hard work but, some of us are getting really sick of putting all this time into the game for no reward, and every method we find you nerf. YOU JUST MAKE THIS GAME WORSE AND WORSE!!!!

    To be fair, the commodites were literally bugged to the point that you could glitch the crates and grab 4 crates when you were only supposed to be able to grab 1. Now I do kinda think that they nerfed it a little too much, and the time it takes for an outpost to restock is too long. However I think that's the point of theses voyages. VOYAGES from trading companies aren't supposed to gives you tons and tons of money, that's what world events and FotD are for. A big risk for a big reward, wherease voyages have little risk and medium reward. So if you want a lot of money, go do the FoF and other world events because you'll make more money from them.

9 out of 34