Release Notes - 2.2.0

  • Release Notes - 2.2.0
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update 2.2.0! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.2.0

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

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  • Nice job team! Can't wait to try this out :D Feedback / question about the hit reg issue, I'm referring to this:

    In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.

    In my opinion this is currently the most irritating issue I'm encountering, which prevents me a couple of times from hitting my targets while boarding.

    As for the question, I noticed that it's been in the team's radar for two releases already and I was wondering about the reason why it has not been fixed if it's considered as a key priority?

    Innocent question, just curious about it. Can we expect it in the next release?

    Meanwhile, Jack Sparrow is waiting for us. Heave away!

  • @molak4545 no lol. that has been in the "Known Issues" section for about 2+ years now. they don't have coders that know how to fix it and I'm 100% sure they have pretty much given up on it because of how long it has been in that section of the patch notes so it is not a "key priority" either unfortunately.

  • Any chance on making the emote camera changes optional? I preferred how it was before.

  • "An option for Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life has also been added, allowing players to jump straight into the latest action with their friends, placing them in a Closed Crew directly at the Castaway’s Camp ready to begin a Tall Tale."

    Can someone explain this new option to me please? It only makes you spawn in this island even if there are players nearby or it creates some kind of private session?

  • A lot of bugs right now doing the sunken pearl. Expect of getting stuck around the cave below.

  • @thaleschief said in Release Notes - 2.2.0:

    "An option for Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life has also been added, allowing players to jump straight into the latest action with their friends, placing them in a Closed Crew directly at the Castaway’s Camp ready to begin a Tall Tale."

    Can someone explain this new option to me please? It only makes you spawn in this island even if there are players nearby or it creates some kind of private session?

    As far as I know, it skips the option of Arena/Adventure and Open/Closed Crew and goes straight to Adventure, closed crew and puts you directly in front of the new Tall Tale starting location on an Outpost to continue where you left off.

    Not a closed/Private server or session.

  • I bought almost everything in a pirate shop, I wanted to see what's new, but what in the end? Right! Endless loading. You know it's not even funny

  • Really let down. I get the tall tales are good, I get there is other content.

    Phantom pirates, waybto easy to fight, no rewards for killing them. No new world event boss? Not even a new fort? After I get all these tall tales done 100% which will not take long, I wont ever play them again.

    Shores of Gold was better.

    Good work on the update, but Season 3 is a massive let down. Massive. How about adding a new world event. The flags of friendship, isnt fun

  • I love the the update quite a bit actually. However the bow splash is way too loud and frequent. Please fix 😃

  • I’m loving the sea of these update having a blast on solo mode but having an issue with the Black Pearl tail. The purple flowers you have to hit to deactivate the force fields particularly towards where you need to get to the silver bell ship will not activate for me and I am stuck.

  • Ocean crawlers needs to have more health, ESPECIALLY the crab.

    One point blank shot kills most of them, they dont feel like a challenge and im not asking for bullet sponges but increase their health please.

  • During an Arena contest, the Sea Dog Chest marker should now update correctly on the ship’s map.

    This was never an issue.
    The Glorious Sea Dog chest's beacon is not updating correctly and has been broken for 2-3 updates now.

  • Hey, any update on the second tall tale, I have jumped around 5 different servers and there is either someone just kills me whenever I go down to the ship or the compass isn't there?

  • @mozzla94 sagte in Release Notes - 2.2.0:

    Hey, any update on the second tall tale, I have jumped around 5 different servers and there is either someone just kills me whenever I go down to the ship or the compass isn't there?


  • Now that we have the base models and code for larger ships and or the “Man of War” could we possibly see the introduction of larger crews and ships? The final tale of pirates life answers most of the questions regarding balance for the ship the only unanswered on is speed and maybe how hits work.

  • @mlg-fat-gandalf sagte in Release Notes - 2.2.0:

    Now that we have the base models and code for larger ships and or the “Man of War” could we possibly see the introduction of larger crews and ships? The final tale of pirates life answers most of the questions regarding balance for the ship the only unanswered on is speed and maybe how hits work.

    I basically had to think the same when i played the last tall tale, it looks like there are already preparations made on the black pearl for beeing introduced as a man o war ship type, ofcourse i could be wrong here but why should make Rare then so many things functional (wheel, cannons, lights, laders) for the 2 minutes your actually on the ship , when they not planning to bring it in at some Point in the future.
    Also considering the fact that a Man o War is one of the most requested Features since the release of the game, it would make sense from that Point.

  • @zi-slyder-iz This is true many people have been dying for a larger ship and a larger crew myself included.

  • @aimbotgrinch a dit dans Release Notes - 2.2.0 :

    @molak4545 no lol. that has been in the "Known Issues" section for about 2+ years now. they don't have coders that know how to fix it and I'm 100% sure they have pretty much given up on it because of how long it has been in that section of the patch notes so it is not a "key priority" either unfortunately.

    @aimbotgrinch If that's true it's a bit concerning. Is there anyone from the dev team or the Rare staff that could react on that topic?

  • I accidentally found a bug. Before unlocking the cage, I put the key directly under it and the cage fell on top. We couldn't get to the key and had to restart.

  • Need to add a cooldown on spawns. I should not be fighting wave after wave of sea crawlers and phantoms in middle of a gold hoarders emissary quest. Spent more time killing off ads than I did trying to find the buried treasure.

  • Quand je recommence la fable Le Pearl englouti au chapitre 4 je ne respawn pas dans l'endroit où j'ai quitter, est-ce normal?

  • Sad to see the fov was patched out in this update, I was going to buy the game but not now.

  • @dcaustin007 This update came out a year ago. There was no need to necro this thread. The game is intended for 90 FOV and that has been made final by the dev's, and there is so much more to the game to experience than having FOV, don't let that be the sole reason it dissuades you.

  • In keeping with our rules and that this is now a necro'd thread, we will be going ahead and dropping anchor on it here. Thank you.

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