Wanted Poster Generator

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    Ahoy All!

    After spotting this post on the forums I thought I would create a SoT automatic wanted poster generator!

    If you go to : https://sotpirat.es/

    I have now updated the system and you can now:

    • Deface the posters (using the skulls as ink colours)
    • Share - Get a URL to paste your image directly in the forum
    • Download - Save it straight to your computer to use elsewhere!

    All you need to do is go to https://sotpirat.es/ and enter your (or your friends) gamertag.

    Or if you would just like a random poster every time go to https://sotpirat.es/YOURGAMERTAG.png

    Let me know how you get on... and don't forget to share your creations here!

    The wanted reason is randomly generated and I still need your help coming up with lines so if you have any ideas add them here and I will add them to the list!


    Hope you like it!

  • 256
  • @Musicmee Lol nice

  • Perfect!

  • @Musicmee Mate that is too cool for school... yep I'm old.... awesome, well done !

  • @Musicmee although the no mic thing I got is sooooo not me... lol, writing down suggestions on a bit of paper now !

  • @Musicmee 😂👌💪very cool,hmmmmmm what I should be WANTED for🤔

  • @Musicmee I LOVE THIS! 0_1498139611323_upload-0e33d2a3-c57f-4ae4-aea8-f43eb100fb52

  • @Musicmee Noice

  • Wanted: for drinking 236 mugs of grog and not paying!

  • Wanted : For accidentally lowering the anchor, and not helping to pick it up !

  • @J4dio @Taydoge-Swift Done!

  • @Musicmee For stealing all our booty - (just find the gamertag of the person that just done that, then send them the image ;) )

  • I absolutely love this. I talked about wanted posters for the Kraken before and players building their own lore that would change the world in my own thread, but you put some of my words into a picture! Since there are going to be painting canvases I hope you can make posters in-game too! It'd be cool to make a wanted poster with a reward for a certain pesky crew!

    It'd also be cool if automated posters pop up for the pirates with the most PvP kills with a good reward!

  • @Musicmee

    Hahaha!!! That's genius!

    • For not knowing Port from Starboard
    • For being a Shark magnet
    • Hold my grog and watch this!
    • crossing the Barbossa Threshold
  • lol I feel so good for inspiring you to do this!

  • @Bobbles31 said in Automatic Wanted Posters:

    @Musicmee I LOVE THIS! 0_1498139611323_upload-0e33d2a3-c57f-4ae4-aea8-f43eb100fb52

    yeah fater he got inspired by mine lol

  • @KattTruewalker Done! Glad you like em. You should get a special feature on yours too!

  • @Fatal-Ignus

    I was just thinking that too... if there was a pirate crew who kept sinking ships or something, a wanted poster would pop up with their name/ship's flags.

  • @Musicmee So cool! Haha!

  • should of charge 10 cents acopy ya all might of been rich by now.

  • @Mikro Did it for the love of the community!

    Working on a deface button so you can draw all over your wanted poster (Or someone elses ;))


  • @Musicmee That's pretty good man thanks

    just need to find a higher res picture of my avatar...

  • 0_1498177995253_ragnarogk3.png

  • @Musicmee this is genius. Is there already a line for crashing the ship into to many rocks, or playing the music terribly while they were drunk?

  • This is amazing

  • @Musicmee haha good stuff mate. I can see me falling off alot due to in game rum and off my chair with real life rum haha

  • Shhhh - I've been pretending to be a Deckhand for months now and they still haven't noticed...

  • @Pikaaroon Hahahaha amazing! Its totally random but I'm guessing the computer never lies!

  • @Crisp-The-Fox There isn't a line for that yet ;) Adding that now for you!

  • @Taydoge-Swift Annoyingly Microsoft don't offer a high res image of the avatar body :( But I will keep looking for an alternative!

  • @Musicmee

    I need one that says 'Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late!' Please!

  • @KattTruewalker Your wish is my command....


  • @Musicmee

    Yer amazin'. Thank 'ee kindly!

  • "..for losing that mythical chest" how did it know hahaha. excellent work.

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