Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 16
  • @meroviel ah yes, as promised.

    Thank you.

  • 3 weeks into Season 3, and the Daring Deceiver trousers still appears like the Gilded Phoenix trousers..

    This is not even mentioned as a known issue yet, after multiple people reporting it..

  • @kashmero Ahoy matey!

    it is on the radar I know it... but the core focus for the past few weeks has been on getting the A Pirates Life update fine tuned. Never fear the calls have been heard about the cosmetics.

  • Oh, return of the Notes, just in time, with just 2 days to spare for the current event.

  • Arrr, is good to be back!

  • @meroviel [Mod Edit]

    Hit registration is not a "key priority for the team". If it was, it wouldn't be a known issue for as long as it has. As a software developer with 10 years experience, if I created a bug that made customers like the software less and it took me this long to figure out how to undo it, I would have been let go a long time ago. Plain and simple. This is why development teams have code repositories, where they can go back to previous versions and check what the difference is. This issue was introduced in a particular patch a long time ago. Hit registration was practically perfect before that, as it should be.

    I see three possibilities here:

    1. The current developers do not have the expertise to solve the problem. Maybe an original developer who wrote the code has left the company and nobody remaining on the team understands how it works. It's a relatively common problem. Programmers hate writing documentation. I get it, but this is why it's important. Either hire the previous person back or find someone more qualified.
    2. This is not actually a priority to management. The development team is able to push out hotfixes for horribly broken tall tale mechanics in a matter of days or even hours, when it suits them. Hiring developers is expensive and their time is spent wisely where the money is, aka tall tale sponsors and the Pirate Emporium. I believe this scenario is most likely.
    3. This change was 100% necessary for some other reason, but had this side effect, with no apparent workaround. Ok fine, but if you haven't figured out the solution by now, then own up to it. It's working as designed. Sacrificing one thing for another is a design choice.

    Either Rare is unqualified, indifferent, or naïve on this particular issue. Don't get me wrong though. I like Rare and I love this game. I just hit 100 days played. I just know that they can do better. Either spend more resources to fix the issue or stop calling it a bug and own up to it as "working as designed".

  • yo ho ho ho a sweats life for me......

  • @omniadmin damn bruh we do not care...

  • I did not know hit reg got worse at some point after release that is very strange.

  • What about the Hazelnutbeard error? Practically every day that game ends up being disconnected, I go back to the session I was in and in 15 minutes the game disconnects again. If I quit the game and run it again it resolves, but temporarily. I play on Xbox.

  • I have a problem in one of Jack's Tales, In 'Captains of the Damned' I did not detect the last book that is ahead of the fall of the tower clock, and it no longer lets me complete the eulogy, no matter how hard I try again always stays in 4/5 books

  • @clbr-rodox This made me quit Pirate Life just now. Infuriating. Had to dive back to the cave four times just to be disconnected again. My God, what a buggy mess.

  • Do we think its possible for a davy jones skin in the future maybe some Dutchman cosmetics too

  • @woody1970165 yeah we do care about hit reg.

  • EDIT: I realized this is of course not the place for bug reports, so I've submitted this elsewhere. Thanks!

    Is there an awareness that Jack's Compass in the Sunken Pearl Tall Tale is still bugged? We have a 4-man crew that doesn't get too much time to sail the SoT and we got all ready and excited to do this tale and after retrieving the compass, it spun around and then pointed straight ahead perpetually. Even after looking up the next steps, we could not progress through the cave.

    I'm guessing the bug is because one of our members explored the cave before finding the compass. Either way, hopefully someone at Rare is aware of this issue. It's sad to get the crew together, prep and sail for 30 minutes, then start the quest to have it bug out almost immediately.

12 out of 16