More Persistence

  • Hello everyone.
    I first played SoT in 2017 when it was presented at Gamescom in Koln and I saw the enormous evolution it has undergone over the years making this title even more spectacular.
    I think we have now reached the point where we have to put more persistence into the game.
    My idea was to insert an instantiated personal (or guild / crew) lair and use the new portals used for the stories of Pirates of the Caribbean to enter and exit it, therefore it will not be possible to bring the accumulated treasures into it but only the resources.
    The lair could be used as a starting point where I can accumulate resources over time and save them in barrels for future use in order to speed up the initial part of the preparation for departure at sea and maybe carry out other activities such as cooking (and, who knows, maybe other future activities such as alchemy to create incendiary grenades etc).
    This would allow for the creation of a whole new set of cosmetic items to furnish and customize the lair that can be purchased from vendors in the game or shop using Ancient Coins.
    It could be used as a starting point instead of outposts and start directly from there with our crew by exiting at a random point on the map through the portal in order to exit directly in front of an outpost to be able to buy missions or raise the emissary's flag.
    The entry into a lair of a player rather than that of another could be determined initially based on who creates the crew and in the game by voting near a portal.
    There would be implementations that could be done .... maybe keep the damage to the hull persistent (such as the ruined hull or the burns) and choose to be able to repair the hull with coins or keep it so showing everyone how much we have been through.
    Or change ship directly in the lair so you can add a friend who joins us later without having to leave the game to change from sloop to brig.
    What do you think ? could it be interesting as a future implementation?

  • 13
  • @er-prototip0 said in More Persistence:

    Hello everyone.
    I first played SoT in 2017 when it was presented at Gamescom in Koln and I saw the enormous evolution it has undergone over the years making this title even more spectacular.
    I think we have now reached the point where we have to put more persistence into the game.
    My idea was to insert an instantiated personal (or guild / crew) lair and use the new portals used for the stories of Pirates of the Caribbean to enter and exit it, therefore it will not be possible to bring the accumulated treasures into it but only the resources.
    The lair could be used as a starting point where I can accumulate resources over time and save them in barrels for future use in order to speed up the initial part of the preparation for departure at sea and maybe carry out other activities such as cooking (and, who knows, maybe other future activities such as alchemy to create incendiary grenades etc).
    This would allow for the creation of a whole new set of cosmetic items to furnish and customize the lair that can be purchased from vendors in the game or shop using Ancient Coins.
    It could be used as a starting point instead of outposts and start directly from there with our crew by exiting at a random point on the map through the portal in order to exit directly in front of an outpost to be able to buy missions or raise the emissary's flag.
    The entry into a lair of a player rather than that of another could be determined initially based on who creates the crew and in the game by voting near a portal.
    There would be implementations that could be done .... maybe keep the damage to the hull persistent (such as the ruined hull or the burns) and choose to be able to repair the hull with coins or keep it so showing everyone how much we have been through.
    Or change ship directly in the lair so you can add a friend who joins us later without having to leave the game to change from sloop to brig.
    What do you think ? could it be interesting as a future implementation?

    So crews rolling around with 200 chainshot, 70 wraith balls, and all the cursed balls under the rainbow?

    No thanks

  • @kommodoreyenser If you have been playing this game for a long time you should know very well that all those resources in pvp count for little if you board the ship and prevent repairs. Many times I have seen sloops sink galleons of players with a lot of resources on board.
    And if you go out with 200 chainshot, 70 wraith balls and all the cursed balls and they sink you, you've lost them.
    And in any case, everyone would have the opportunity to leave loaded with resources so no one would be disadvantaged

  • @er-prototip0 said in More Persistence:

    @kommodoreyenser If you have been playing this game for a long time you should know very well that all those resources in pvp count for little if you board the ship and prevent repairs. Many times I have seen sloops sink galleons of players with a lot of resources on board.
    And if you go out with 200 chainshot, 70 wraith balls and all the cursed balls and they sink you, you've lost them.
    And in any case, everyone would have the opportunity to leave loaded with resources so no one would be disadvantaged

    No one is currently disadvantaged when launching. If you chose not to spend time stocking up or buying any supply crates that is on you. IMO there is already too high a chainshot spawn. Sure you can take down a galley in a sloop but what happens the one time they chain your sloop up since they have so many they can fire 20-40 at you and not care?

    The problem is you leave your sloop after it has been chained, guaranteed to sink 100%. That is far more common than sloops sinking galleys I guarantee.

    Also, people blasting wraith balls like regular cannons is bound to be OP. I have yet to hit a ship with 3-4 and it not go down, boarding them or not.

  • @kommodoreyenser ha detto in More Persistence:

    @er-prototip0 said in More Persistence:

    @kommodoreyenser If you have been playing this game for a long time you should know very well that all those resources in pvp count for little if you board the ship and prevent repairs. Many times I have seen sloops sink galleons of players with a lot of resources on board.
    And if you go out with 200 chainshot, 70 wraith balls and all the cursed balls and they sink you, you've lost them.
    And in any case, everyone would have the opportunity to leave loaded with resources so no one would be disadvantaged

    No one is currently disadvantaged when launching. If you chose not to spend time stocking up or buying any supply crates that is on you. IMO there is already too high a chainshot spawn. Sure you can take down a galley in a sloop but what happens the one time they chain your sloop up since they have so many they can fire 20-40 at you and not care?

    The problem is you leave your sloop after it has been chained, guaranteed to sink 100%. That is far more common than sloops sinking galleys I guarantee.

    Also, people blasting wraith balls like regular cannons is bound to be OP. I have yet to hit a ship with 3-4 and it not go down, boarding them or not.

    If this is the only problem, just make sure that in the lair it is possible to keep only the classic cannonballs, wooden planks and food ... the classic resources that you can buy from the merchant in crates of 50 ... the speech comes from the fact that if I have little time available to play (for example 40 minutes or 1 hour) and I have to buy the boxes of resources from the merchant and spending over 10K, in that time I can't do a mission and earn something, I will always lose out.
    If to save time, you choose to leave from an outpost without refueling you cannot face any PVE situations such as Skelly ship or megalodons.

  • Session based gameplay is one of the things that makes Sea of Thieves unique. The game you want exists, it's called Atlas.

  • @realstyli I'm not talking about turning SoT into an MMORPG, I'm just saying it would be nice to add that little touch of persistence like naming the ship or having a lair to customize or creating some sort of crew with a persistent name.

  • I like the idea of a private liar for the crew which could be used for very short sessions of the game. The place could be used for gathering some basic resources (with strict caps for avoinding over-accumulation and some of the issues mentioned above); fishing (maybe there's a small lake inside other than an access to the sea?); cooking; playing some new minigame (possible implementation of ancient board games or card games with a relevant new guild and achievements?); swapping the ship with another one in case some friend wants to join you, so you don't need to leave and start back the game. The chance to customize the liar could be a great way to spend your currencies in specific cosmetics, etc.
    It wouldn't affect the game overall, it would just add a new interesting feature that would possibly make the player feel more "at home" in SoT.

  • @harlock5134 ha detto in More Persistence:

    I like the idea of a private liar for the crew which could be used for very short sessions of the game. The place could be used for gathering some basic resources (with strict caps for avoinding over-accumulation and some of the issues mentioned above); fishing (maybe there's a small lake inside other than an access to the sea?); cooking; playing some new minigame (possible implementation of ancient board games or card games with a relevant new guild and achievements?); swapping the ship with another one in case some friend wants to join you, so you don't need to leave and start back the game. The chance to customize the liar could be a great way to spend your currencies in specific cosmetics, etc.
    It wouldn't affect the game overall, it would just add a new interesting feature that would possibly make the player feel more "at home" in SoT.

    I completely agree with you, if structured well it can be a nice place to spend time playing mini games with the crew.

  • Outside SoT, Lairs/Guild Rooms takes away from the main game. Ive seen enough people complaining about "Not having enough time for" ..... having this would be wasted.

  • Just more MMO drivel in a session based player encounter experience.

    The very assumption that persistence is needed for a personal space, negating the need for a ship, reveals the OP's misunderstanding of core game concepts.

  • @joe-krakatoa ok so if my "session based player encounter experience" lasts for hours because I have a lot of free time compared to others and I have the possibility to jump from one server to another with the reaper flag at 5 and ultra load of resources using the portal is good ... but if I have to start from a Lair with a limited amount of basic resources, isn't it good? I don't think this type of feature will distort the game if it is properly balanced.

  • Dude, that's a great idea. Pirate's cove, these are what are missing.

11 out of 13