Forum Fixes: Ellipses

  • Ahoy maties!

    There has been a long-running issue with posting messages here on the forum, the main issue would be using ellipses in your post would often cause it to stop your post from being able to be submitted. The web team have done some excellent work and we now believe this issue to be fixed!

    If you could try it out below, or anywhere on the forums... Please do and report back!

    From initial testing, it does seem to be the case. @Clumsy-George if you're out there :D I think you should be free to post again!


    Happy Sailing!

  • 15
  • @musicmee it was when an ellipses was used at the end of a line with a break afterwards...

    So if you can see this...

    Then it appears to have been fixed! 🥳

    • .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / -.. .- -- . ...
  • @musicmee

    Thanks for letting us know , i indeed could type longer messages , but didn't dare to write long ones because it takes a long time to write and i would have throw it in the bin anyway.

    Thanks for solving this problem... ( * Look at that stupid smile on his mug , look ,it 's just a child ...How can an old man be so happy to type three stupid dots ? - Uhm, Sunshine , he will always be a bit ahum ..." special" * Special , moron is the word you were looking for , Captain Tearface)

  • @taaaamas


    .. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / -. . ...- . .-. / -.-. .... .- -. --. .

  • This forum is now ellipstic ...

  • @clumsy-george

    We are so happy that we could fix this for you! We look forward to seeing your great big stories on our forums again. I and many others always look forward to hearing from you :)

  • sweet

    maybe someday we will be able to quote Hombre's full name......

  • @wolfmanbush or be able to reply to him...

  • @musicmee said in Forum Fixes: Ellipses:

    Ahoy maties!

    There has been a long-running issue with posting messages here on the forum, the main issue would be using ellipses in your post would often cause it to stop your post from being able to be submitted. The web team have done some excellent work and we now believe this issue to be fixed!

    If you could try it out below, or anywhere on the forums... Please do and report back!

    From initial testing, it does seem to be the case. @Clumsy-George if you're out there :D I think you should be free to post again!


    Thanks !!!

    Because of this I started to participate less and less in the forum because ive got tired of writing for nothing.

  • What an odd issue.

  • Yay!!...

    Let me equip ALL my pets now...

    I want to be the crazy cat lady of SoT...

  • Well I just had to look up the word Ellipses and after reading the definition I still don't understand it lol

    I'm more confused now than before I read it

  • @glannigan it could mean brackets () .... or emojis..... :) ...... I'm not sure either but good job Team!

    (and @Lady Aijou : good taste in avatars :) )

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