Release Notes - 2.4.0

  • Release Notes - 2.4.0
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.4.0

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • "Improved Cannon Aiming

    When using a cannon, players can now hold the Secondary Use button to focus their aim by zooming in on their target."

  • How did I not think about it?

    It's a pitty you can't take screenshots while sleeping in a hammock or the ship's table.

    Should be a second action: in PC, F for sleeping, R for laying down.

    In this mode you just chill out watching your pirate and the landscape in 3rd view.

  • I have another question for the new "sleeping" mechanic:

    When taking a nap ingame, where your char also closes his eyes and heals himself, how long can you be afk then ?

    Because currently you will be kicked after being afk for 7 min or so. (would make sense that you can sleep longer than just 7 min)

  • I don't always sit but when I do I sit like this

    it helps build up the core

  • @klon54 said in Release Notes - 2.4.0:

    I have another question for the new "sleeping" mechanic:

    When taking a nap ingame, where your char also closes his eyes and heals himself, how long can you be afk then ?

    Because currently you will be kicked after being afk for 7 min or so. (would make sense that you can sleep longer than just 7 min)

    Why ? 7 Minutes equals 7 hours in game time. Long enough for some nap.

  • I got a question on the buried treasure.

    each treasure dug up will reward the original crew with Renown and the equal Trading Company reputation for each item discovered.

    How does this work with mermaid gems? If it gives trading company reputation when dug up how does it determine where that goes?

  • I don't see anything in the release notes (specifically the known issues section) regarding Lost Shipment voyages and the sunken ship not spawning. Typically this results in just the manifest floating in its place, or sometimes you find just the manifest as early as the 2nd clue on the voyage. As far as I know this is a bug unless anyone knows otherwise. - thx

  • @lem0n-curry with 7 hours sleep, i will still feel like a zombie; so please answer my question ^^

  • so i want to be real here... whats up with the server lag for pc players? before anyone goes at me its your internet its not. My crew and I are all pc players and we all experienced the same thing. We bounce from 70 to 800 then back down then back up again the back down repeatedly. ALSO... as we were fighting another crew as we were blocking with our sword we would pull out our spy glass out? This season seams very janky with the server everything else is fine I suppose but my main complaint is this. I did put a ticket in just wanted to see if we are the only ones. Also if it helps we were not playing on the steam version.

  • @maddabber413 said in Release Notes - 2.4.0:

    so i want to be real here... whats up with the server lag for pc players? before anyone goes at me its your internet its not. My crew and I are all pc players and we all experienced the same thing. We bounce from 70 to 800 then back down then back up again the back down repeatedly. ALSO... as we were fighting another crew as we were blocking with our sword we would pull out our spy glass out? This season seams very janky with the server everything else is fine I suppose but my main complaint is this. I did put a ticket in just wanted to see if we are the only ones. Also if it helps we were not playing on the steam version.

    It's day 1 of a new season. Gonna be a lot of people playing and there are bound to be issues here or there early on.

    There are probably a billion fireworks going off and seafarer chests getting buried right now so it'll get worked out as time goes along

  • still have a glitch/bug with the eye of reach - when you r canceling the animation by using sprint (shift) while switching to the rifle, the aiming animation breaks due to which I see the rifle scope in my scope.

  • Please add an fov slider which goes to a high value. The current fov is nauseating and headache inducing. All people I know have said the game is currently unplayable until the fov issue is adressed.

  • @noodle5879 sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.0:

    Please add an fov slider which goes to a high value. The current fov is nauseating and headache inducing. All people I know have said the game is currently unplayable until the fov issue is adressed.

    I'm fine with 90...tried other games with higher FoV...had to turn them back...
    Anyway, Rare already stated, they won't change it afaik

  • Great quality of life update, I'm definitely enjoying it so far. One recommendation I'd have is to prevent using storage crates as treasure that can be buried and generate a map x. Nothing kills a feature of the game like digging up an empty banana crate.

  • @cptnradish I disagree a little bit because you can get a decent payout for a full fruit crate.

  • I Like the quality of life stuff but wish there was more content... like an event...

    fireworks are fun
    cannon rowboats are fun

    glad silent board is back

    If you care, the infinite loading screen is back in this update. I love the classic bugs making a return.

  • Is it just me or is there a lot of invisible walls near K11.

  • Is there anywhere you can make Suggestions for upcoming patches?

    I really think SoT would benefit from making servers 24 players per server and removing the Boat cap.

    But I cant find anywhere to Suggest this.

  • @kelebralol Select the community tab, click on categories, scroll until you see "Sea of Thieves game discussion", then click on the link below it that says "Feedback + suggestions".
    Here's a direct link as well:

6 out of 20