Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors

  • Log on requests are taking too long due to overwhelming demand - and because everyone's continuing to try logging in, it's effectively jamming that queue.

    Our intent is to temporarily stop new folks logging in, so we can unblock that pipe and trickle you back in - please be patient with us as we do this.

  • 93
  • Great time to drop the anchor and get some food!
    Thank you!

  • How long will the servers be down and what’s going to be the compensation, I was going to grind for pirate legend because of the boosted rep and gold. 😞

  • Maybe they should consider a Community Weekend next time? With the time-limited cosmetics, I would say a lot of folks are just trying to log in to get those. Keep the multiplier on the Sunday for those interested but if the items could be unlocked on the Saturday, it would help alleviate the traffic, I think.

  • @musicmee please thank rare for the prompt informative update after hours of problems. Might help if status page was updated ever now and then. Also if it did not happen on every single event.

  • Has anyone been able to get on? Im guessing when more of the US is on, it'll only have gotten worse. It was going to happen if all 25mill try to get on but should be proud 25mill are all trying to get on.
    Knowing what it's like dealing with overloading servers i know they are working hard to resolve. Twitter rage isn't required or in any way helpful though.

  • Maybe you prepare more for comunnity Day plis, that servers really bad everytime.

  • @frankdog14359

    I'm crossing my fingers for 40 arena wins as compensation today. 🥳

  • Gonna play Spelunky 2 for a bit.

  • @Musicmee Man... is there any chance this is ever going to stop anytime Rare decides to do something big?

    There's no way they don't or can't anticipate this many people.. and we've almost literally burned through almost half of the time with what it sounds like.. is nowhere close to being resolved for some of us to even get in for the first time. Let's be real, it was hours ago already, and hours into it by then that they acknowledged the issue, and then hours again after that that you're here acknowledging it again, with no real information of the end in sight.

    I know it's got nothing to do with you, but your post at this point just indicates to me that we're still even further off..

    When are they going to finally get on top of this, and how hard is Rare seriously taking the fact that this happens every single time? I don't think I've ever personally seen it work any differently, or improve since launch, and as a day one player who's dealt with this a crazy amount of times over already I'd just really like to know

    It's never not annoying, and its increasingly annoying every further time.

  • Thanks for letting us know @musicmee . Good luck to you all fielding all the Strawberry posts today. Deckhands be doing double time today.

  • @tre-oni well said

  • @musicmee knew it was the pipes again!

  • @tre-oni All I can say is they are just as gutted as we are...

    There will be more communication in the coming time ahead...

  • @musicmee possibly not gutted enough as it keeps happening.

  • please be patient

    From the amount of forum topics. Nobody wants to be. :(

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    @musicmee knew it was the pipes again!

    Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them!

  • @realstyli said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    Maybe they should consider a Community Weekend next time? With the time-limited cosmetics, I would say a lot of folks are just trying to log in to get those. Keep the multiplier on the Sunday for those interested but if the items could be unlocked on the Saturday, it would help alleviate the traffic, I think.

    Yes I'm with you, I think we need a compensation Community Day that atleast goes saturday+sunday as not everyone can play long nights on a sunday, people have to work monday mornings!
    So even if servers start to work again soon, I have to log off soon anyway.. as the rest of my crew does too.

    And yeah, Rare should increase server stability, especially when announcing such a big event. They can't say they didn't see it coming.

    I made a whole topic here about delaying the Community Day to a future weekend, maybe, if we are enough voices, Rare will consider it.

  • @musicmee said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    @tre-oni All I can say is they are just as gutted as we are...

    There will be more communication in the coming time ahead...

    Right, I'm not doubting that they're feeling it especially after hyping community day..

    But I'm talking everything, continuing forward. At what point are they going to say enough is enough and shake off this meme/joke about being utterly unplayable the day they do a thing, and properly sort it out.

    It's mindnumbing at this point how predictable the server issues are, and its upsetting that it's just "the way it is" with the game since launch.

    I'd really like some kind of.. atleast.. indication, or talks that they're prioritizing stuff like this as a whole and not just when an issue pops up. I want to hear they're working on infrastructure, and upgrading, and being preventative not just reactive to these isses and hope we can finally just get over it.

    This is an issue year one I thought we'd be clear passed by now once Rare got a handle on things and settled into a flow and knew what they needed, tbh.

  • They need to lock emissary values as of 9am Est since that is when the problem was noted. I am watching my top emissary position chip away about ~10k an hour and am helpless to get into the game to gain, despite attempting for quite some time.

  • Do you think that moving the event to next weekend the servers are going to suffer a magical improvement? xD We will still having the same issues until they invest more money on server improvement and less money on Emporium skins.

    Sorry but that´s the truth, servers are just a joke and they are trying to put a band aid into a person cutted on a half.

  • @musicmee Hey Mate, I know you personally have no power in this, but maybe an idea for the devs for future times with events like this. A Queueing system.

    This fixes quite a bit of stuff:

    • People will see a queue ("You are player x waiting") which counts down
    • People dont spam to logon
    • as people are not spamming logon the stress on the logon services will be ALOT lower
  • @callmebackdraft said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    @musicmee Hey Mate, I know you personally have no power in this, but maybe an idea for the devs for future times with events like this. A Queueing system.

    This fixes quite a bit of stuff:

    • People will see a queue ("You are player x waiting") which counts down
    • People dont spam to logon
    • as people are not spamming logon the stress on the logon services will be ALOT lower

    Let's not start creating queues, talk to Tarkov players about how that worked out for them a couple weeks ago.

  • So new Players can not play in this wonderful event great way to get new players or maybe you don't want new players.
    Cutting new player from the que is not a fix in any way. Just bad for business!

  • @captblue3052

    I don't think it's a server stability issue. It seems to be more something in the backend that processes logins is getting jammed. Once you get in, the servers themselves should be fine.

    They explained something similar, though related to in-game logging of gold and such, when data was lost at the start of 2021. It happened a few more times throughout the year regardless.

    I'm no expert on netcode but I know from working with software (audio engineering in my case) that it can be very frustrating to have to work with third party tools that aren't up to it, but you have to work on regardless as often the alternatives are worse or not viable for the use case.

    Rare have usually made good on these things, so I expect they'll react accordingly. It's their first Community Day, and I'm sure they're learning.

  • @kommodoreyenser it is WAY better then what they have now because of the immense amount of people clicking start game over and over an over again they are basicly getting ddossed by their own player base

  • @picklekickr

    New players are not the only players without the possibility of logging xD

  • @callmebackdraft said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    @kommodoreyenser it is WAY better then what they have now because of the immense amount of people clicking start game over and over an over again they are basicly getting ddossed by their own player base

    Yeah, because players would hang around waiting to play for 3+ hours or getting into a queue strategically 3-5 hours early so they can actually play when they have time? That's not a game, that's a full time management career.

    Also, if Microsoft (a TRILLION dollar entity) wants to admit they are on the level server-wise and cloud tech-wise of a Russian indie game dev, that's fine by me.

  • @kommodoreyenser they could make their own choice, but because of the lessened amount of click spam the actual logon system wouldn’t get jammed because that would be handled way more nicely and thus the flow trough would be alot faster.

    For instance:

    Lets say each logon call takes 10 seconds

    If the logon service is able to handle 10k calls every minute

    The first 10k calls would instantly flow trough but everyone after that would be queued and flowed trough nicely by the queu system checking the logon system and see its backlog.

    Instead another 10k of players hammering
    The start game option they will just see, you are x in line expected time x minutes

    This way the mission critical service (logon service) doesnt topple over and thus no hour long waits

    same in real life, unordered entry of a massive amount of people causes trampling, ordered queuing makes it safer

  • I really hope we see a server que system after this.
    I don't really blame anyone on this, but I will say, some pro-active server management features could really help times like these.

    No deckhand/mod has anything to do with this, so we really appreciate your communication on this, I'm looking forward to seeing what the teams solution to the problem will be.

  • @picklekickr I've got my day one patch and I haven't been able to get in all morning.

  • @captblue3052

    This. Friday/Saturday nights are much easier for me (got wide and three young kids)

    I did set aside about an hour to try and hop on today but I wasn't able to log on (was hoping at a chance to get obsidian capstan).

    I am sure I am not the only one with limited opportunities to play. Doing a community weekend instead of a day would have been better to get more of the community a chance to participate.

  • @musicmee is there any guess on how long for downtime?

  • Should just extend the community day timeframe by another 15 - 24 hours of the fix at this point

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