Release Notes - 2.4.2

  • Release Notes - 2.4.2
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.4.2

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • 30
  • Something they have still not fixed which I try bring up constantly and have reported but never see mentioned is the sound glitch in Coral Dungeons, a high pitched audio glitch that's very jarring can be heard whenever the water level rises, other have heard it, I have videos of it clipped, and I checked recently, still in the game. So I do not do dungeons.

  • "Mouse users on PC can now enable the ‘Recentre Mouse in Menus’ setting to ensure the mouse cursor returns to the centre of the screen when opening full-screen menus."

    Hmm. I thought this worked on PC? Perhaps more menus. But the issue with re-centering not working on Xbox has been there long and I hope this is looked into too.

  • ,ive tested conection before i logged in (500mb DW / 200mp up 3ms...and the only thing i can feel its lag and stuttering everywhere...still awfull,im on Xbox one X...just to log in first time was searching the seas for about 10 minutes on a closed crew..

  • I dont se the "Stygian Admiral Jacket" in the Clothing shop.
    I do se the rest tho.

  • @pt-instinct sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    ,ive tested conection before i logged in (500mb DW / 200mp up 3ms...and the only thing i can feel its lag and stuttering everywhere...still awfull,im on Xbox one X...just to log in first time was searching the seas for about 10 minutes on a closed crew..

    It's update day...I'd say wait a bit...

  • @schwammlgott yup,i will..i have too,its unplayable for me atm

  • @pt-instinct sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @schwammlgott yup,i will..i have too,its unplayable for me atm

    I rarely play on update day anymore, because it's sometimes laggier that time

  • Shooting while moving forwards, then sprinting and abruptly stopping, should no longer cause the weapon reload animation to be cut short.

    alt text

    So this didn't fix anything? can someone confirm this? 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Question about MERCHANT LOST SHIPMENT VOYAGES: With the update making Golden Sands unavailable for shipment voyages, will this affect the availability of getting Lost Shipment Voyages on trading routes between Golden Sands and other outposts?

  • @maximusarael020 said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    Question about MERCHANT LOST SHIPMENT VOYAGES: With the update making Golden Sands unavailable for shipment voyages, will this affect the availability of getting Lost Shipment Voyages on trading routes between Golden Sands and other outposts?

    you can buy them at other outposts and activate them in that area hoping that the rng gives you the route you are looking for

  • @maximusarael020 Nope... Lost Shipment voyages would still work as they always have.

    You will, however, not get... Animal Voyages and Cargo Runs with Golden Sands as the pickup or drop off point.

  • @musicmee @wolfmanbush Thank you for the replies! I figured that is how it might work but wanted to check.

  • @quietrobot said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    Shooting while moving forwards, then sprinting and abruptly stopping, should no longer cause the weapon reload animation to be cut short.

    alt text

    So this didn't fix anything? can someone confirm this? 🤦🏻‍♂️

    There’s a lot of people confused about what the fix was so it might be that. The fix is so that no matter what, you have to reload your gun before shooting it again. People think that it removed the weapon wield animation cancel when coming out of a sprint which is something rare intentionally added two years ago. It actually had problems during pirates life as some might remember and it was fixed. I’m assuming this is the explanation for the “it still works comment”.

  • @musicmee said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @maximusarael020 Nope... Lost Shipment voyages would still work as they always have.

    You will, however, not get... Animal Voyages and Cargo Runs with Golden Sands as the pickup or drop off point.

    Tavern Crawl commendation?

  • @pithyrumble said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @musicmee said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @maximusarael020 Nope... Lost Shipment voyages would still work as they always have.

    You will, however, not get... Animal Voyages and Cargo Runs with Golden Sands as the pickup or drop off point.

    Tavern Crawl commendation?

    The chairs are still in the tavern

  • @illbushido305 Thanks Bushi but I'm not sure about it, I think it refers to the cancel animation exploit.
    Or at least in that thread, those who use the exploit make fun of the fact that even with this fix it works.

  • @quietrobot no worries, I figured it could be that because I’ve already seen people on here and Twitter complain about the fix for the incorrect reason thinking it is what I mentioned. We’ll se what happens though.

  • @pithyrumble said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @musicmee said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @maximusarael020 Nope... Lost Shipment voyages would still work as they always have.

    You will, however, not get... Animal Voyages and Cargo Runs with Golden Sands as the pickup or drop off point.

    Tavern Crawl commendation?

    Ah nevermind you can still get in the tavern. You can put up and lower emissary flags and access all the storages but no PL Hideout. Odd that there's still a pile of Gold there 🤔

  • @quietrobot

    There was a glitch that allowed you to reload faster which wasn't that well known. I assume this fixed it but as a lot of players didn't know about it they assume Rare meant fast swapping weapons.

  • @pithyrumble said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @pithyrumble said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @musicmee said in Release Notes - 2.4.2:

    @maximusarael020 Nope... Lost Shipment voyages would still work as they always have.

    You will, however, not get... Animal Voyages and Cargo Runs with Golden Sands as the pickup or drop off point.

    Tavern Crawl commendation?

    Ah nevermind you can still get in the tavern. You can put up and lower emissary flags and access all the storages but no PL Hideout. Odd that there's still a pile of Gold there 🤔

    I suppose that whoever or whatever drove away everyone from Golden Sands wasn't terribly interested in gold

  • I noticed the video previewed a chest-hide emote, but it isn't part of the Props Master Emote Bundle. Is that not something that made it to release?

  • Do we already have mysteries to solve on shrouded islands or it will start on February 17th, or maybe the next season?

  • @pithyrumble Yeah all the things are still achievable in all the taverns... nothing really changed, just the visuals.

  • @rosewraith2788 Ahoy matey!

    That will be coming at a later date... it hasn't been forgotten about!

  • Now that Golden Sands is destroyed how do we find Sharon the shipwrite to start the Wanda journal's


    After the update I found out there might be a bug or they really changed the eyes of Ashen Curse from red to black. To be honest most of us cant accept the curse with black eyes bcuz it feel weird and red eyes are cooler than the black. I hope the developers can make it back bcuz the original is already being perfect.

  • Skeleton Ships and skeletons using island cannons should now fire at targets more consistently without long pauses between shots.

    Yuuuup. Maybe too much, in fact. I just got my first emergent skelly ship since the update, and my solo sloop just got annihilated in 60 seconds by that skelly sloop - it popped up, I immediately got it with a few cannonballs (wraith + regular), but then the fight was over : skellies anchorballed me, a crow's nest snipe + a cannonball to the head killed me, and by the time I got back from the ferry, the mast was down, the hull was full of holes, and the sloop was circling my ship, nonstop spamming anchorballs (which was pointless, really ^^) and cannonballs.

    Couldn't bail, fix holes or even try anything without getting hit by a shot. Hopefully that was a one-off, a bad combo of anchorballs, snipers, and so on, and all skelly ships won't be as buffed, cos otherwise solo slooping just got way harder.

  • Rip flameheart

23 out of 30