3D Printed Sloop New One!!!!!!!!!!!

  • My beautiful Sloop is finished so i thought i want to share XD.
    This is my second sloop, it has hull details and slightly model changes from the last sloop i made last year https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/135708/3d-printed-sloop

    The sloop is 3d printed from Elegoo Mars 2 resin printer. I split the model into 8 parts to fit the printer, each piece take 7 hours to print and about 5 mins to remove supports and clean with isopropyl alcohol and cure with UV light. After putting parts together i spray a thin layer of gray primer then paint with airbrush and play around with colors until i satisfied. For the sails and canopy i use old pillow sheet and spray with thick white primer. The rest you can see pics below :)


  • 24
    videofan artcommunityjust for funscreenshot
  • that is awesome

    all the pics really show the effort and and quality craftsmanship involved in the process

  • @wolfmanbush
    Thank you very much :)

  • I love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @cptfuriosa Thank you sir :)

  • @capt-galaxystar
    Looks good, shouldn't the flag be pointing forwards when the sails have full billow though ?

  • @lem0n-curry Good catch! let just pretend the wind is different on top of the mast XD

  • @capt-galaxystar said in 3D Printed Sloop New One!!!!!!!!!!!:

    @lem0n-curry Good catch! let just pretend the wind is different on top of the mast XD

    Works for me :).

  • texto alt

  • @capt-galaxystar That’s really awesome! I really need to get to grips with my 3D printer lol

  • @lizalaroo Thank you :) You can do it!

  • That looks amazing!! Are the print files anywhere for sale or otherwise? As an avid solo slooper, I have to have one of these!

  • Does it float?

  • It looks fantastic, nice job!

  • To bad its plastic and not wood, Metal, and cloth.

  • @domini-draco i have the files i modeled from last year, i finish it up and printed this one but i cant release the model just yet but when i do it will be on cgtrader.com 3d printing ready :)

  • @pithyrumble im too scared to try O_o what if it sink without cannon holes what do it do!!!!!!

  • @ostara-mk Thank you very much XD

  • @fast-420 it's made out of resin and the white cloth is made out of cloth. it's so brittle one drop will break it like wine glass T_T

  • Check out this out if you like :)

  • @capt-galaxystar

    Aquarium sealant along the hull seams and some lead weights for ballast?

  • @pithyrumble i'm not planing to make it float, it's too heavy because it's made out of resin but on my shelf im sure it won't sink XD

  • that looks awesome!! do you still have the models for it? i want to to print my own sloop but i don’t know how to make my own models and finding any seems impossible

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videofan artcommunityjust for funscreenshot
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