nerf milestones

  • i shouldnt even have to say this but im sure some completionists out there are losing their minds. the SHROUDED GHOST MILESTONE is absolutely ridiculous unless you are going to fix spawn rates. i play with a crew who is D1 and none of them have ever seen a shrouded ghost. sleeping for 60 mins? im sorry but these milestones are way too exponetional considering the fact that probably 60% of the playerbase or even less will be captains of their own ships, 90% of the players who play usually only play for at max a month there are very few of us who have played for longer than that plus considering the health of the game, unless you have something spectacular in the works to keep this game alive for the next 10 years no one is going to be able to complete these milestones EVER. nerf them to realistic expectations otherwise people are going to just lose interest, personally i already have.

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  • As someone who's seen shrouded I expect to see it another 10 times before getting the sleeping or fire achievements, aka none of it will happen in my next 1000 hours. in all my play time I don't think I've managed more than 10 minutes on fire and 10 minutes sleeping.

  • Yeah. Nerf it. Make the game easier so you can complete everything and leave nothing else to do.

    You are not suppose to earn everything from the get go. Maybe you will get a couple, maybe they will add new ones for those wanting easy stuff.

    Maybe you aren’t meant to achieve these unless you are truly dedicated. Who to say.

    Don’t be upset because you can’t 100% everything. With a game like SoT, they keep adding new stuff making the 100% mark impossible.

  • Yes.

    Or at least switch them to pirate time like days at sea.

    I don't think they're 1:1 real time. Pretty close maybe. Been experimenting possible cheese options.
    Ill Fated needs work on timing.

  • @burnbacon said in nerf milestones:

    Yeah. Nerf it. Make the game easier so you can complete everything and leave nothing else to do.

    You are not suppose to earn everything from the get go. Maybe you will get a couple, maybe they will add new ones for those wanting easy stuff.

    Maybe you aren’t meant to achieve these unless you are truly dedicated. Who to say.

    Don’t be upset because you can’t 100% everything. With a game like SoT, they keep adding new stuff making the 100% mark impossible.

    ah yes the proverbial close my eyes and ears response. tell me you dont really play without telling me you dont really play. even the streamers who play religously have voiced that these milestones are outrageous. this isnt even about dedication it's literally a slap in the face to those of us who are dedicated and completionists who are religiously dedicated. it's almost as if the developers expect everyone to worshop the earth in which they walk on

  • @mythicrug450 Ahoy! Right ye arrrr Matey!
    Alas, I too have seen much dismay with the newest update--For most of us despite the Teams Hard Work, it Feels like this was really meant to be End Game and that its just a Name/Save Ship update and not the "Customization" update they branded it.

  • @burnbacon Im sorry man, but you seriously cant defend this lazy game design. Yeah! lets keep these Milestones behind unrealistic and unfun grinds so nobody wil get them at all in the next 10 years! I cant wait to stare at a blackscreen for the next 4+ days!

    Nobody is going to dedicate themselves to 100 hours of sleeping and sitting being of fire, catching 2500 fish etc, who in their right mind would enjoy that? That is not dedication, its a mental test.

    people arent upset because nobody wil ever obtain everything, people are upset because these milestones are realy unrealistic, unfun & tedious.

  • I agree. These milestones are a massive slap in the face. RARE has stated multiple times that this game is supposed to be casual - how many hours do they think casual players can actually spend in this game? Let alone doing something as ridiculous as sleeping for extending periods of time. The vast majority of these milestones will never be earned by most players.

    It’s even worse that historical progress does not carry over. For anyone that managed to get Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves…guess what? Do it again! ~ RARE…have you collectively lost your minds? This is a massive insult to veteran players.

  • Nerf it based on miles sailed, or days... Not only that, but after completing hunter's call and turning in thousands of fish? If you think I'm going to do that again 2500 times per fish-type, then NO! I'm done. I've done my time. This is by far-and-away the worst execution I've seen out of Rare. I don't think I'll get any surveys after this, but 4.5 years worth of time put in, meters sailed, loot turned in, tall tails, stories... for who, the new people who get to do it once? How about doing THR's early to get the new athena gear only to have the cap raised afterwards and grinding out another 10 levels with no counting of the THR loot? All of that grinding for nothing. If someone reads my boat book, then I haven't been at sea for any time... meanwhile, if they check elsewhere... It's clearly reflected. 4.5 years I've supported this game. It's easier than a divorce at this point, but not by much. I'll check back in when there are stories, or something new... my new boats don't reflect my time served. End of that story.

  • You guys do know you can get unlocks for trinkets at class 10, right? Then, if you really want to pursue some of those shinier frames and pedestals, you can. I personally appreciate the thought that I may run into a pirate in the future with some swag on their ship that has some meaning to it.

  • @habiki just taking a peak at your progression, you're at 5% of hunters call legendary... I've already finished it & there aren't many of us who have. This update means you and everyone else will be able to work on BOTH commendations at the same time (hunters call and ship/pirate), while anyone older than you, that's finished already, will have to do the whole thing all over again. 2500 fish of each category??? for the max trophy. You have fun tiger... we're out.

  • @drizkillz I can relate to that quite a lot. I have some stuff myself playing since beta, but look at that no shrouded ghost in all my time playing this game :D And talking about fishing I thing the mile stones should be reachable to unlock stuff from one category within a span of 2 to 4 weeks of playing casually.

  • @darias-fortis if memory serves, top trophy type of each fish is 2500 or something? I've been laughing since it launched because I figured there's no way they'd shun everyone out of time already put in but here I am at 0... like anyone that just started playing today. How are we supposed to show our story, etc, if it's all washed away. There are older coz we have, but with the non-pirate-related designs they keep pushing in emporium and the fact that emissaries are going to be tools, instruments, and vanity for the next 2 YEARS at least means there's no hope for anything authentic any time soon. I'll find a way when I play, but yea... they did us DIRTY.

  • @drizkillz said in nerf milestones:

    @habiki just taking a peak at your progression, you're at 5% of hunters call legendary... [...]

    That's probably due to a bug. I've sold all the fish I needed and only need some more treacherous plunder (at grade III at the moment) and mine is also still at 5%.

  • @mythicrug450
    Well if the streamers are saying it then it must be so 😂😂

    I personally like the fact that some of these are just about playing the game and that you may or may not get some in a month or even a year.

    Want to complete it all this week? And then be on here complaining no one dies anything and the seas are dead? Grow up. It’s just a game, get over yourself already

  • Love hearing people keep saying it’s a a massive slap in that face 😂😂😂

    Boooo hoooo. I can’t complete it in a day or a week. Change it change it change it. I don’t like it 😂😂😂

  • @lem0n-curry I hope so. At 25 per level and 100 levels per fish type? Unless my maths are wrong (x2500) but if so I'm all for it, yet there is still the staggering amount of other things we've done after 4 years that is supposed to tell our story and we find ourselves on the same page as those who just started their own? It's insulting to say the least, & not to the new players, but myself and others that have stuck through the game since day one and now having to start over is just mind-boggling. I would have thought the 4-year late promised update would have everything we've all done in that time waiting in our logs only to find this..? this, mess. All of the fish, 100+ sails, the bilge rats, the community events, the forced alliances with the whole be in an alliance with every ship wearing the same livery to get this event done at this very specific time of day.. We had to go through that! And now nothing of it?! Who does this???

    And congrats to you few with the shrouded, they thought of you at least...

  • @drizkillz said in nerf milestones:

    @lem0n-curry I hope so. At 25 per level and 100 levels per fish type? Unless my maths are wrong (x2500) but if so I'm all for it, yet there is still the staggering amount of other things we've done after 4 years that is supposed to tell our story and we find ourselves on the same page as those who just started their own? It's insulting to say the least, & not to the new players, but myself and others that have stuck through the game since day one and now having to start over is just mind-boggling. I would have thought the 4-year late promised update would have everything we've all done in that time waiting in our logs only to find this..? this, mess. All of the fish, 100+ sails, the bilge rats, the community events, the forced alliances with the whole be in an alliance with every ship wearing the same livery to get this event done at this very specific time of day.. We had to go through that! And now nothing of it?! Who does this???

    And congrats to you few with the shrouded, they thought of you at least...

    I just commented on a very old bug in the achievements that might have given you a wrong perspective on the person you commented on ...

    I still got my original big meg figurehead, titles, rewards for doing stuff &c.

    It would have been nice if some more commendations would have been linked to a trinket, but with the amount of trinkets for milestones I understand they only had time for the Shrouded Ghost one.

  • @mythicrug450 they shoulded put 4 years ago this update not now

  • @pabio-escobar

    Except it's not achievable within a day, or a week... Not organically, which is what the game wants to be.

    Why put goals in front of people if they're not expecting many, if any, to achieve.

    What's wrong with people wanting to be able to get them? What's wrong with people wanting some sort of reward for being loyal to the game for 4+ years

  • @burnbacon listen if you wanna be the one who sleeps for 4 days straight or some other absurd achievement go for it but me personally i just wanna sail the seas and have an adventure with my friends while getting trinkets/momentos of our feats but with how these milestones are i dont think ill be getting any of that for a long time

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:

    Love hearing people keep saying it’s a a massive slap in that face 😂😂😂

    Boooo hoooo. I can’t complete it in a day or a week. Change it change it change it. I don’t like it 😂😂😂

    Good arguement man, didnt know the whole community is full of completionists & that they being completionist is a bad thing.
    Apparently people that don't have much time or just want to take their time while unlocking maybe 1 thing or so per 2-5 days dont exsist.
    Damn i must have secretly been a completionist, even though i never grind much commendations at all.

    If you're just going to trigger post to look down on people, instead of bringing valid arguements, then please pipe down and don't say anything.

  • There are indeed some quite bright individuals in our community who have insignificant responsibilities in life and have to always have laugh on people saying what is wrong with the game :D

  • @cpt-sockmonster is too much difficult to not writhe anithing , is more fun to blame because they are too much smart for us :)

  • @drizkillz said in nerf milestones:

    @habiki just taking a peak at your progression, you're at 5% of hunters call legendary... I've already finished it & there aren't many of us who have. This update means you and everyone else will be able to work on BOTH commendations at the same time (hunters call and ship/pirate), while anyone older than you, that's finished already, will have to do the whole thing all over again. 2500 fish of each category??? for the max trophy. You have fun tiger... we're out.

    Don't know where you're looking for stats, but I literally have three fish left to finish before getting Legendary Hunter, and they're all in grade IV at the moment. More like 95% there.

    And I'll be fishing some more for the milestones.......because it's part of how I play and it doesnt bother me.

    Enjoy your time elsewhere "tiger" lol

    Edit: Also worth considering, you don't need the "cherished" version of each fish trophy?

  • There are soooooo many trinkets to get. More than you have space for on your ship. Why get so agitated about having to catch X amount of fish when you have already done it? If you don’t want to do it again don’t do it, get a different trophy. Isn’t that entirely the point? Or does everyone want the same ship with been on fire for 100hrs and caught all the fish trophies?

  • I'll say it again. The people complaining about milestones being "too difficult" to get, or "needing to grind all over again" are the people who expect to be able to finish in a week's worth of heavy play, or a few months of casual play. They think Milestones are supposed to be another checkmark on the achievements list that they can then ignore about later when they complain that there's no content. The idea that Milestones are about telling the story of your ship - let alone the fact that you're not supposed to just grind them out, nor are you supposed to hardcore pursue all of them - is completely lost on these kinds of gamers. To them the journey is nothing, which is anathema to the intended way to enjoy Sea of Thieves.

  • @blam320 i generally agree with this kind of point of view.

    But here, come on, fishing thousands of fishes or sitting for 100+ hours just for a single trinket is an absolute joke. Those are really specific ways of playing (if it can be called like that at least ?) and it is by far longer than the current commendations which has been achieved by a very very little part of the sea of thieves players... There is no retroactivity and it is proper to every ship, the point is not that all milestones are too long to achieve, the point is that SOME of them are not humanly achievable.

  • @erydhil said in nerf milestones:

    @blam320 i generally agree with this kind of point of view.

    But here, come on, fishing thousands of fishes or sitting for 100+ hours just for a single trinket is an absolute joke. Those are really specific ways of playing (if it can be called like that at least ?) and it is by far longer than the current commendations which has been achieved by a very very little part of the sea of thieves players... There is no retroactivity and it is proper to every ship, the point is not that all milestones are too long to achieve, the point is that SOME of them are not humanly achievable. This fact alterates the joy of playing, not complaining legitimely about them which alterates it.

    Maybe, and hear me out, just don't worry about it? If you're not playing in the specific manner that facilitates getting these milestones, that's fine. In fact, that's what Rare expects.

  • I definitely think some of the milestones need to be reduced.

    Instead of 25 fish caught per milestone class, it should probably be 10. That would mean the requirements for each tier of fish trophy would be 100, 200, 500, and 1000 (down from 250, 500, 1250, and 2500). That’s high enough that it will still feel like a real achievement, but not so high that even the most dedicated players don’t want to try it.

    Similarly, the requirements for milestones for sitting, sleeping, playing shanties, being on fire, and sailing in storms are way too high. As it is now, players could go months (if not longer) without even getting class 1 in these milestones unless they explicitly grind them, and grinding them is very tedious (especially sleeping and sitting, since you also need to battle the AFK timer). Lowering the requirement from 1 hour per class to 10-15 minutes per class would feel much better. Players would actually be able to see some passive progress over time, but it would still take 16-25 hours to grind them up to class 100, which most players will never do.

  • So far I have seen three counter arguments heavily used by those who endlessly want to defend this update and say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the design choices in the milestones.

    1.) You are all just being completionists expecting to grind all trinkets in a month's worth of gameplay.
    No we are not. But after maybe a month of gameplay we want to have at least a few of our favourite trinkets to put on our ship. As it stands right now, there will be almost no trinkets at all even after half a year of playing.

    2.) Just don't worry about it and play the game.
    Oh okay my bad, I guess I won't ever customize my ship with trinkets then and just accept the fact almost all trinkets are locked behind years worth of gameplay.

    3.) If you don't want to do it again, just don't do it again, these trinkets are made to tell stories down the line.
    This is by far the worst one I have seen. Our ships, the years some dedicated players here have played, attended the community events and such, already have lots of stories to tell. This should have been honored. They are the backbone of Sea of Thieves, the players that did not quit after a month of grinding to Pirate Legend.

    To force them to do all of these achievements AGAIN for milestones and their corresponding trinkets is the worst decision any publisher can make. They disrespected the veteran community entirely.

    Instead of showing of all the trinkets they should have rightfully earned from the years and years of supporting Sea of Thieves and tell stories of great plunders and many a battle, they have absolutely nothing. They are asked to do everything AGAIN. New players have no issues with this of course, because they have to do it once. But those who have kept the game going for so many years, they are now on the same level as new players.

    Do you know how historic figures and their life changing inventions or actions are still spoken of, as of today? Through history. Their historical achievements did not get deleted, just because we want to set new achievement goal posts for people in the future. History of veteran players should have been preserved here.

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:

    Well if the streamers are saying it then it must be so 😂😂

    I personally like the fact that some of these are just about playing the game and that you may or may not get some in a month or even a year

    Want to complete it all this week? And then be on here complaining no one dies anything and the seas are dead? Grow up. It’s just a game, get over yourself already

    The streamers are a representation of the community and have the biggest voice among us sorry you dont have the brain cells to comprehend that fact. i never said i dont like some of these i made a point to point out just a couple of the flawed milestone. i also never mentioned i want to complete this in a week lol idk where you're pulling these words from and trying to put them in my mouth. plus if it's just a game to you and you dont care then why even bother reading the forums and making asenine replies? it's just a game bud get over yourself.

  • @pabio-escobar said in nerf milestones:

    Love hearing people keep saying it’s a a massive slap in that face 😂😂😂

    Boooo hoooo. I can’t complete it in a day or a week. Change it change it change it. I don’t like it 😂😂😂

    dont remember saying i wanted to complete it in a week. if you could read i clearly mentioned one of the more ridiculous and outrageous milestones. clearly a lot of you dontplay enough to understand this simple fact and i honestly feel sorry for you.

  • @mythicrug450

    They have nerfed everything in this game so hard since it’s release. No one wants to put the effort in to anything in this game.
    Literally everything has been dumbed down for the“ participation award” culture.

    There is nothing wrong with having a few things in this game that are uncompromisingly and unapologetically difficult borderline impossible.

    But fear not, given how woke gamers are these days and the history Rare has at bending over backward to accommodate the “ I can’t do it “ community, I’m pretty sure you will have your way sooner than later. Keep complaining, you will get there in the end

  • There are two kinds of arguments here:

    • People who want to unlock milestones and are unhappy about not being able to
    • People who don't care either way

    Where are the happy people, who actually like the current numbers?
    Who wants to spend a month just to get a single trinket for their trouble?
    Do you think this is GOOD?

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