Toxic streamers

  • What's the deal with these SOT streamers and being completely toxic. Filming themselves sinking and stealing loot. The fact they are recording this and posting it for views promotes toxicity in the game. I know realistically no one watch people just sail around and stack loot, but these people tuck and create an environment where players are literally crying. I'm not sure I have a fix, but the fact that the rules are not the same for every body is a real issue. Imagine if everyone sailed around recording toxic stuff. Oh wait that's what happens.

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  • @p4l3ryder Ahoy matey!

    Sinking players and stealing loot isn't toxic... It's the name of the game?

  • So you are allowed to PvP and tuck, except for when you are a streamer? That would be ridiculous.

    Tucking and PvP'ing is just part of the game and streamers have just as much right to do it then everybody else. Most streamers even have the feature on to protect the privacy of others (it hides the real gamertags of others), so it's also not shaming others. It's just them playing the game. Nothing wrong with that.

  • If you're implying that sinking and stealing loot is toxic, it is not. It is part of the game, and a valid one at that. If the streamer's aren't being toxic over mic such as being rude or abusive, aren't spawncamping just to spawncamp, or aren't targeting players, they are doing nothing wrong and playing well within their right. It's true, it can be more entertaining to watch someone fight other players, hide aboard ships, pull of amazing plays or steal huge hauls, and i think that's a testament to the fact that player interaction is a really core necessity to SoT's fun. There are some streamers who are questionable, sure, but a lot of the popular ones are incredibly kind, courteous, and fair to their opponents, they are simply playing the game as intended. PVP isn't toxic.

  • @p4l3ryder

    sinking people and stealing their loot is not toxic...

    this game is a PvPvE game meaning PVP is just as much part of it as PvE is.

    from the code of conduct:

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.


    it is not an attacking players' fault that people cant take a loss.

    but the fact that the rules are not the same for every body is a real issue

    these rules are the same for streamers and non-streamers.

  • @callmebackdraft
    Have watched some of these guys, come on.

  • There is no point posting here. Does anyone read the whole paragraph and comprehend it. It's the behavior during said sinking and tucking. I need people to read and comprehend. Let's read the whole thing before responding.

  • @p4l3ryder

    i have watched:

    • Pace22
    • Beardageddon
    • BoxyFresh
    • HappyF33tz
    • Mixelplx
    • Blurbs
    • Shockwavez3r0
    • Cobbobles
    • Captain Falcore

    (if these names get removed i understand i will just leave it at i watch a lot of sot content creators)

    all of these streamers are partnered with Sea of Thieves, all of these players partake in the sinking of other players and stealing their loot
    all of these streamers encounter opposing players that sometimes react highly emotional when having to deal with a loss.

  • @p4l3ryder remember what streamers say to their audience and what they say to the other players in game are not the same. I CAN make fun of other players to my discord or to a twitch viewership, I CAN NOT do that to other players on game.

    Also sinking, stealing, tucking, killing, etc is not toxic.

  • @p4l3ryder We did read your paragraph, and much of what you said insinuated nothing like what you say here. If you find there is very negative behaviour, make a report or address someone about it, but just coming on to the forums with a vague post about "streamers being toxic" solves nothing.

    I believe the confusion comes from:

    What's the deal with these SOT streamers and being completely toxic. Filming themselves sinking and stealing loot. The fact they are recording this and posting it for views promotes toxicity in the game.

    This just reads as sinking and stealing loot being the toxic part. Hence why the replies you received are addressing that.

    The only part that lines up with what you said is this:

    but these people tuck and create an environment where players are literally crying

    If you are seeing this, again, speak up and direct the evidence to the valid spots, but as i said, vagueposting about it on the forums accomplishes nothing. And like @callmebackdraft brings up with the code of conduct, you need to be a good sport in victory and loss. The streamer may not be doing anything toxic at all and is just playing the game, the opposing crew are simply acting negatively because some people, understandably, don't take loss well sometimes. I've seen streamers have slurs thrown at them after a fight and a solid GG, that's not the streamers fault.

  • @captain-coel
    Nevermind, you don't grasp the concept of the problem. And the growing problem this creates. Is it fun when everyone does it. There are no secrets anymore. Every advantage is streamed and viewed and copied by everyone. This type of mass behavior creates and overall toxic environment. I never said those activities were toxic.

  • @p4l3ryder What is toxic in the environment?

  • @p4l3ryder I also don't actually see the problem? People learning the intricacies of the game, or learning strategies and plays from streamer's does not foster a toxic environment, SO MANY streamers have help guides, tips and tricks, solo sloop guides, etc. to help people learn the game and improve. Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it toxic. Tuck plays are VERY popular because of certain streamers, and that's because its a replicable playstyle that is fun and tense for someone to carry out. As long as everyone says GG in the end, and don't let their emotions get the better of them, just about anything goes in this game, in my opinion.

  • @captain-coel everyone fights and tucks and boards and does everthing in this mass singular method. Like circling with a sloop on the death circle. Or putting on all black anf tucking. Summit did this YEAR'S ago. Now it's a staple. And everyone thi KS they are good. It's not about the gold it's about the glory. Today's game is all about the gold. So many people have told me this is the most toxic game they ever played.

  • There are things that sometimes occur commonly on streams that I disagree with and post about when relevant to a topic but overall I'd say just don't participate in content you don't like or don't agree with.

    As long as they don't have any significant power over others it is what it is and they are free to do what they do.

    They currently don't have nearly the power some think they do, they have the bubble they are socially a part of surrounding the social environment of this game but that whole song and dance isn't power it's just social stuff that people can opt in or out of.

    If you see something you think violates the rules you can report it just like you can anyone else.

    Some of the streamers that stream this game are sweethearts and positive most of the time. Pretty much someone for everyone if someone enjoys watching sot content.

  • @p4l3ryder The black and hiding was a thing well before summit. The death spiral was a thing long ago. Just like doing fort plays, sword lunges, barrel plays. But none of that is toxic. People call this game toxic because they expect a PvE playground, and instead they get a PvEvP slaughterhouse.

  • Its a game themed around stealing and sinking people... If they did not want you to kill and steal, they would disable the ability to sink other players ships and take stuff from them, and the rules are absolutely the same for everyone, you cant get banned for sinking some one who just finished a fotd or vault, because thats the intended gameplay. If sinking and stealing in a game about just that is toxic, then raiding bases in rust, or taking first place in forza is toxic.

  • Imagine players playing the game and some of them even stream while playing. Truly shocking behaviour!

  • Streamers playing the game properly isn't the problem. It's the ones who talk trash at other players if they die/kill them or ask chat to report the enemies for an almost instant ban. I've run into the former, and boy, it was crushing. I took a small break from the game I was so embarrassed. Streamers like that are the problem, not the ones playing the game as intended.

  • Filming themselves sinking and stealing loot.

    So…they are playing a pirate game that involves stealing and sinking ships and you call it toxic,?

    but these people tuck and create an environment where players are literally crying.

    These people are doing things players on D2 have been doing. They just made it mainstream

    As for the crying. Who cries? The kids? On a T rated game….

  • Literally everything you have described, in all your posts, is not toxic.

  • @callmebackdraft
    May I recommend Cliff The Story Guy ( as he is similar in humour to MixelPlx but is a bit more casual but still is a pro at the game. His videos copy him solo-slooping or rowboat sessions are particularly good along with his Athena keg video entitled ‘The Biggest Bomb in the Sea of Thieves’ which is a good one to start with.

  • This post has devolved in to nothing but mock posts and attacks towards one or more individuals. As such, we will be going ahead and dropping anchor on it here.

    But to clarify, tucking, attacking, sinking ships and stealing loot is not toxic gameplay. Please consider this before posting threads of this nature in the future. Thank you.

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