Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.

  • @navillicious The loot acts as a multiplier for allegiance you gain during a battle, so you won't gain anything from the loot itself. More loot = higher multiplier = more allegiance when you win. Winning adds value to the hourglass, and cashing out the hourglass is the only way to get gold from this feature.

    Loot behaves normally.

  • @navillicious said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 I was under the impression if you turned in your hour glass with loot on your ship depending on the grade of loot you get rep, but I haven't tried it myself so I couldn't say, would be cool to have a Rare dev chime in to clarify exactly what does and doesn't give allegiance and put the conversation to rest.

    The loot only grants a bonus if you win a battle, it doesnt give you actual rep. For maximum rep per sink, defend and stack up loot with an em flag, and for faster more frequent chances at rep, you dive but cant keep loot with you as you dive.

  • @goldsmen I feel like you should be able to pull your loot into a fight with you then to defend it, seems too inconsistent waiting for a ship to popup and would just be better to hunt with no loot than to gather loot and wait for someone to attack, anyone know what numbers look like for allegiance gained per loot grade? Winning a fight seems to guarantee a level at least in the early levels but I assume eventually it will take more than a win to go up a full level.

  • @navillicious The trade off is since there is a 30 min cool down for a defender to get attacked again, so you get multipliers, while the person who dives can do it as frequently as they can finish a battle, so they get rep at a faster rate.

  • @goldsmen said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @goldsmen said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @goldsmen said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    The loot doesnt increase the glasses value just by having it, passive doesnt mean pve, you have to fight to still get value or any rep on it.

    The real question is how no one invaded you after an hour, i got invaded multiple times in the span of maby 2 hours? But it isnt a bug that your glass didnt raise in value when you got loot, thats just a misunderstanding of how it works.

    Did you even read the OP?

    The update is buggy in regards to Passive mode.

    1. I collected Loot.
    2. It got to Grade 3 (almost 4).
    3. No value (because you and other people seem to think only PvP is the star here - we'll get to that)
    4. I go an sell. No extra rewards given.
    5. Hourglass drops to 0 then it gave me undefined value
    6. After collecting more loot, I could not raise my hourglass level like 1-3

    And it seems like you and other here are narrowly looking at the 'well only PvP players should get the rewards


    Incentives should be made for people that do the sandbox PvE (to make it more a PvEvP game again). And loot collecting/rewards should be a thing regardless if you get attacked.
    If you're collecting loot, and flagging your ship (putting a risk on at ANY time you're sailing), you should be rewarded for that time. Even if the system is broken or what have you, you should get some kind of extra reward for part-taking in the system..
    Risk = Reward. Plain and simple.

    Incentives... if you get a bunch of players that want to PvP but don't want to server hop, and play the game normally, then imagine all the scenarios and stories of players winning, getting lots of loot, then trying to B-line to outposts or Reapers to sell only to get attacked themselves on the way...

    Its broken. And it needs a change.

    But thats literally how it works, when playing passive, gathering loot increases a loot grade bar, that loot grade bar doesnt increase the rep directly, it simply multiplies how much rep you get when you win.

    As for what is incentivized, i absolutely disagree, the game is still just as pvpve with this, its simply an option to incentivize people to actually play the pvp aspect of the game. So how do you incentivize carrying loot for pvp? Well, you defend it, otherwise i could see people stacking loot on a row boat, starting the match making and then docking the row boat to get the rep, then cashing out immediately to avoid all risk. I would rather not have a mechanic that makes a pvp system, in an update that was expressed to be about pvp for months, possible through only pve if some one is sneaky.

    Stacking loot on a rowboat... lol thats your argument?
    Thats an easy one to solve. If people are tapping loot and putting it on the rowboat, then that can easily be flagged and once an hourglass goes on a ship, the loot stacked will already be counted and won't add to the hourglass...
    So essentially, they have to PvE to get the hourglass up..

    And the PvE suggestion here isn't so people 'can stack' or only do PvE... once they are flagged as Passive then they can be invaded at anytime and must PVP once a battle starts..
    Its to add more incentive for players to actually PvEvP...
    But again your brain is too focused on the PVP of this mode. And you're not seeing the bigger picture.

    I still disagree, the whole mechanic is an all or nothing system, if you dont get an opponent, there wasnt much risk for your loot, but the way it is now, you NEED to put everything you have on the line, and cant cash out until you have at least had 1 fight, and every fight you go for, puts even more on the line for even greater rewards.

    Im not focused on ONLY the pvp, yesterday i spent my entire time defending and doing voyages while people came to attack me.

    Having something that only grants rep from pvp, but drastically boosts rep from pve still falls under pvpve, just because it requires fighting, doesnt mean there is no pve to it.

    Interesting, cause I switched today with some friends to search for crews.
    Not one ship we came across was Passive or gathering loot. Even the ones we thought beside islands didn't have anything.
    So again, I think it would incentivize loot gathering if you could get rewards for doing so...

    And again, its not the players fault if they didn't get invaded. But it was a choice to flag and put the ship at risk. But there is no reward in itself for doing so..
    I dunno what you're disagreeing about other than the fact that you only care for PvP here..
    You claiming you did passive mode and was alright with it, doesn't help the bigger picture.

    Imagine if emissary flags granted rewards only if there was a Reaper ship on the server...
    How ridiculous would that appeal to players?
    Doing tasks, getting rep, getting rewards... and putting on a flag is an inherent risk (even if grade 1). People will steal a grade 1 or 5 flag, even if not a reaper ship...
    But you get rewarded all the same if you don't get attacked. Whats the difference, over time, if people don't want to server hop and PvE while flagged for PvP? Whats the problem?

  • @lord-spark-0 You do get rewards for doing it, the rewards you get are... MORE REP to get the curses and cosmetics much faster! If some one simply doesnt care about loot multipliers, that doesnt mean the pve aspect doesnt exist, it just means the person in question doesnt care about it.

  • @goldsmen said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 You do get rewards for doing it, the rewards you get are... MORE REP to get the curses and cosmetics much faster! If some one simply doesnt care about loot multipliers, that doesnt mean the pve aspect doesnt exist, it just means the person in question doesnt care about it.

    No you don't.
    Only if you get attacked.
    What happens if you don't get attacked but took on the risk all the same?
    I didn't notice any Rep/Gold reward for my loot while being Passive..

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @goldsmen said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 You do get rewards for doing it, the rewards you get are... MORE REP to get the curses and cosmetics much faster! If some one simply doesnt care about loot multipliers, that doesnt mean the pve aspect doesnt exist, it just means the person in question doesnt care about it.

    No you don't.
    Only if you get attacked.
    What happens if you don't get attacked but took on the risk all the same?
    I didn't notice any Rep/Gold reward for my loot while being Passive..

    Thats what im saying, you do pve to get the items, then you fight people, and the pve you did, gives you more rep when you win. The whole point of the system is that you put everything on the line to get more rep, the more you risk, the more you get back after a fight.

  • @lord-spark-0 this is a pvp update though, the risk you're describing applies to having loot while doing pve regardless. It's the invasion function here that didn't seem to work.
    I get why you think it should be rewarded, but we've established its your expectations and not an actual bug

  • @lord-spark-0

    I get your point and all but...

    This does not make the update a buggy mess. You just had wrong expectations from a suppoused PVP update.

  • OP seems determined that they won't be swayed from their position regardless of how many times the new faction's allegiance system is explained to them.

    Bottom line, this is a PvP centered season. In order to rank up in the new season's factions you need to engage in PvP, not just loot stack on your ship.

    I agree it's odd that you weren't invaded during your LotV, and I'd echo others in this thread that have said that's the real issue to be examined here.

    The undefined hourglass value just sounds like a regular bug, and there's always a few of those left to be squashed each update. One of the Athena shield trinkets, for example, has an incorrect name showing at the shipwright last time I looked.

    They're small but annoying hiccups that will likely get ironed out in the coming days imo.

    Happy sailing!

  • @hiradc said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 this is a pvp update though, the risk you're describing applies to having loot while doing pve regardless. It's the invasion function here that didn't seem to work.
    I get why you think it should be rewarded, but we've established its your expectations and not an actual bug

    I already broke down the buggy part of the hourglass...
    Its in the OP. You can sell loot then get stuck in 'undefined' after getting more loot.

    And the expectations was miscommunication by Rare.. Simply put.

    Cause if the system doesn't work.. and you don't get any battles then the hourglass is pointless at that point. Even though you put everything on the line the whole time.

  • I am not sure how the hourglass works. Did they specifically say that getting loot would increase its value? The fact that it's not working like that has me thinking the hourglass exp bar is just a multiplier similar to a emissary flag. So the more loot we have on board the more allegiance we will gain by fighting off an attacking ship. I suspect they aren't giving you anything for actually making it back to an outpost and cashing in because then PvE players would find a way to cheese the system to lvl up despite being a much slower more tedious path than actually doing the pvp properly. IMO not allowing us to cash in early if not attacked kinda ruins the risk vs reward and forces us to play longer if we go an hour without being attacked and we want to log off then we got nowhere with the new system.

    Basically the defense system is just dumb then and we should always just be an attacker since attackers can be put up against other attackers. Defenders will have longer ques and have to do lots of work for potentially no reward because they knew alliance servers would somehow figure a way to cheese the PvE element of repping up. So much for their motto of "Play your way"

  • @magus104 having done both, I think the defense mode is pretty nice actually. I have a reason to horde treasure on my boat and there's an element of anticipation regarding when and where I'll be invaded next.

  • Ahoy matey! There isn’t a passive mode. When you have the hour glass on, you can be attacked at any moment or you can go on the offensive. You have to get in a fight and win to earn anything extra.

    So it’s working as intended. It’s not bugged.

  • @lord-spark-0

    Go pvp instead of expecting a free curse based on your PvE skills, you will have to defend the current loot to give it any value towards the time glass.

  • @nighthawk32 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    Ahoy matey! There isn’t a passive mode. When you have the hour glass on, you can be attacked at any moment or you can go on the offensive. You have to get in a fight and win to earn anything extra.

    So it’s working as intended. It’s not bugged.

    1. There is a passive mode. You can vote on the hourglass and flag your ship for PvP without actively searching on the war map and leaving your server to get right into a PvP match..
    2. The Passive mode is designed for you to PvE while waiting for PvP..
    3. I already broke down and explained the buggy portion of the hourglass in the OP. Read it.
    4. I already argued what Rare communicated and what they ought to have communicated. It was a miscommunication.
    5. It ought to be changed to give some rewards as flagging your ship for a 1v1 battle where you could lose all your loot and the chance of getting it back, should yield some reward.
  • @lord-spark-0 a dit dans Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update. :

    1. It ought to be changed to give some rewards as flagging your ship for a 1v1 battle where you could lose all your loot and the chance of getting it back, should yield some reward.

    While you're right that Rare could have communicated more clearly, I just want to point out that it does yield some reward : if you manage to sink your attacker, the loot on board give you a massive boost in allegeance gain.

  • @lord-spark-0 you dont get allegiance for the RISK of pvp, u get it for ACTUAL pvp

  • @grog-minto said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 a dit dans Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update. :

    1. It ought to be changed to give some rewards as flagging your ship for a 1v1 battle where you could lose all your loot and the chance of getting it back, should yield some reward.

    While you're right that Rare could have communicated more clearly, I just want to point out that it does yield some reward : if you manage to sink your attacker, the loot on board give you a massive boost in allegeance gain.

    Right.. and its not a players fault if there is nobody invading. So why can we accumulate some kind of reward over time and it grows the more loot we gather and collect on board?

  • @guyrza said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 you dont get allegiance for the RISK of pvp, u get it for ACTUAL pvp

    Not a players fault if they dont get PVP. But if there is a RISK you should get a REWARD...

  • @lord-spark-0 then alliance servers could cheese this this way, so Im glad thought of it. Want allagiance - go fight

  • After reading through a few posts, it seems the system is working as designed but needs a slight tweak.
    It might be a match-making error, but I agree opting into the system only to get into no fights and there getting no allegiance isn't ideal.

    To make that option more appealing, the crew should generate some allegiance per ingame day based on the amount on the boat.
    The amount would have to balance out to make all the roads travelled just as appealing.

  • @guyrza said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 then alliance servers could cheese this this way, so Im glad thought of it. Want allagiance - go fight

    Alliance servers cheese regardless.
    And if you collect loot and FLAG for PvP, wouldn't that bring in players to combat the alliance server?

    Incentivizing loot gathering with this mechanic will add to the pool of ships that players can find and PvP for. And to get loot at the end would sweeten the victory.

    But you're worried about Alliance servers. Cry me a river..
    They exist and will always exist..
    They even alliance up and take a 1v1 battle to a 2v1 or 3v1 or 4v1 ship battle.. So it happens regardless..

  • @lord-spark-0 a dit dans Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update. :

    @grog-minto said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 a dit dans Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update. :

    1. It ought to be changed to give some rewards as flagging your ship for a 1v1 battle where you could lose all your loot and the chance of getting it back, should yield some reward.

    While you're right that Rare could have communicated more clearly, I just want to point out that it does yield some reward : if you manage to sink your attacker, the loot on board give you a massive boost in allegeance gain.

    Right.. and its not a players fault if there is nobody invading. So why can we accumulate some kind of reward over time and it grows the more loot we gather and collect on board?

    That's what the emissary system does. Here we're on a different system aiming at rewarding PvP exclusively. It does suck when the matchmaking is broken tho, I'm with you 100%. It sucks for the people hoarding loots in passive mode and it sucks even more for the people diving for 30+ minutes without finding an opponent (because they don't even have loot to sell).

    The problem here lies with the matchmaking system. That is what should get addressed.

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    And if you collect loot and FLAG for PvP, wouldn't that bring in players to combat the alliance server?

    No, since the server doesn't have a spot for a new ship. If the server is full, no ship can invade. The servers have that maximum capacity since they are not stable with more ships.
    That might also have been the reason you didn't get invaded for so long: your server was probably already filled.

  • Loot is a multiplier for rep only as a defender. Grade 5 loot plus win gave me almost 2 levels of alliegiance. No extra gold because thats not what its for. Its not hard.

  • @super87ghost said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    And if you collect loot and FLAG for PvP, wouldn't that bring in players to combat the alliance server?

    No, since the server doesn't have a spot for a new ship. If the server is full, no ship can invade. The servers have that maximum capacity since they are not stable with more ships.
    That might also have been the reason you didn't get invaded for so long: your server was probably already filled.

    1. Alliance servers cheesing are taking 4/5 ship slots and leaving room for someone to invade them (its posted on Reddit for proof).
      Why are they doing this? Because ships that are in an alliance get rewarded for 1 streak/win everytime they gang up on someone. So there's an incentive.

    Congratulations. So the PvE people are bad because they grinded gold and commendations. The PvP crowd complained. Now, what can the PvP crowd say about this? Lol..

    1. Its already been proven that all server slots are in limbo (Pace was in a server last night with 2 simultaneous battles going - this is very bad for normal adventure mode)..
    2. I love the speculation you're showing. Yeah.. in S8 my server is full because everyone like me is doing PvE.. what luck did I strike where nobody could invade me...
      No.. False.. Mostly everyone is using the hourglass. I'm sure there were battles going on and people were joining/leaving my server constantly..
  • @lord-spark-0 man I don’t think you’re understanding this update, you don’t get anything if you don’t fight for it, it’s a pvp update and you’re complaining bc you didn’t get any rewards but you also didn’t do anything other than collect loot and you think you’re entitled to rewards bc you wasted your own time. Stock your ship and dive if you wanna get rep, if you want rep faster vote hourglass and raise it so when you do win on defense you get a rep multiplier.

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Passive Mode on the Hourglass is Broken. Unsurprised by another buggy update.:

    If you get attacked from a non-Hourglass ship in a server, you have a chance to get your loot back. Per normal play.
    If you get attacked and lose to an hourglass battle, the server kicks you out when lost, and you dont have a chance to get your loot back.

    You have a hard time comprehending whats going on here. Look at the bigger picture of whats going on.

    I dunno man, sounds like a good thing so the victors can actually sell the loot they won from you. Nothing too different from the normal game loop, outside of a long-awaited request from people that genuinely want to fight and loot. 🤭

    The game is still PvPvE, and the Hourglass system is very much Opt-in PvP that handles both playstyles, but still requires that crew to fight for their rewards, unlike the Emissary system, which can be passive in many creative, and defensive ways.

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