Let’s see your Ship names!

  • @pumpa-cat said in Let’s see your Ship names!:

    I’m about to purchase my first ship. I thought of naming it HMS TRYNA GIT GUD but not sure if it’ll be taken the wrong way 🤣

    I decided to call it HMS DIVINE COMEDY

  • @otherfanboy said in Let’s see your Ship names!:

    Brig: The Rouges Gambit

    A fan of makeup, eh?

  • captain of 'The Spectral Ghost' here!

  • My pride and joy, Multi-Purpose Bleach!!

  • I have le boat (sloop) the jacknaw (brig) and bronze horizon (galleon)

  • @eldritchbear no I suck at spelling rogue is all and just spelling in general

  • I love Destiny (game franchise)... So it was clear what my (today) bought Galeon would be named...

    Traveler's Chosen

  • ![alt text](file:///C:/Users/Retro/Videos/Captures/Song%20of%20Storms%20R3troRaccoon.png)@inboundbomb

  • Vessels owned by Salt Foambreaker
    Sloop: Miss Morticia
    Brig: The Golden Toenail
    Gally: The Black Albatross

  • I just got my ship! It's called Ships and Giggles!

  • Silent Parley

  • Sloops: S.S. Friendship (Blue Horrizons), Mystic Vessel (OOS), RLS Legacy (Lodstar set), Siren Song (Wailing Barnacle and Season Sails), Forward Unto Dawn (Halo set),

    Brigs: Haunting Harvester (Jack o Looter), Phantom Menace (Shrouded ghost set (and yes the figurhead #paidbyrare)), Bad Luck Charm (season 8 set), Rathbones Revenge(Gold Hoarder), Damned Spirit (all ghost stuff), Blazing Phoenix (Phoenix set, ashen winds set), Reapers Rival (Oreo set and Bleeding Edge figurhead)

    Galleon: Gold'en Glory (Dark Warsmith/wild rose/ Black Friday Sails), Athenas Flame (Athena Em and Year One Sails)

  • Sloop - Lieke
    Galleon - The Blind Bum

  • My sister has some good Goonies ship names;

    • Sloop: ONE EYED WILLY


  • Ariel's Lament
    Ariel's Lament

  • I’ve got a couple ships now, but my favourites would have to be Debt’s Door and Petty Revenge!

  • Me Sloops is the Ladies Lost Luck
    Me Galleon is the Tranquil Sea Hag

  • I have a galleon called "The Diamond Pearl" that I'm currently assembling a crew for, but I already have some people lined up.

  • My sloop: The lone wolf
    For I often solo sloop

  • Sloop : ZANZIBAR
    Brigantine : THE DRUNKEN PEARL

  • @pumpa-cat

    This is an update:

    So I already made a reply to this, but I'm making another one because I got a new ship. So I have a galleon called "The Diamond Pearl" and I actually got a crew for it, and I recently got a sloop called "The Bullet" for when I go solo and I want to use the Sovereigns, and I used The Bullet to do my very first solo, which was on a skeleton sloop

  • My little fun sloop!

    FGS Norderney I

    Text verlinken


  • My brigantine: The Crafty Craft

  • "Knotty Sea Crit"you like? I know...me too.

  • Put these somewhere else too!
    I am heavy with parrot themed ships (adds pizazz)
    Sloop: Singing Parrot (legendary)
    Brig: Squawking Parrot (almost legendary)
    Gally: Caws Revenge (have a parrot named captain Caw.. he has a back story) (also almost legendary)

    Also working on my 2nd group
    Sloop: Admirals Wings
    Brig: Admirals Beak
    Gally: Admiral Talon

  • My sloop is called The Silver Crab, its an ocean-crab themed sloop.

  • I have made some roster changed haha
    forget everything I put as the second set has taken shape already
    2nd sloop: Athenas Talon
    2nd Brig: The Jelly Parrot
    2nd Gally: The Cosmic Parrot

  • Aye Cap'n, here's mine:

    Sloopington - Black Rose (my main vessel!)
    Briggy - Cursed Black Rose
    Gally - Rose


  • I just got myself a brig I called The Diamond Dagger. Now I have 3 ships

  • @lizalaroo
    My sloop is "The Raven"

    My brig is "Ruby Dancer"

    My gally is "Itchy Barnacles"

  • My sloop is called 'Warden's Bane'
    My brig is 'The Wrath of Ender'
    I'm gonna call my galleon 'The Wither of Legend' if I get one

  • SONG OF STORMS (yes, from OoT) lots of meaning behind it.

  • My sloop is Elysium. It's the only boat I have at the moment.

  • Ahoy! I’ve four ships now; two sloops named Serenity, and Pirate Queen Caoimhe, a brig named Just a Cloud, and a galley named Yaarr Boouuyy!

    -Cap’n Wulf

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