Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Seafort Shenanigans' Screenshot.
Seafort Shenanigans definitely ensued during the Return of the Damned
Thanks for another challenge, Lizalaroo!!
Both capstan and 6-item-pack to: Origami Stefan"The most dangerous pirate in the seas cannot be caged," she said, "They will not keep my friend in there!"
In the middle of the night, the guard woke up soaked in sweat, hearing sounds outside. When he raised his lantern towards the prisoner, he had no idea someone was coming for him from above!
Obi Capstan: CapnSlappa
6pack: Anabolic AvengeSomeone has to feed the guards
Capstan: MONKI2071
6Pack: DaddySquiizyHide n' Seek shenanigans with the crew. I feel like one of the crew is going to be easier to find than the second.
AMAZING SHOTS on here so I dont think I have a chance, but it was still a lot of fun to participate. Good excuse to hang out with my friends and chat last night.
6 Pack: CaramelMoth
Capstan: ABELFAM