@jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :
Also fishing is something I despise DESPISE!!!! But gotta do it to get the cosmetic I want, seems very relevant 1+1 is 2
It sure is relevant to compare the most chill experience in the game, where you basically have to make an input in the game every 30 seconds, and it's over in a minute and a half, with the most hardcore and stressful mode this game has to offer. Re-read yourself please. You're comparing PvP to fishing here. Really. And you expect us to take you seriously ?
You guys know damn well this isn't comparable at all. You don't go into PvP the way you go into PvE (i.e watching Netflix on your second monitor). This is hypocrisy.
Anyway, if you use the option to show the name of the fish while you're not handicapped, you're cheesing it. Your silent Barnacle set is tainted. Booh. See the childish logic here ?
If I was gate keeping why would I help people?
A lot of people do the opposite off what they say. I don't know. I'd say you do it to feel good, which is great. GG. Please continue.
If I was the ultra sweat why am I on 79.99999 Guardian and 27 Servant? Matches don’t have to take more than 30 min. If it goes that long someone is playing way too conservative. I press hard for the win….. or loss but get me outta the fight sub 30 min
Cause you don't waste all your time in this mode I guess. Again, this is only an indicator of time spent, not skill or anything else.
And I don't need your advice. I got both curses already the legit way. I know how to avoid long, tiring fights. In fact your advice is not needed in this conversation. We're discussing something else than battle tactics.
I’m cool with arena style time limit and scoring hits and what not. Increase rep some for defending? Cool! Rewarding loss farming nope sorry I’m not gonna change my mind on that. This isn’t a participation trophy. Rare put it where it is knowingly making people do things they might not like. Farm as it is sure I guess but no more rep for losses.
Gatekeeper. I know this is triggering you but it's a fact.
You really need to understand that all losers in this mode are not loss farmers. Stop with this obsession already.
MOST people lose on a regular basis so that those streamers can get their streaks and show of the lvl 1000 curse while they sit at lvl 50.
Do those people deserve to get the curses at one point or ?
Score cannon hits and add towards loss rep.. I could get behind that.
That was suspected but now i can see it. You're here to talk, not to listen/read. This has been brought up and shut down many times as it would promote even more cheesing.
But not for join, sail out, get equal rep. It’s funny that NOTHING IN THIS GAME ACHIEVEMENT WISE IS THE SANE AS PVP BECAUSE YALL DONT LIKE IT. Barnacle chest grind? Nooooope that’s too different!!!
Because it is DIFFERENT from the rest. That's even why it has its own acronym, "PvP".
PvE : balanced, time-constrained, easy, predictable, carefully designed.
PvP : the exact opposite by its very nature.
Go ahead, compare the 2 again.
Again, hypocrisy. You know damn well the stress you get from hourglass fights is not the same as fighting the Gold Hoarder, but still you persist into that wrong comparison.
Oh, and in case you missed it cause you don't read : We do enjoy PvP, we do LIKE PvP. What is bothering us is this joke of a reward system, not the mode itself, which is great.
I offered multiple fixes to the situation but not rewarding more loss farming. It wrecks all of the SBMM and the ELO and everything else.
PvPers are all about fairness and balance when they lose. They was no problem with PvPers when portal hopping and easy preys were a thing.
People do this because SBMM is already broken, and we are punished for it.
Cry more if you want, this is just a symptom of a bad system, not the disease.
And yes it matters as it makes new players fight very skilled players in comparison and they get absolutely dumpstered and leave, y’all talking about preserving the community…. THIS IS NOT THE WAY
They would anyway bbe matched vs very silled players, because they are ALL THAT IS LEFT and matchmaking is broken. When I got my ghost curse, the next game was against someone for who it was the first fight in HG. As long as the game consider that 500W/1000L is the same as 1W/2L, this will happen. Loss farmers or not.
And what makes you assume loss farmer would win vs new players ? They don't fight. They don't practice. For all we know they are very bad themselves, or else they'd at least try.
You're gonna quote @LordQulex, but he isn't representative of all loss farmers is he ? (and anyway I already explained why you can't fight deranking).