Skeletons Should Not Be Allowed To Just Nope Out Of A Fight

  • What is the point of wasting cannonballs and planks on fighting a Skeleton Sloop/Gallon if they can just Nope Out and Dive under the water whenever they feel like it?

    We as players are prevented from Diving Under the water (For Matchmaking) when an Emeny Ship is too close, why is the AI given an exception to this rule? lol

    If I'm going to waste all my resources trying to sink a Skeleton Ship, the last thing I want is to just up and leave, right before it sinks, all because the AI got bored of fighting.

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  • You have to keep them "inbounds" if you're talking about them diving during a fleet battle.

    I've had two regular spawned skelly sloops veer off pursuit recently. One went after another player that neither of us were in aggro range of the 2nd victim lol.

    The other time I was in full billow buy hitting them with shots and all of a sudden the just turned around and started heading away

  • They've had fleets all sorts of messed up for a few seasons which often causes respawns (diving and popping back up).
    Shipwrecks cause a lot of it but since the last patch they are even more messed up than usual because they intentionally or unintentionally expanded the area and it messes with their path

    random skellies despawn because a world event either finishes or despawns, it'll take out pre-spawned skelly ships and create new ones as a reset

    if a player sinks while around a skelly ship it'll cause the skelly ship to despawn if the skelly ship is triggered on that player

  • @pithyrumble I think he is refering to just regular skeleton ships, happened a few times to me as well and when trying to reach the achievement 'Legend of the sea of thieves' every single one counts ^^

  • I'd like to know where those skellies got their Volvo Penta D16 MH inboard engines. Those ships MOVE when they want to, wind notwithstanding.

  • @skrapshak said in Skeletons Should Not Be Allowed To Just Nope Out Of A Fight:

    I'd like to know where those skellies got their Volvo Penta D16 MH inboard engines. Those ships MOVE when they want to, wind notwithstanding.

    Its magic....

  • @skrapshak said in Skeletons Should Not Be Allowed To Just Nope Out Of A Fight:

    I'd like to know where those skellies got their Volvo Penta D16 MH inboard engines. Those ships MOVE when they want to, wind notwithstanding.

    When the AI is not smart enough, letting it cheat always works :)

  • @skrapshak Sometimes I just half expect a speedboat sound to start playing as they sail away at Mach Speed.

  • They only despawn when the fleet event or skeleton forts pop up.

  • @personalc0ffee hmm interesting will have to check this, although I've not actually had a despawn in quite some time personally. Def frustrating but kinda funny.

    @TonyTheGrayWolf have you bugrepped it? Gotta admit I'm guilty of thinking surely devs know this happen with some things and never actually report them.

  • They just need to change it so if a skeleton ship gets hit, a 5 minute timer is enabled that bars them from diving away. Plenty have i had a skele ship almost ended and it just turns off slightly and vanishes beneath the water with all my cannon balls in its hull.

  • Just add a BOOL that checks TRUE if one dives away on you.

    And then if TRUE, at some point in the next 5 or 10mins it can "resurface" on you, fully repaired (it's a new spawn afterall)

    Almost as if it was hunting you underwater, waiting to strike

    Minimal messing with the underlying code, so hopefully easy to implement

  • Skeleton ships can also fire multiple magic balls that will act simultaneously, although only one magic ball should be active.

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