Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns

  • So currently I noticed that selling mermaid gems to Sovereigns doesn't give HC rep automatically with no emissary. And since there is no emissary for HC there is no way to actually sell to them and get HC rep. For me, it defaulted to my level 75 OoS (I'm 75 in everything), with no emissary. I think it should be changed to default to lowest, including HC as part of the data set it pulls from.

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  • @fysics3037 just sail on over to a seaport to sell em. No biggie. Sell the Trident wands there too for a bit extra rep

  • @li-jratt-li
    A. why allow selling fish to Sovierngs then?
    B. you can't sell tridents.

  • @fysics3037 nvm about the tridents but still.

  • For what it's worth, you actually get 50% more gold/rep by selling gems (and fish/meat) directly to a HC rep. So, while there is no HC Emissary, there is a relatively painless way to get an effective Emissary bonus on your HC items.

  • @fysics3037 this is one of those random scenarios where a lot of players would choose different 'default' factions for items to be sold to so there isn't really a correct choice for devs here.

  • @sweetsandman ok well thats not even remotely relating to what I said. But even if you had the point I think you are maybe making, why are you punished for selling to Sov if you can’t sell everything to Sov? Like if you’re forced to go to HC reps anyways for over 1/2 the loot in the faction, whats the point (if you count all fish as the same loot).

  • @hiradc well generally it defaults to the lowest faction or the faction you have emissary in if you have emissary up. So I don’t see your point. No emissary, no other factions to even level, and yet it still goes to OoS. Seems like a broken system to me. And if you ever need it in 1 thing you can walk the extra 15 ft to go from the Sov tent to x trading company tent. But that doesn’t hold true for the sea posts.

  • Folks, this is strange.

    If you sell gems when active emi, you get them to count towards that emi.

    If default they apply to the lowest emi.

    You can sell gems, fish, and trident to HC.

    They could just take that default and turn it to HC, instead.

    Yes you won't get a bonus but you don't get an emissary bonus at HC anyway.

  • @fysics3037

    You get double gold at the Hunters call now to incetivize you selling there and not at the outposts..
    And yes, you can sell Tridents now.

  • @li-jratt-li exactly my point, why not allow it when there is already incentive to sell at the other place. Also its 1.5x multi.

  • That’s why there’s the incentive to go sell directly. If you’re hoping to get HC rep by selling your gems with no emmi at the sovereigns, then you’re banking a lot on RNG, which seems silly. Go sell at the sea posts.

  • Sovereigns are purely there for ease for captains. Need to log off but don't have time to go to HC? Well, you can still sell your fish for your commendations but at half price. I like what you're saying about being able to funnel into a preferred faction though, I reckon that will be apart of the 'guild' rumours. However, it sounds like you just want to cheese leveling HC by rarely fishing and allowing the massive pile of gems that everyone builds up in a sail to level your HC. If they allow it from Sovereigns to they will probably halve the rewards as well. Either way I still think there needs to be limit on the gems that you can sell to HC (unless you sell % amount of fish) but that's not an argument for here but least that's where my perspective comes from. You should be fishing and visiting the lonely fishermans out on those seaposts.

  • Ahoy,

    I can shed some light on this!

    When delivering to the Sovereigns, if you have an Emissary Flag then any Mermaid Gems, Siren Gems or Breath of the Sea items will be handed to the Company you are an Emissary for.

    If you do not have an Emissary Flag up, the Sovereigns will deliver them to a completely equal random choice of the other companies – including the Hunter’s Call.

    If you want these items to go to a specific company then you can still deliver them manually. If you deliver them manually to the Hunter’s Call at a Seapost, you will receive a 50% bonus on the Gold for them.

    Shelley "Pressgang" Preston
    Lead Designer

  • @resident-veg I always have Athena’s emissary up and I always have a ton of gems to hand in every session. Do these gems sold to sovereigns not go to any faction then? Seems like I only get gold but no faction rep of any kind..

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @resident-veg I always have Athena’s emissary up and I always have a ton of gems to hand in every session. Do these gems sold to sovereigns not go to any faction then? Seems like I only get gold but no faction rep of any kind..

    AFAIK you can only hand in Athena items to Athena; not gems &c, so the gems you hand in to the sovereigns go to one of the other Trading Companies.

  • @lem0n-curry What I am saying is I do hand in gems to soverigns while doing athena but the gems i hand in DO NOT give me reputation at all. Just gold.

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @lem0n-curry What I am saying is I do hand in gems to soverigns while doing athena but the gems i hand in DO NOT give me reputation at all. Just gold.

    Last I checked. Athena don’t accept gems. Only Athena items. So the gold your getting it normal

  • @burnbacon Right but should I not get random reputation from other trading companies?

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @burnbacon Right but should I not get random reputation from other trading companies?

    No, as you get reputation from the emissary you're flying - you will get Gold Hoarders rep for gems turned in at the Sovereigns when you have the Gold Hoarder emissary flag up.

  • @lem0n-curry so if you are flying PL emissary you HAVE to take gems to merchant of choice then and NOT sovereigns to get ANY rep. I dont like it personally. I am not trying to get athena rep from the gems just any of the 3 main factions.

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @lem0n-curry so if you are flying PL emissary you HAVE to take gems to merchant of choice then and NOT sovereigns to get ANY rep. I dont like it personally. I am not trying to get athena rep from the gems just any of the 3 main factions.

    Are you talking about non-emissary rep ? That I wouldn't know as I'm maxed out in all factions.
    If you're - while being Athena emissary - getting rep for e.g. captain chests turned in at the Sovereigns for Gold Hoarders to gain levels towards 75, for whatever faction the sovereigns decide the gems go to, you should get rep IMO.
    If you're not getting it for chests, then also not for gems.

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @lem0n-curry so if you are flying PL emissary you HAVE to take gems to merchant of choice then and NOT sovereigns to get ANY rep. I dont like it personally. I am not trying to get athena rep from the gems just any of the 3 main factions.

    Not exactly. If you are running Athena and you want a specific reputation, take it to that person. Otherwise the game will apply the rep to a randomized company since Athena doesn't accept gems.

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Mermaid Gems and Sovereigns:

    @resident-veg I always have Athena’s emissary up and I always have a ton of gems to hand in every session. Do these gems sold to sovereigns not go to any faction then? Seems like I only get gold but no faction rep of any kind..

    If you have the Athena's Fortune Emissary up and hand in these items, they should be giving you Gold and Reputation for another Trading Company. Are you maximum level in any/multiple companies as this would explain you seeing the Gold but not the Rep, as it is already maxed out?

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