🐟Neptune's Grotto🐟 Family Friendly Guild 🍺Looking for Captains! 🏴‍☠️- [Lvl 140]

  • 🐟Neptune's Grotto🐟 is a Family Friendly Guild, and we are currently seeking new Captains to join us!

    Whether you are a brand new player looking to get involved in a guild, or whether you are a veteran player looking to find some regular shipmates to sail with, we welcome all! We do not want you to feel obligated to meet a weekly quota of activity, and we want to provide a family friendly community that is suitable for all ages. We do, however, require you to join our discord for communication, and we do expect you to pledge a ship to the guild to help with guild reputation when you are available.

    Current Guild Shipyard:
    ⛵ 34x Guild Ships

    ☸ About the Guild Owner:

    • Wolfe Larsen - I am a 43 year old Navy Veteran & gamer, and have been playing Sea of Thieves since Beta in 2018. I enjoy all aspects of the game, from the more casual PvE, to the more intense PvP. I don't typically actively seek out PvP unless I am doing hourglass, or if a ship is inconveniently in my way or acting shady.... or well... okay maybe I do... sometimes it is just fun to blow things up. However, it is also fun to give players a fun interaction and experience when possible, because we know they will have plenty of not so fun ones over time!

    I have been teaching my 12 yr and 10 yr old daughters to play with me, and they are also members of Neptune's Grotto. We originally started the guild to have fun together, and decided to expand it to include more players. If you also have family members that play, they are more than welcome to join us as well!

    ☸ Guild Leaders:

    • PDX Corgidad
    • Wolfe Larsen

    To Join:
    Option 1 - Leave a post here with your Xbox user name.
    Option 2 - Contact me on discord - Username: wolfelarsen

    If I get a lot of requests, I apologize if I am unable to respond to you.

    We look forward to meeting you!

  • 63
    story & lorecommunitygeneraljust for fun
  • Hello Wolfe,

    Im interested in joining your guild :) ive been playing SoT since beta too on PC.

    But because i have no PC anymore, i restarted on Xbox Series X. I would love to join a casual guild, to play together from time to time and level up.

    Im 34 years old and from The Netherlands.

    IGN: SgtWickiie

    Best regards,

  • Great! I sent you an xbox friend request and once you accept I'll send you a guild invite! Feel free to sail the ships already there or feel free to add your ship there if you prefer.

    You are also welcome to invite any friends you have or meet that are interested in joining.

  • Hi Wolfe

    I would love to join your Guild and help you and your family to bring this guild forward.
    Im an 16 year old Captain of the "Fliegende Niederland" and play this game since 2019(i think somwhere around that time) and never had any friends that played it longer than a month or had often time for it
    Still i love this game and want to help i am curently on a quest to get the Soulflame Captain outfit

    IGN:Lord Kasper


  • @lord-kasper9301 Hi Kasper! Would love to have you! I sent you a guild request in game and added you on Xbox.

  • @lord-kasper9301 you may need to add me as a friend as well before you see it.

  • Howdy Wolfe,

    I would like to join your guild im normaly PVE guy but im down for most other things.
    im 20 yr old, with the sloop "Sequoia Runner. would like to join.

    IGN: CaptainBrad2002

    With Best Regards,

  • Hi! I'm a 30 year old captain, and a complete newbie in this game! I tried to play solo, but was kinda immediately shot down. So I'd love to join the guild!

    My IGN is: ThroughFire3838

  • @throughfire3838 Hi, I can't seem to find your Xbox name of ThroughFire3838. Can you double check the spelling for me?

  • @captainbrad2002 Welcome aboard Brad! I sent you an invite to the guild!

  • @wolfe-larsen Hmm that's weird. Maybe this one works.. barbieater9204

  • @throughfire3838 I sent an invite to that one just now. Hopefully it works for you :)

  • @throughfire3838 did that work for you?

  • This guild is perfect for me! I'm more the PVE type (you'll likely have more luck finding me fishing) but have no qualms with fighting back if unnecessarily attacked (or if others are being attacked in the same manner). Have a sloop! Handle: pdxcorgidad

  • @pdx-corgidad Sounds great! I just sent you the guild invite in game. Feel free to join our discord if you'd like. You are also welcome to add your sloop to the shipyard so we get guild xp when you're out on your ship. Discord info is in main post.

    Glad to have ya!

  • The guild is at 12/24 right now! Be sure to find your spot while they are available! Look forward to meeting you

  • @wolfe-larsen Yeah, accepted the invite on xbox :)

  • @wolfe-larsen Thank you! :D

  • I would be interested. Gamertag is Shneb7

  • I am interested 😊 VampireMeat8080 on Xbox. I also have a plus 1 that would like to join but doesn’t play as often.

  • I am at work right now but will get you all invites as soon as I'm home today!

  • @Vampiremeat8080 @Shneb7 I got your invite sent in game. Welcome aboard!

    Also, you are welcome to invite your plus one -- all ranks can send invites.

  • We have six spots left in the guild! Please read the guild description and get in touch with us if you are interested.

  • Hello,
    I'd like to join your guild, I have a bit of experience playing on and off since the official launch.
    I often play with friends, so maybe I'll invite them to the guild too :)
    My IGN: SunRisek

  • @sunrisek Hi, it would be great to have you in the guild! I sent you the guild invite in game, so let me know if you get it. You are also welcome to invite your friends to join us. Be sure to join the discord server as well.. link is in the main message above!

  • Been playing off and on since day 1 and would like to join your guild. Casual player mainly pve but can pvp if needed. 36 yr old from the U.S. my wife plays too when she has time.

    Username: Feyndall

  • @feyndall you should have the invite friend.

  • The name is Daltodusto and I'd like to.join your guild and pledge my Bigantine the Astartes

  • Hey, has room opened up for the guild? Looking for a guild that matches your vibe. Mostly have been sailing Merchant Alliance but looking to try other things with more members. twistinfool on discord or DM me here.

  • Hello Captains! We have freed up one spot in Neptune's Grotto! We have room for one Captain to join us currently.

    We do not have a weekly requirement of the number of hours we expect you to play... we do expect you to be active however. If you are never around and never interact with the guild members, we will free a spot up for someone else.

    We hang out regularly in the discord together... some people prefer to solo sloop, and some enjoy hopping on brigs and galleons with other guild mates.

    The guild is fairly casual at the moment... we have people that have been playing since day 1... and we have others that are currently working on Pirate Legend. We love to help everyone out with any achievements they are trying to obtain.

    If you are interested in pledging a ship to Neptune's Grotto and setting sail with us, please leave a message here or DM me on Discord - wolfelarsen

    If I get a lot of messages I apologize if I do not get back to you.

  • We also have both US and EU player base so any time zone is welcome and will find people to sail with!

  • I would like to join. Xbox: JackTheWolf2842

  • We just freed up two guild slots due to some inactive members.

    If you would like to join a fun family-friendly guild, let me know! You can reach out to me directly on discord at username: wolfelarsen

    Or you can leave a reply here with your xbox name and I will reach out!

  • We still have one (possibly two) spots left for someone interested in joining a fun and laid-back community! We sail together daily, helping with any and everything. Would love to have you join us!

  • Neptune's Grotto still has a few spots left for some active Captains! We are about to hit level 60 soon, and would love for you to come join us!

story & lorecommunitygeneraljust for fun
22 out of 63