Green SoT skull background!

  • Not much work went into it seeing as how i'm not an artist by any means, but if anybody out there is looking for a green skull SoT's style, here's one I did up to match my new PC case, etc...

  • 55
  • Nice work @capta1n-cr0ss ! Looks like a t-shirt I want!

  • @musicmee

    Oh man! If they made one of these in green, i'd buy it in an instant. I mean I already want their current skull t-shirt, but if you added green to the mix it's just too good to refuse.

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Very cool! Very Xbox :)

  • @capta1n-cr0ss it!

  • Glad everyone likes it! Hope someone gets some use out of it!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Lovely jubbly! Loving the green but I can imagine it in all colours!

  • @lizalaroo

    Yeah! I just went with the green because I just upgraded my PC and the RGB is all set to green since it's been my favourite colour since the dawn of time. :D

  • Glorious, no?! :D

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Oooooo yeah!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss

    That's looking superb! I have mine cycling through the rainbow at the moment...hmm, might mess around with creating a rainbow skull :D

  • @katttruewalker

    Totally do it!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss

    Not too bad, eh?

  • @katttruewalker

    That looks amazing! Now set it as your background and let's get a glimpse of the rainbow beast? :)

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Haha..righty give me a few to clear the debris and I'll post it here :D

  • nice ones! :)

  • @capta1n-cr0ss

    Finally! Haha

  • @katttruewalker

    Ooooh purdy! Especially when shown off with that gorgeous lantern @lizalaroo made for ye!

  • @warchester69

    That's a great idea and I agree whole heartedly!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss

    It's awesome isn't it!
    (Need to replace the celebrations box I'm using as a monitor stand lol)

    @Pikaaroon's coin is in there too under the monitor but too small to see..grrr

    We've some really talented pirates aboard these forums!

  • @katttruewalker

    :0 you lucky sea dog!

    But yes, we do. Incredibly talented community we have here, and so friendly and helpful to boot. Is this even real life!?

  • @katttruewalker I wouldn't replace the Celebrations tin with a monitor stand... if that one is starting to get old... the only solution??? Get a new box of Celebrations of course!!

  • @musicmee could be right!

  • @KattTruewalker

    Got a little creative. I forgot I had these old lego pirate skulls that are hollow inside. That, and there was a spare LED strip not being utilized on my PC - so I stuffed the strip inside the skull and low and behold his little eye lights up to match! :D

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Whoa nice!!! :D

  • @capta1n-cr0ss I have a skull but use it for other purposes hehe!

  • @katttruewalker Not bad! That's freaking awesome to the max!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss dude it would be awesome if Rare started selling these as T-shirts in different colors and give you a small cut of the profit. If there's some way to contact them please do, I would so buy it, especially in green. Honestly i would say make them online and sell them yourself, but I think that's illegal.

  • @niilrokk @Capta1n-Cr0ss

    Something like the following ???

  • @musicmee sweet dude, but i think you just proved this is unprofitable unless he deletes the picture asap.

  • @musicmee

    Those are sick! Where did you find those?!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss Found them on a person's Twitter account :) I believe they are official ones... just not all have been released to the public.

  • @lizalaroo

    Such a creative use of the skull! I saw this posted the other day and it's actually what reminded me that I had the one I added to my PC scene. :D Thank you!

  • @niilrokk

    Interesting idea, but I only recoloured their original image and would never ask for any profit from them for selling something so easily made! I'd definitely love it if they sold them in different colours like @Musicmee shared in that photo!

  • @capta1n-cr0ss I know right.... when I saw the picture the first time...

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