The Thrill of The Hunt | a Sea of Thieves hunters call Sea Shanty |

  • made another shanty, a bit more upbeat this time around The Thrill of The Hunt | a Sea of Thieves hunters call Sea Shanty |

  • 4
    just for funvideo
  • This is a fun one too.

    Do you enjoy hunting megs in SoT? just into the lore of it?

    what is your inspiration for the meg hunting shanties?

  • @wolfmanbush A bit of both if im honest. In general i just enjoy a good shanty and for megs they're definitely fun to hunt and I've woven them into my in game characters lore. As for the inspiration i think having shanties made for the game instead of the usual "Boson Bill" song that Snackrunner made, which everybody knows, is a nice change of pace and kinda fits the loosely fitting time period that the game takes place in.

  • @cptclassicyt said in The Thrill of The Hunt | a Sea of Thieves hunters call Sea Shanty |:

    @wolfmanbush A bit of both if im honest. In general i just enjoy a good shanty and for megs they're definitely fun to hunt and I've woven them into my in game characters lore. As for the inspiration i think having shanties made for the game instead of the usual "Boson Bill" song that Snackrunner made, which everybody knows, is a nice change of pace and kinda fits the loosely fitting time period that the game takes place in.

    Best part of the game is the organic meg hunt imo

    At the core of the session a meg hunt, surrounded by adventure and risk, pvp and pve, random encounters, nothing like it.

    As a random emergent hunt with a design like the shrouded ghost included it's as good as adventure hunting can be in a video game.

    I think it's more incredible than they even intended or realized when they created it. I never get tired of seeing megs and krakens randomly show up in the environment. Never get tired of hunting them with the random design.

    A hunt worthy of multiple shanties!

just for funvideo
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