Consistent yet random crash to desktop with no errors PC

  • Ever since the first patch for season 12 i've been crashing a lot, the original patch would have my client just freeze up entirely and task manager would say the process is suspended, since the patch where the season began though i'm randomly crashing straight to desktop with no errors or warnings, the game just shuts down entirely and 99/100 times i can simply rejoin the game when rebooting it but i have had once instance where i couldn't.
    It was tolerable for awhile but it's practically making the game unplayable for me at this point, there's no consistent thing other than the new weapons, i can be walking and it happens, i can pick up loot and it happens, take a mermaid it happens, whatever you can do in the game it can randomly happen while doing it, it's getting extremely frustrating because it can happen at the worst times like in pvp or when doing an event or even just sailing which can result in a sink if you don't get back in fast enough, just now i got back in only to see my ship sinking to the red sea. When it happens if i'm moving i will continue to move for a short while before disappearing from the world, making it a chore to find loot again when i rejoin if i was carrying loot, or makes things like sails/cannons/wheels inaccessible if it happens while using one of them for other people, if it happens while on a zipline apparently i just freeze in place on the zipline.

    When i say the only consistent thing is the new weapons it's purely a guess but when i was playing in a group of 4, we had 2 pc players including myself, a ps5 and an xbox player, neither console player ever experienced the crashes while me and the pc player kept having them, i would crash and like clockwork every time the other pc player would crash 2 minutes later, this was consistent for a solid 4 hours, we guessed it could maybe be a memory leak with the throwing knives or something so we all stopped using them entirely and both of us did go a further 3 hours without a single crash. It could be entirely coincidental but that's the only thing that's been somewhat consistent with these random crashes so far as when i stayed and ended up playing with a new group of people i started crashing again when a couple of them used throwing knives.

    A few other people i've met and spoke to in game and out of game have been experiencing it too but it seems for most people they are completely fine and don't have this issue.

    So it's not directly the weapons as i've been still having them consistently happen when in safer seas so that no other player using them can affect me and i'm not using them either.

    The crashes have now went back to game freezes entirely and process suspended in task manager which now slows the mouse down to a crawl and it takes even longer to rejoin the game as trying to end the process with a mouse thats like 1 dpi speed. Once process is killed mouse moves normal speed again.

    It's nearly impossible to get anything meaningful done while solo. I've been sending crash logs after crash logs to support including the dxdiag and msconfig they asked for and haven't had a reply in weeks.

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  • I have been having this, or a similar issue consistently as well. I am playing on my PC through the Xbox app, and the game loads up to the "Play, Discover, Guilds" screen then promptly crashes straight to desktop with no notice, warnings, error codes, or anything else shared. Unfortunately this has made the game completely unplayable for me. I was hoping one of the updates since the new season would remedy the issue, but no luck, just more of the same.

    The last time I was able to log in to an actual session was April 30th. I was able to explore the outpost, I was on then the game crashed just like it now is doing on the menu.

    I expect a few issues whenever there is a major update, but this is getting ridiculous.

  • Having the same issue since S12 dropped basically, the game is unplayable like this sadly :(

    Every time I try to play, within a short time the game will freeze and then shortly thereafter crash out. Nothing peaks in Task Manager (CPU, GPU, Memory etc). No-one else I know has the issue. It is very weird.

    In event viewer the crash is logged as: Exception code: 0xc0000005

  • Exactly the same issue, though sometimes it's nothing for entire hours... could it be related to server load?
    My ethernet connection is known to sometimes play up?
    I'm getting kinda annoyed at this point....

  • @hercuhealys Yup, been happening to me as well, and on my very new gaming PC on Win 11 AND my Xbox One X, so I can't even point to one specific type of hardware to blame, here.

  • @therealdestian said in Consistent yet random crash to desktop with no errors PC:

    @hercuhealys Yup, been happening to me as well, and on my very new gaming PC on Win 11 AND my Xbox One X, so I can't even point to one specific type of hardware to blame, here.

    Same for me, I figured I could circumvent the problem by using Xbox Cloud Streaming instead of playing on Steam - it worked for longer but still crashed out of the stream.

    I've got a ticket with SOT Support on this, but I haven't heard anything for quite a while.

  • Same thing here, it consistenyl crashses.. The fact you can't join a guild crew if they are on a world event (you come in, instant die, game kicks you out) is really really crazy. You are no longer able to "jump in" and help out crewmates, you sometimes get longbearded (which causes you to lose your entire ship and session) and so forth.

    I will put this game on the shelf for now, this is just too frustrating to play. The session i just exited - i had 3 crashes. 2 of them as an enemy ship approches me, and i am unable to log back in untill my ship is sunk.

  • @sparreh said in Consistent yet random crash to desktop with no errors PC:

    I will put this game on the shelf for now, this is just too frustrating to play. The session i just exited - i had 3 crashes. 2 of them as an enemy ship approches me, and i am unable to log back in untill my ship is sunk.

    Yeah, at this point I'll mostly just tool around in safer seas if I play at all.

    Crashing mid naval battle is beyond infuriating.

  • I do have the same issue`s . Crashing without a warning. or Network error. or Video driver crash while all drivers up to date. And able to rejoin sessions. But just now., I couldnt rejoin session and lost all the loot. Was busy with a 2nd fortress. and had Level 5 gold hoarders Emissary flag.
    And lost all my treasure maps from bottles we found. Spended allot hours on this.

    What are we gonna do about this ?? Can we get something back or maybe some emporium coins for the damage. Skins whatever.

    Let us know thanks

  • To add, my father is crashing with an older AMD GPU, my PC is crashing with an nVidia 4070, and my Xbox One X is also crashing.

    Never any error given, just freezes and closes.

  • @Global-Moderators, any updates, recommendations, or information regarding these issues?

    I have uninstalled, reinstalled, confirmed all drivers and everything are up to date. I was really hoping to play the current event with my guild, but have been completely unable to do so since April.

  • I've got nothing new in my support ticket and haven't had any luck finding a solution myself. Really hope they are looking into this.

    I'll be missing out on Gilded voyages etc. at this rate yeah, it's just not playable.

  • Updated everything i could reinstalled the game. and still crashing.. And still no nothing from the support team..

  • Huh :s The silence from Rare is a bit strong now. Just a status like they're still looking into it would be nice. Nothing on my end either.

    I get the issue might not be widespread, but it seems almost unacknowledged. The game has been virtually unplayable for nearly 3 weeks now.

  • Same issue for me as well (Exception code: 0xc0000005). The other day crashed at the beginning of a HG battle. Extremely Annoying :(
    Specs: MS Store version ~ Win10 DX12 AMD 5800X3D 7800XT

  • Hey guys, I need some people to test this out.

    [Only on PC]

    When running the game, open task manager and search for:

    • msedgewebview2
    • msedge

    and if you find it (it usually has around 7 instances of it running), terminate those processes. They are usually attached underneath SoT.

    Let me know if this works.

  • @siegnard said in Consistent yet random crash to desktop with no errors PC:

    Hey guys, I need some people to test this out.

    [Only on PC]

    When running the game, open task manager and search for:

    • msedgewebview2
    • msedge

    and if you find it (it usually has around 7 instances of it running), terminate those processes. They are usually attached underneath SoT.

    Let me know if this works.

    nevermind, it didn't work.

  • Been happening to me too. Got the game for myself and my partner and we can't even get to enjoy the game properly because it keeps crashing. We've decided to just completely stop playing until it's fixed.

    We're both on Win11, drivers updated, not a single error in Event Viewer. I once found a singular event, searched up the solution and haven't had it since but I still keep crashing constantly and at random times (same as my partner). I could play the game for 5 minutes and either one of us will crash but I think the max time we've had without either of us crashing is about 30 minutes.

    I have opened a support ticket and they have forwarded it for "further assistance". By the sound of it I won't receive a reply for ages considering others in this thread have had no reply for a while.

  • @siegnard Thanks for trying, at least.

    Still having these issues.

  • Hey, can anyone try resetting all your settings back into default and try playing that way?

    If even playing on the Cloud could still make you crash, something on the settings must have been the culprit somehow

  • @siegnard

    Mine and my partners is a fresh install with all default settings and we both have the issue. Haven't even changed graphics settings except trying to change DirectX version from 12 to 11 to see if it would stop the crashing (it didn't).

  • Was this not mentioned in the last news update? I'm surprised they haven't said anything anywhere else.

  • Support has replied to me today saying they are adding an update tomorrow that may fix the issue. So it looks like the coming patch will have at least one crash-related fix.

    Crossing our fingers! :)

  • @fiksii

    Also just received this same reply a couple minutes ago.

    Thank you for your patience while we investigated your request.

    We are releasing an update this week that may fix this issue for you. Please apply the update when available, test the game and get back to us if the issue persists.

    For now, I am marking this ticket as "Solved", but feel free to get back in touch if necessary.
    Best regards,

    Sea of Thieves - Player Support

  • The new update is out, the patch notes have the following fix:

    "Further improvements made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game or become disconnected from their session."

    I imagine this is it. I will have to try again and see if it crashes anymore.

  • @siegnard
    I gave that a try, and no luck. Those processes did not even show up in my task manager.

  • @sandigo5412

    I have not seen anything in the news update, so unless I missed something the only place I have seen anything about this issue is a number of threads here on the forums, with very few if any official responses if any.

  • Not to tempt fate but i've played for almost 2 hours now and 0 crash, usually crashed at least once by now.
    Spoke too soon, just crashed.

  • @siegnard said in Consistent yet random crash to desktop with no errors PC:

    Hey, can anyone try resetting all your settings back into default and try playing that way?

    If even playing on the Cloud could still make you crash, something on the settings must have been the culprit somehow.

    I got everything on default. Got recommended settings @ Highest possible settings. So ofc by this saying i lowered all settings to test if its still crashing
    And it does crash no matter what i do.

    Though i learned some stuff . I started My own session i was captain on my own ship. Invited some guildmembers.
    We play some missions voyages etc. getting nice loot. Then out of nowhere Game freezes and crash. So Starting the game again.
    Pressing Start Game. Then it ask if i wanna rejoin my session. Pressing Yes (ofc) entering the game and continuing playing with my friends.
    (the happening of the crashing does not have a specific time how long i play or what i do in game. Its totally random)
    Then now the thing i learned is as follow. After my crash. and Rejoining Session. When 1 of my friend needs to go or gets kicked due afk.
    My game crashing right after 1 is leaving. And this time i do get and error. a Network Error. Blablabla (Longbeard.)
    And as following . i Cant rejoin my session and need to make a new game. So lost all the loot/Emissary rank and Resources.

    My PC setup is:
    NVIDIA RTX 3060Ti
    12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700K
    16 GB Ram
    Windows 11.
    Asus Nvidia recommended G-Sync tuf gaming monitor.

    This was before the new Update. So gonna test it now and hope its fixed.

  • I’ll add to the party, getting the exact same issues described here and no amount of troubleshooting has helped from Rare. Hoping today’s maintenance maybe helps.

  • My partner and I are also still crashing... And still no errors or events in Event Viewer.

  • i had a lot of hopes in the lastest updates because my game keeps on crashing with no beard error as well but it's not fixed at all in any way. Very frustrating. Crashed three times in less than 10min! I DO hope Rare does something!

  • I played for a bit now, about 1 hour in it crashed again. Same way, freeze and then shutdown. Seems slightly more stable but yeah, happened again :/ Which puts a cloud over the gameplay experience if it's gonna close off at any notice still.

    Exception code: 0xc0000005 in Event Viewer.

    Gonna report to support again.

  • same problem here, reformated my pc, tested the ram, no problem with any other game, drivers of my 4090 are up to date,
    fix your damn game

  • I've just tried playing solo to see if that would help and I haven't crashed in about 2.5 hours and I usually crash every 5-20 mins playing with my partner. Could someone else try playing solo to see if it crashes still?

    Edit: My partner just joined me and no more than 5-10 minutes later I crashed. So I'm guessing the crashing is related to multiplayer/co op? Can anyone else confirm if they are only crashing when playing with others?

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