Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries

  • I’m sure anyone who has played Hourglass a decent bit has experienced getting third partied at some point. I have asked some players and streamers their thoughts on third partying and some say it is fun and some say it should not be allowed. When I ask what do they think when it is two solo sloopers in an hourglass fight, most have agreed that it shouldn’t be allowed. Now I have been playing hourglass lately and I’m trying to get the skeleton curse. Solo hourglass fighting can already be a drag with people constantly running after getting hit once or twice, making the fight last for an hour or two. For those that have done it, I’m sure you can agree. Now an issue I have had a lot within just the past two days of playing HG is being third partied numerous times. Now I will state my opinion right here… I do not respect people who third party in hourglass fights one single bit. I know that every single time a third partier showed up, I was the one who got teamed up on, so here is my thoughts. Do I think it should be bannable? No, but what I do think is that there could be changes to prevent this issue. One of two options if not both.

    Option 1: Boundaries for third party players.

    • So like the boundaries for the players in the hourglass fight, if you sail out of bounds, your ship eventually blows up. I think it should be the same for players outside of the fight but vice versa. The area should be highlighted red on the map for all players to see in the server that are not part of the hourglass fight and if they sail into it, I think they should receive one of two effects. The same effects as the Red Sea or the same effects as what the hourglass players receive when they go out of bounds and blow up. Needless to say if third parties try to enter the circle with intent to interrupt the fight or team up against another player, their ship should sink. The area would then be opened back up after the fight is over.

    Option 2: Separate Servers
    Smaller, separate servers could also be an option. I had asked this to a streamer and a viewer in his chat mentioned something I hadn’t thought of and is a very valid view, “ What if other players have a tall tale, voyage, etc that happens to be inside that circle and can’t get to it because of the HG fight.” Which is a very good point, regardless of how I feel about third partiers, that would not be fair to those who are trying to do something else that the HG fight and boundaries may be in the way of, so an alternative could be separate servers. The separate servers would consist of a much smaller area that is not the whole map, just the size of the usual battle area in Hourglass. Would possibly be easier for rare to uphold those servers since they would be on a smaller scale also. I feel as though that would solve multiple issues with Hourglass.

    All in all, the better option would most likely be separate Hourglass servers so other cannot interrupt. It creates a frustrating environment and can lead to lots of toxicity and with the winning side getting a very undeserved win. Therefor if players then find ways and reasons to bypass any of this, and third party that Hourglass fight then punishable actions could be taken as deserved. I do not think that people third partying, and teaming up in hourglass with other, outside ships should be allowed as those outside ships can also go resupply anywhere and you cannot. It is a cheap and cowardly way to play the game in my opinion and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way and there are ways to fix this.

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  • Option 1: Boundaries for third party players.

    No, because being third partied is part of the risk. It's deliberate.

    Option 2: Separate Servers

    No, because being third partied is part of the risk. It's deliberate.
    Sure, but they get the same 30% cap on rewards as Safer Seas. Because less risk = less reward. If PvP players want less risk in their Hourglass, they get the same reduced reward as PvE players in SS.

  • Personal attacks are not the way...

  • @jrip1298 Third Party is open to anyone. You're a hypocrite, you have third partied yourself at some point. Stop trying to act better than people. Everything you said is literally you complaining, you clearly didn't read before posting. Try to be more respectful, kiss kiss tah tah.

  • What if those "boundaries" are around a Fort, World Event, Island with a voyage some ship needs to go too? and short on time, they need to finish what they started. But thanks to a "Random" turn of events, two ships spawn or one ship spawns on another, pretty much blocking progression.

    As for Separate serves, they tried that with Arena. Didnt work.

  • @JRip1298 Some of your posts have been edited/removed as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • As an aside, Hourglass takes place within normal Adventure partly BECAUSE there is a possibility of other crew involvement.

    It is an open, Shared World Adventure Game.

  • @Guildar9194 Please don't keep poking.

  • @look-behind-you said in Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries:

    @Guildar9194 Please don't keep poking.


  • A third option, which I think is appropriate, is that a third crew breaks the boundary and it no longer exists. This reverts to a normal 'High Seas' experience in which the boats can choose to flee or stay. The win is still given if the opposing faction sinks but will not be given if the opposing faction dives or lowers their hourglass.

    The main issue I see with this approach is that it gives a stalemate condition and generally I think that should be avoided in a game like this since it may encourage players to constantly flee in hopes of getting a stalemate when they believe they cannot win.

  • @rare-jumbie I agree and that is a very good take. I like reading on different ideas instead of the stale reply of “It’s part of the game” Yeah as of right now, we know that. So to those people that need to quit being captain obvious, we know but I feel and I know other feel that it is a flaw and this game is no stranger to flaws.

  • @look-behind-you I stated my opinion without name calling anyone or using vulgar language and if I did then I’d like to know exactly why it was so I don’t repeat the same mistake. If I believe someone else’s opinion or take on the subject to be a weak take or I don’t agree with it, I am very allowed to do that. Just like they are allowed disagree with me but since we want to bring up name calling, why don’t you go after the comment of the guy calling me a hypocrite? Or are you only coming at me because I stated something you don’t like or agree with so you took down my comments and are abusing power? I’m asking, not assuming. Hopefully you can clear this up because I really hope to see some professionalism from you if you have any authority here and not choose and pick favorites. That’s what it looks like to me so please correct me if I’m wrong but if I think a take on a subject is garbage I am more than welcome to say so, not saying the player or member is garbage, I just don’t like their opinion and I don’t have to. Never name called, if I believe a player to not be good at a game, I can state that too, but I never used any offending language in my texts so if you believe I did, I would like to know exactly what I said and if this goes anymore south and you are indeed abusing your authority then I would be more than happy to pursue actions against you. I’m already astronomically unhappy with Rare and the player base and I’m allowed to be unhappy with Rare and the player base, if you are a professional, which I hope you are, you should know that because not everybody has to agree with you. It’s okay if people don’t agree with me, but I’m allowed to think it’s garbage, but they are allowed to think what they want. So again… please tell me what it is I did or said that was so bad?

  • @burnbacon Then my suggestion would be flawed and wouldn’t work. I did bring that up if you read through what I said.

  • @jrip1298

    You're welcome to say whatever doesn't mean it won't be regulated towards Forum Rules or be without consequence. You're welcome to view any of my posts where I take the time to say whatever I want. I don't see you interacting with other people like I do, which you don't, but don't claim i'm toxic because I called you out.

    These forums are for discussion, if you aren't willing to be confronted or challenged when posting an Idea, then find somewhere else. You personally attacked someone and it was removed. Your take to " third partying in hourglass " is your opinion yes, but insulting people because they played the game isn't okay... Claiming I'm toxic when your second post on here was insulting another pirate is a stretch. You being in an open world sandbox with pretty much anything that can happen, isn't a flaw.

    I recommend taking a step away and looking at the bigger picture and looking at the players you talk to because if we're toxic, then so are you.

    Safe Journeys.

  • @sa1tynutz Maybe I am toxic, you know, just trying to fit in with the rest of the community.

  • @sa1tynutz
    Btw if I believe someone’s take on something or opinion to be bad, I can say that. Doesn’t mean I’m close minded and not opened to different suggestions. I don’t have to like other peoples play style and they don’t have to like mine or my suggestions. I don’t care to be honest, but if you really are taking what I said to anyone as an insult then you need some thicker skin my friend. There are a lot worse than me out there.

  • @jrip1298 dude, seriously you already got warned by a mod. You brought up an idea/suggestion which to be honest isn’t even new and there are others that where not agreeing with you, none of that is toxic.

    Just as much as you have the freedom to voice your ideas in a respectful manner others have the freedom to disagree with you in a respectful manner.

    You seemingly cannot take it when somebody disagrees with you and you started to get personal very quick at which time a mod had to step in.

    There is multiple reasons why third partying exists and the way it can happen currently is part of the design, yes it can be annoying i have been third partied against more then enough however that doesn’t mean it should be removed.

    When you match up against someone you are in the shared adventure game world for a reason and you share that world with up to 4 other ships doing their thing. You can always try to quickly communicate with your opponent to take care of the invading party. More often then you would think this works out great

  • @jrip1298 Please just leave... This is so sad to see from someone. You literally think a moderator is against you personally, "he's only taking down my posts!!!" " get the guy calling me a hypocrite!!"

    You clearly are not able to have a conversation or accept what people have to say whether player or moderator. He took your post down for insulting and patronizing dialogue. Just move on, I will no longer be responding, but please for your sake understand you can't be the victim and superiority.

    Safe Journeys.

  • @sa1tynutz Now…. I’m just going to count how long till I get banned or suspended for saying what every single person here knows is true. People in this game love to play unfair, provoke angry responses from people, act arrogant, troll people, make the game a miserable experience for others but when anyone does or says anything in retaliation, they get banned so I when you say I have insulted one person, no I’m not insulting anybody. I’m calling out the majority of the Sea of Thieves community for being toxic players in disguise as players who are “just playing the game.” But if don’t let me get started on the absolute blatant hackers and cheaters in this game that rare takes very minimal actions to prevent but I’m not so sure how ready y’all are for that conversation, but you know what. I’ll save that for a new topic discussion lol.

  • @sa1tynutz No I’m only the superiority. I destroy third partiers, they just annoy me. Just a piece of gum on my shoe I gotta scrape off.

  • @callmebackdraft
    I never said that they are toxic for disagreeing, I’m calling the Sea of Thieves community toxic. Because in my experience, it is.

  • @jrip1298 I Moderate according to the Forum Rules you agreed to when you first logged in.

    I don't 'go after' anyone.

    If your first choice of words is to attack and call others 'garbage', maybe expand your lexicon and try to re-phrase.

    Name-calling only weakens any 'point' you may be trying to make.

    If you feel that I am abusing my authority, you are welcome to submit a support ticket and report me.

    Feedback on the Forums is always welcome, positive or negative but needs to be kept constructive.

  • @look-behind-you Okay thanks for telling me, my apologies.

  • @look-behind-you
    No I will not report you to anybody. I was irritated ad will take admit that I stepped out of line. All opinions are valid in this argument in all honesty. Whether or not I disagree, all points are valid. Sea of Thieves is a very unique and different game with an entirely different play style. I apologize to anybody and everybody if any thing I have said offended you. As for you, you are just doing your job mate. Have a good one and thank for clearing that up.

  • @sa1tynutz My apologies to you.

  • @jrip1298 All is fine.

    May sails be in wind, with grog spilled on your chest.

    Safe Journeys.

  • @sa1tynutz
    Lol as long as you don’t throw up on them I won’t make yah walk the plank matey.

  • @guildar9194
    My apologies to you by the way. Your points are valid and very true. Easy to forget at times how different the play style is in Sea of Thieves generally. It’s very unique and regardless of times I may be frustrated, it has brought me and many other great gaming memories and regardless of where the game goes, will always be known for what a unique stories players build in the game.

  • 3rd partying is frustrating, but then punishing a new player for stumbling into an hourglass arena would also be wrong. In reality 3rd party only usually happens when the fights go on for too long as it is, so try to avoid solo hg and you're usually alright.

    They won't make it a separate mode, this was the lesson learned from arena which was retired because separate mode used too much Dev resource to maintain.

  • Third partying was intended by the devs when they created Hourglass, as it’s set in the main Adventure mode. Usually fights happen with a fair amount of distance between other ships on the server, so if you want my advice; Finish your fight sooner, or keep an eye on the horizon/map for others coming in and get out of dodge so you’re not attacked first.

  • @tesiccl
    I get that but I solo sloop hourglass and it’s hard to finish a fight quickly as a solo because most times I shoot people, they immediately start running away, which results in a 1-2 hr long match just to have a 3rd party come in and interrupt and make the fight even longer.

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