Blunderbuss of Unfair Winds

  • Blunderbuss should not be able launch a ladder guarder off the other end of the boat they're defending.

    Example: I was defending my ladder on the port side (sloop) from a boarder, attempting to shoot them off the ladder, and I was instead shot clean off the starboard side.

    At least half the knockback distance. It should not be the same push back as the horn of fair winds/other skulls that shoot things.

    If the blunderbuss is to be the "defender weapon" why does it feel like it's completely useless as a defender, but ludicrously overpowered for attackers? I have been yeeted to mermaid purgatory from defending my boat. And I have been shot like a clay disc that was flung for a shotgun (because the word that actually describes this is blocked for reasons?) because of the uncontrollable flight pattern that leaves me hanging in a predictable arch.

    Neither of these are "good" for this game. Being CCed to death is the stuff of MMO PVP, not Sea of Thieves.

    This desperately needs reworked.

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  • I think it'll get reworked at some point but by removing the one blunder to cater to people that don't like getting one blundered...

    They have made the blunderbuss a completely pointless gun in SoT for underdogs and players that engage in challenging combat without a one shot possibility.

    The "defense" weapon is now the worst defense weapon in the game in a challenging scenario.

  • That happened to me as well but I think my shot got them as the entered. I got the hit marker but next time I'll use a blunder bomb to knock them off ladder instead of the now unreliable blunderbuss. It's a gg and learn for next.

  • I think in this case as in many it gets reworked too much. I think the change from a one shot weapon was great but aside from that they only needed to make the knock back reliable and where it blew a person straight back off the ladder with no direction control. All the changing distance and things was not necessary.

  • @venomous-sloth7 said in Blunderbuss of Unfair Winds:

    I think in this case as in many it gets reworked too much. I think the change from a one shot weapon was great but aside from that they only needed to make the knock back reliable and where it blew a person straight back off the ladder with no direction control. All the changing distance and things was not necessary.

    The design is a casual view of larger crew combat, which is fine but they should stop marketing it as a defense focused weapon when anyone that fights in challenging ways knows it's a buff to OP crews and a nerf to underdog crews. Even if they mess with the popcorn it won't change that.

    Some people got their win condition but this makes the weapon worse for the game, doesn't make sense in the game, and certainly doesn't serve smaller crews in defense. A kill that takes more action is a sunken ship in underdog combat and it just makes it easier and easier for OP crews that just spam everyone.

  • Example: I was defending my ladder on the port side (sloop) from a boarder, attempting to shoot them off the ladder, and I was instead shot clean off the starboard side.

    Either this a bug or I’m bugged. Never happen to me (Xbox only servers)

  • What's even worse is that the knockback is so inconsistent; im in the center of my sloop by the mast, i get shot off the front by the guy standing by the stairs. I point blank a guy, doesn't even move. What was a tool to repel boarders has now become a player's worst nightmare if they are knocked off their own ship.

  • @theredhead5271 said in Blunderbuss of Unfair Winds:

    What's even worse is that the knockback is so inconsistent; im in the center of my sloop by the mast, i get shot off the front by the guy standing by the stairs. I point blank a guy, doesn't even move. What was a tool to repel boarders has now become a player's worst nightmare if they are knocked off their own ship.

    and now 100% of solos and underdog sloops have less of a chance of recovering from having their mast down and/or anchor down while fighting spam boarding and naval pressure.

    Every player in that situation needs kills, not attackers on ladders or in the water, not kinda sort low on health. Only kills allow a player to recover and that is always more difficult now.

    A way to tell a bad change is when the marketing is designed to distract from what it truly is. It's a nerf to solos/sloops just so people can say that "tdmers" and "unskilled players" can't one blunder them anymore. This is a dream weapon for larger hostile crews against smaller crews, not a weapon for defense.

    Every player that struggled before in tdm and relied on the blunder for defense is now in a worse situation than before the change, in a combat situation that is very very very common in SoT adventure combat.

    The spam boarding is still here, the launch exploits are still here, the chain shot spam is still here, now the defending underdog just has less power to get out of it.

  • @wolfmanbush the new blunderbuss is very obviously designed around larger ships. I have yet to test the knock-back affect on galleons and brigs, but i imagine the knockback can't send them flying off the side. I genuinely believe the change would have been better if they just left the damage at 90 and didn't change the knockback.
    I felt the change would be great, as the new defensive capabilities of the blunderbuss would drastically improve solo play against larger crews, and for a while it felt that way, until you realise a pirate can get on your ship, knock you off and camp your ladders until you sink, so unless you are able to shoot them as the knock you off, the fight is basically over

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