I noticed the screenshots thread was locked, but...

  • I wanted to share a couple photos that my boyfriend took of our characters today. 🥰 (I hope this is okay to share here!)

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    He also snapped this one of me sleeping on deck with his pupper Luna sat beside me after he told her to watch over me while I slept lol thought it was cute

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  • I like y'all's cosmetic choices.

  • Really great photos and really nice pirates..
    So much people are so creative with their outfits and makes everything sync so nice…
    I’m jealous, because I can never decide and are still looking for my own perfect outfit.
    But I’m guessing that the hunt for the perfect clothes never ends for anyone.

  • Thank you both! 😁🙏

    Yeah I think he changes his outfits more than I do tbh lol I've got two favorites right now, and the one I'm wearing in the pictures is probably my number one. ☝️😎💯

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