Trolli US 2024 candy promotion DLC tie in is the Obsidian Wheel

  • In the US in 2024 if you purchase a bag of Trolli brand gummy candy you can upload your receipt on the promotion's web site to get in game DLC for various games.

    The DLC for Sea of Thieves is the Obsidian Wheel. This item was first given out on Mixer in 2019 and then as a Twitch Drop twice in 2021.

    I'm sure this is great for those who missed those drops or weren't around at the time.

    I already have the Obsidian Wheel.


    In the future, it might increase participation to offer an in game cosmetic that has yet to otherwise be released on retail. Another option, budget permitting, to spend the time and effort on a customized cosmetic themed after the 3rd party partner's brand.

    For reference, World of Warcraft made a gummy worm pet for this same Trolli promotion. Last year Pubg made 4 Trolli branded gummy worm outfits. The Valiant Corsair ship set for Oreo released in 2023 had a cookies and cream theme. Offering unreleased ship sails such as what was done with Mongoose's RPG board game would be preferred over any other cosmetic type. Doritos offered the Chipped Tankard in 2023 that was available as a physical ceramic mug in 2018 but never released in game. There have been other DLC ties from Nabisco and the Rare store that included pieces from the Obsidian/Onyx set.

    It's understood that Rare is sitting on many designed items that have never been released. This was brought up at the EGX 2022 panel during the Q&A when a player in the crowd asked about an unreleased "beard" seen in a trailer. The team pointed out Louise in the crowd and mentioned that she is the one who has the list of all of these unreleased items. As I recall, she would later go onto social media and offer to accept input from the community on these various items that have been seen but not released.

    Perhaps it would be appropriate to have Louise or someone in a similar position be consulted on what is offered as DLC tie ins for future 3rd party promotions? Nobody expects these various 3rd party corporations or marketing teams to understand that "x" cosmetic item in Sea of Thieves has been offered multiple times.

    If these partner's are given a list of items to choose form or are specifically given an item for their promotion it would be preferred that it's something not otherwise previously available on retail.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Clip from EGX 2022 when the unreleased cosmetics list is brought up:
    (timestamp 32:56)
    EGX 2022 Rare panel video

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  • Agreed! Most of us are still waiting for them to release the obsidian capstan in order to complete the set

  • Nah, even though I don't have the Obsidian Wheel (and don't really care for it), I'm fine with Rare offering previously released cosmetics for such promotions limited to a country or a region.

    No need to increase FOMO even more by depriving half of your playerbase of new unreleased items and favoring grey market reselling.

  • the capstan is the most wanted item and they having been gate keeping it... so sad. considering the whole obsidian set was a twitch drop minus the capstan which was 1 code given to partnered streamers to gift out ever month. and now only available if you run into a deck hand on community day or win a contest... the only way i will ever do one of these promos or sign up for gamepass ultimate is with the capstan instead they keep giving out garbo

  • Give us the Capstan so that a large group of us can complete our sets! Not all of us were friends a streamers who gave them away. We never had a chance of "winning" them

  • Oreo set was/is quite nice, would be good to see another drop like that.

  • @unleet1 im told you can find codes out there for it. Just search Valiant Corsair codes

  • That's tight .

  • @mosreal00 said in Trolli US 2024 candy promotion DLC tie in is the Obsidian Wheel:

    @unleet1 im told you can find codes out there for it. Just search Valiant Corsair codes

    Yeah I've got it, and I'm sure there are some available.

  • @the-crazy-beard so say i buy 2 packs but only get 1 recipt could i also give that recipt to someone else so they can get it as well?

  • @whybane no. You will get 2 credits to redeem for rewards at once and you can just give them the code you select.

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