Sea dog tavern as an outpost

  • For those who played the arena, the lobby is supposed to be the interior of the sea dog tavern. And having it as an outpost would be amazing. It's also in the centre of the map as well, making it easier to access. And the arena lobby looked so good. So plz bring back the lobby interior and convert the sea dog tavern into an outpost

  • 12
  • The old arena lobby is larger than the current building, it would not be possible to access it without a loading screen.

    Either way, it would be disappointing to see it turned into an outpost, outposts are boring, I'd rather see it in the hands of the reapers for some use, becoming a world event, perhaps a fort(as it was in the past).

  • @lleorb said in Sea dog tavern as an outpost:

    The old arena lobby is larger than the current building, it would not be possible to access it without a loading screen.

    Either way, it would be disappointing to see it turned into an outpost, outposts are boring, I'd rather see it in the hands of the reapers for some use, becoming a world event, perhaps a fort(as it was in the past).

    A fort ? Before it came the location of the tavern, it was a collection of rocks, not a fort.

  • @lem0n-curry I meant in the Lore, it was a Flameheart stronghold.

  • @lleorb said in Sea dog tavern as an outpost:

    @lem0n-curry I meant in the Lore, it was a Flameheart stronghold.

    Ah, thanks for the info.

  • Not an outpost, outpost are purposely spread out across the map so there is time to get jumped while sailing to sell and sea dogs tavern is too close to FotD. I would like to see it have some purpose though. Just like how I wish port Merrick was more than just a over glorified outpost. They had the opportunity to put Umbra there to give it something unique, but no just put her on Sanctuary.

  • @mercifulblock72 being middle of the map would be too powerful as a spawn everyone would want it to get a quicker view on who is on the server. I don't mind adding stuff there but I think don't have as spawning point

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 The Reaper's Hideout is only 2-3 grid squares away from FoTD.. SDT is 1-2. Both are pretty close and normally people that do FoTDs are doing it for Reaper's since it rewards players with Reaper's Bones Chests. It already has everything it needs to be an outpost. Multiple docks, different shops, etc. It just needs the trading companies to move in. I'd rather they did something else with it, like make it the entrance to an inside FFA or TDM weapons only mode... but as long as they do something productive with it, I'll be happy.

  • @thamb0

    1. Sea Dogs tavern is closer than Reapers and I already feel like, for FotD specifically, Reapers is too close, but what can you do. They aren't going to move an island
    2. Reapers is inherently risk vs reward compared to the other companies. You get the reward of more money and being able to turn in the Reapers chest and having a shorter sailing distance, but have the greater risk of being marked on the map, and everyone knows the exact spot that you are going to turn in. This is compared to outposts which give you options of where to sell and you are not marked. That is why Reapers being close is far more balanced than an outpost being at the sea dogs tavern
  • @jojo-buddy-v2 Good response! Still sad that it's going to waste all of these years. Hopefully they find something to do with it.

  • Fun fact for people who haven't visited the sea dogs tavern it's a shipwright location which means you can repair, resupply or even customize your ship there.
    That little knowledge already gives the tavern some use specially in hourglass battles.
    I was able to bring my ship back from a loss and get more cannonballs to get back in the fight thanks to that.
    And as someone said before giving it the full outpost treatment would make it too overpowered on it's current location.

  • To be honest, a reaper related conversion would be dope

10 out of 12