The mask category getting bloated by unfitting cosmetics

  • We got 4 masks this season, that a lot, but I think only 1 (or 2 after some changes) are fit to be masks.
    First we should define what a mask is. I believe a mask should be defined as a face covering cosmetic that can't be categorized as an eyepatch, beard or hat; they should allow players to wear hats with them, unless the hat is a face covering one. Now I'll go over every mask added this season and give suggestions for potential changes.

    Thieving Mask of Mischief - this is the only one I don't have any issues with.
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    Monstrous Mask of Mayhem - this one should be a beard instead of a mask, to keep consistency with the Midnight Blades mask, would also allow players to wear other masks with it.
    picture doesnt work for some reason, will edit when the wiki gets a high quality pic
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    Shadow Tide Ninja Mask - for this one I have 2 potential changes, either reclassify it as a face covering hat, or allow players to wear hats with it. I can assure you no one would be mad about the potential clipping, it's always better to give more customization.
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    Shadow Tide Fox Mask - this one is straight up just a hat, face covering but a hat either way.
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  • Yeah they definitely put themselves in a weird corner with masks. You can see the same kind of issue with dresses not allowing jackets to be worn over the top of them.

    All masks should allow hats it should be a defining feature. Also I think the midnight blades masks should be moved to the masks category.

  • @captain-fob4141

    All masks should allow hats it should be a defining feature. Also I think the midnight blades masks should be moved to the masks category.

    Yeah as I said "they should allow players to wear hats with them, unless the hat is a face covering one", but imo if a mask can be a beard, it should be a beard, to allow for more customization

  • @captain-fob4141

    I think the midnight blades masks should be moved to the masks category.

    The Midnight Blades Mask actually gains a lot by being a beard. Since it covers the mouth area you wouldn't be able to wear beards with it either way, as it is now you get a cool mask and still can wear an actual mask or an eyepatch. I agree with @ImmaKet that the Monstrous Mask of Mayhem should be changed into a beard.

  • @tateru2661 im just saying... it's not a beard. If they keep it there, it'd be fine to see "lower face" and "upper face" categories but a mask is not a beard.

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