Hello first time posting on here. Recently ive had some issues with corrupted files and crashes after the recent update. I thought i fixed it after following the troubleshooting guide by for example, disabling Ipv6, Reinstalling/Validating files, Manually deleting files, Updating all drivers(Literally wiped the computer and reinstalled all drivers fresh), and uninstalling antivirus software such as Avast. Ive Raised a support ticket with rare but im yet to get a reply past an Ai just linking me the troubleshooting guide ive been using all along. The core issue here is that il launch the game after a couple of minutes of play it will crash claiming new files have been corrupted and it needs to download it. It downloads i launch the game and the cycle repeats. Although LZ4_CC is the most common file corurption some others like Athena/Emmisary titles have also come up corrupted. Any tips or guidance past the troubleshooting guide would be greatly appreciated. Hope i was able to post this in the correct way.
Missing/Corrupped Files Issue Error Code: PVC LZ4_CC
I've been getting the same error message for months now. You can "choose" to ignore it, quite a few sounds go missing and when you get into a loading screen, it's over.
I have a 3700x, 7900 XT, 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz and am running Windows 11 Home. Maybe it's a hardware related error? The only thing I can say for sure is it's not the GPU though because I had a 1080Ti before and encountered the same error. I also found numerous files and folders called LZ4 or at least containing these letters. Strangely enough they were all from my Unreal Engine 5.3 directory. These files may exist on UE4 as well, then it would probably have something to do with the engine itself :/
It's also worth mentioning that I've overclocked my 3700x a lot. However the CPU is running stable, handled tests and benchmarks flawless and I didn't have any issues with other, more demanding games.Contacted the support today as well... So I'm sorry I couldn't provide an actual solution, maybe this insight was at least a little helpful
Have a good one :)
Oh and I'm using Norton AntiVirus... It might mess with the file.
I also found a website where you may be able to download the missing file.
Disclaimer: I do not know this site! I cannot guarantee this is not a virus! I do not know whether this is the correct file nor do I know where it should be installed!
Please keep that in mind, before you click on this link: https://www.pconlife.com/viewfileinfo/lz4cc-dll/@randybobandy487 Did you ever get it fixes, I've spent the last three days and 11+ hours trying to fix it, have literally done everything except for wiping and reseting my PC, even migrated from Microsoft to Steam to try and fix it to no avail. I am going to try something with my drivers but if that fails I am reseting my PC.
@hardlinebike141 give up delete the game and move on even rare does nothing to correct the bug change game
Im having the same issue months later staff are gonna investigate this and why try and figure this sort of case out@cahitvantaa where is the resources folder? Only had "athena", "easyanticheat", "engine" and "installers".
• Fresh Install
• Tried To Play
• Got the same error and encountered this thread.
• Trief to launch the game to change settings.
• Steam automatically started verifying game.
• Game asked if I wanted to check game file integrity since it closed unexpectedly due to the error we're having. (accepted)
• Game integrity check found no error.- Launched the game again.
- Changed video settings
2.1. Directx 11
2.2. Multi-Core Rendering Off
2.3. Vsync Off - Exit to desktop (directx change requires game to restart)
- Relaunched the game.
- Checked the video settings if they're what I set them to be.
- Started the game.
- During the loading screen I got some achievements (which didn't happened in the first time)
- Success.
Hope it helps.
Same issue here. I also tried everything but nothing changes. I switched the game from ssd to nvme still error. After I changed the games location it occured just later. Before I got it like 30 min after launching the game and now it pops up when im like 2 or 3 hours deep. Its really annoying especially when im mid fight. Idk how to fix it tbh.
@GriffHero I just reset my computer completely, which I know was overkill, but I was so tired of attempting to fix it.