Aggression based matchmaking

  • This idea was inspired by the Driveatars in Forza. I know this is a 6 year old game so this may be an idea for Sea of Thieves 2.

    My thinking is the game can learn how you play, like how many shots you take on player ships then average it out over time. For example say you played 40 hours in a month and of that time you were in player combat for 10 of those hours. The game could register that you were in combat for 25% of the time.

    Now when you start the game and join a server the game could try to put you with other 25% players. This would also apply to players who avoid combat so their percent would be something like 5%, so the game would try to pool similar play styles together. The server weight would be the total player percent averaged out, for example, 12 players on the server could average 17% and a new crew joins with a average of 40%. The game could look for a server closer to the 40% rather than the 17%.

    I don't know how many servers there are so I'm not saying a 75% player could never be on a 5% server, but at least trying to pool similar players would increase combat for players looking for combat and it would pool players looking to just sail the seas so there would be less grievance getting sunk when you just want to sail.

  • 8
  • Random is always the best chance people will have at a balanced sandbox experience in a game like this.

    Stats are useful in pve but not as much in pvp.

    I'm an example of that. On paper with pvp stats I'd look highly aggressive but what I am is attacked a lot over time so I am defending a lot, not attacking a lot.

    Where that creates an issue is that it puts me with people that don't play like me and then it takes me out of servers that benefit other players that don't often get to play around experienced players that don't attack them.

    Trying to create a more balanced experienced ends up making it much less balanced.

    Random has always been what makes SoT work, when it works.

    Anyone that plays organically in this game and leans pve is still gonna have plenty of combat even if they didn't start any of it, and that includes first shots and first hits because that is a part of defense.

  • @ultrasuprman

    Why you want this?

  • The number of actions you can take in the game make something like this very hard to implement in a satisfactory way.

  • Define aggression. In numeric detail. What if you get tired of being aggressive? You'll be stuck in aggressive servers because everyone else is aggressive so your value stays high.

    What about smurf accounts?
    What if I delete my pirate and start over with the same account?

  • i think it would be more interesting if it matched direct opposites people would hate it but i think it would be funny

  • This didn't work for GTA online and it will not work for SOT.

    Creating an environment filled with "aggressive" players is not a good idea.

  • @ultrasuprman said in Aggression based matchmaking:

    ...players looking to just sail the seas so there would be less grievance getting sunk when you just want to sail.

    This is the reason Safer Seas exists. If you want the SOT version of Powerwashing Simulator, go there.

    High Seas is a PvPvE sandbox and any sort of matchmaking based on playstyle would be virtually impossible since people playing defense largely look the same as those playing offense in terms of 0s and 1s.

    At best, you could do matchmaking based on hours played, meters sailed, faction progression, or some combination of those things...but that's about it and would negatively impact positive interactions on the seas.

3 out of 8