Join the Falcon pirates. 18+ only. Lvl 55 guild

  • The Falcon are looking for pirates to form a community to have people to play with together to make gold and have fun and experience great adventures. We take players of all skill levels and anyone can join regardless of country.
    This is a 18+ guild. We are not looking for toxic or sweaty pirates. We are looking for respect to all regardless of skill level.
    Players are required to be actively sailing for the guild, and also attain 500k emissary value each month to help level up the guild and show activity.
    We have a discord channel and are trying to push distinction to go for the guild and gold commendations and push the guild forward to greatness!!

    We we also allied with equasi and the rose pirates with the spirit to not attack each other and work together. Contact me kipdestroys if you’re interested.

    We are 15/24 for player slots

  • 15
  • i would like to join

    gt Immclovinit628
    i play on pc

  • I saw your friend request from my Xbox app on my phone. Will add u as soon as I get home

  • @kipdestroys i would like too join if possible got around 2k hours in game good at pvp and dont mind doing PVE GT corbett1994

  • sent invite. welcome

  • Hi, I’m interested… I’m new, just bought my first ship and been playing almost every day, today I reached lvl 15 in OOS have my emissary flag as well. Mostly PvE, interested in learning PvP.

    Gt - Thy#7820 (PC)

  • I’m interested!

    Been looking to get back into SOT and I play on PC
    Gt: PancakezX3

  • Hi! Been playing this game for, ages. It would be really fun to join a guild and get going again with people. And I need to join a guild...

  • Hello and welcome. I got both of u.

  • I would like to join

    GT ChiefPandas320

  • @kipdestroys I'd like to join if a space is available. 200 hours playtime -

  • New to the game. Id like to sail for a guild and help anyway I can. Pvp and pve are fine. 38yrs old and I hate drama, so expect none from me.

  • Brother is there space for a pirate in your guild, from 2020 plus i am pirate legend

  • Hello I will add all of u when I get home

  • I'd like to join, reply to me if you still have room and I'll send my discord

3 out of 15