My sea of thieves suggestion made by Tobi

  • Hi my name is tobi and I have an great idea for a new creature in game.
    I call him the Leviathan
    He’s an tall white whale with a big eye scarf and he’s a bit taller and bigger than the megalodon.
    He has a few chains around his body parts and he’s a slow but a strong whale and he can attack like a megalodon but he can throw hot water out of his hole and splash it on the pirates ship,
    He’s hard to beat but he gives a big meat that takes 3 minutes to cook and heals fully with the extra health and spawns around the volcano isles and the more hurt he gets the stronger and faster he will become and he’s turning red when he’s almost beaten.
    When he’s beaten he will drop his teeth and they can get sold for around 2-3k.

    I hope you read this and think about adding him.
    I love this game and hope that he gets added to the game:)

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    eventsjust for funcommunitygeneralstory & lore
  • I like your idea but sadly rare said they are not doing any new sea creatures from scratch and that when they do one it will be a sea serpent. If your creature works as a megalodon reskin then it would be possible.

  • I think whale hunting will never be implemented due to the politics involved. Safer to stick with legendary or extinct creatures

  • Could be interesting, but Rare would most likely have to create a whole new lore for it. Too much work for just the one thing.

eventsjust for funcommunitygeneralstory & lore
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