Merchant Achievment

  • Dear pirates

    , some time ago it was still possible to hand over barrels of gunpowder to the trade association with animal rides. As this is currently no longer possible, I no longer see any chance of handing in 100 barrels of gunpowder by bottle post.

    Even for the fruit crates you only need 50 and these already require a lot of playing time!
    Please suggest a solution!

  • 24
  • @stanceworks415 you are totally right!! These quests can only be obtained through the lost books that appear randomly on some islands such as Croocked masts, Marauders arch or Sunken grove for example. Boxes of fruit, wood, cannonballs and barrels of gunpowder have become a mantra on a par with golden sailor cannons or Shrouded Ghost himself!!!

  • require a lot of playing time!

    And? It’s a live service game. It gonna be here another couple years if more.

  • @burnbacon You also misunderstood my point! I am aware that this game takes time. I am also happy to invest the time, but I don't see that this change means that "time" is enough to achieve this success!

    Especially when it was far easier for many players to achieve this success.
    If the possibilities were here, my complaint would not be in the forum, but the fact is that many mechanics are no longer in the game so that this achievement is halfway balanced.

  • @stanceworks415 said in Merchant Achievment:

    Dear pirates

    , some time ago it was still possible to hand over barrels of gunpowder to the trade association with animal rides. As this is currently no longer possible, I no longer see any chance of handing in 100 barrels of gunpowder by bottle post.

    Even for the fruit crates you only need 50 and these already require a lot of playing time!
    Please suggest a solution!

    True enough. I’ve played for almost 1000 hours now and I’m pretty sure I’ve only come across one gunpowder delivery.

  • @xdragonman15558 animal rides with gunpowder deliveries must be a fix part of merchant quest again!

    I can't explain why they took them away after so many years.

  • @stanceworks415 probably because no one would do them as pigs are annoying. I remember year one rolling quests until we got mostly gold animals and no pigs. If you captured the pig too early it would eat your entire supply of bananas (only food at the time) our ship was always loaded with all the chicken and snake crates we pulled from the bad rolls.

  • @burnbacon sagte in Merchant Achievment:

    require a lot of playing time!

    And? It’s a live service game. It gonna be here another couple years if more.

    Yea man, this definitely makes sense.
    Why should these achievements be achievable?

    Bro we are not complaining about it beeing to slow, no we are complaining about it beeing completely impossible at the moment.

  • A few days ago I sent a ticket to support for this same problem. With the changes in the content of some crossings they have moved to the older achievements such as gifts, something that was tedious to obtain until they were put as regular loot in the burning blade. In my case, I'm not asking for it to become super easy to get the missions to deliver boxes of fruit, wood, cannonballs or barrels of gunpowder. I've spent hours looking for messages in bottles and journals. And only with a lot of luck do I get a cargo mission compared to the ten or more that I get as rewards or treasures, it seems very unbalanced to me. I find it funny how these shipments are obtained, but I find it tedious to spend 4 hours sailing and not get anything.

    Pd: I am not an English speaker. I apologize if I made any spelling mistakes or if the translation does not specifically use the names used in-game. But I wanted to add an extra comment so that the problem is taken into account and can be resolved in future updates

  • All in all, there are 100 black powder barrels, which can only be found with bottle mail! These messages in a bottle are split into 4 missions. 3 variants are overly represented. After 5 - 8 hours of playing it happens very often to switch off the console without a cargo mission. This needs to be balanced out, as the 50:100 ratio is simply another + 200 hours!

    After my support ticket I was also told that such quests can still be found in barrels on Outpost. However, I cannot confirm this.

    Now that I have also searched the forum, the search term brings up ~300 posts in a period of one year.

    I hope that attention will be paid to this problem!

  • @stanceworks415 said in Merchant Achievment:

    After my support ticket I was also told that such quests can still be found in barrels on Outpost. However, I cannot confirm this.

    The person that told you that was wrong - there are no voyages to be found any more in the barrels at an outpost.

  • This award is related to achievements, and since the change in the 11th season, many people have been unable to complete it.
    This award will not unlock any firearms, clothing, or boat decorations for you. Only a very ridiculous title.
    Every once in a while, people in the community discuss this matter, but now in season 14, we still haven't seen any changes.
    I even suspect that they don't even pay attention to community discussions.
    There are no rewards in the game, but there are 2 achievements.
    Early players can easily achieve them. It only takes 100 or 200 hours.
    But after removing the parchment from the bucket. You may need 1000 or 2000 hours to complete this achievement.

  • @mr-spx-ss said in Merchant Achievment:

    But after removing the parchment from the bucket. You may need 1000 or 2000 hours to complete this achievement.

    HA! That's a Laugh! I have 3k hours and I still aint done with em, and not from lack of trying! Heck, I have a friend who is a day one player, and anytime something glitters in a floatsam, or on the beach he yell "bottle!" and jumps off. Still not done with his.

    The problem is that most bottles are flooded with quests for kingly treasure, with deliveries being the rarest ones. And there is 4 different kinds! The math doesnt check out. I just wanna complete my merchants commendations man.

    @stanceworks415 said in Merchant Achievment:

    Please suggest a solution!

    I've posted about this before one way would be to add deliveries to Emissary Quests?
    It cant be spammed to get the ones you want, its organically tied to the faction, and it takes a decent time investment. Maybe give two for each one, for good measure?`
    I've heard people argue it "breaks the game" because you can use the empty creates to gather supplies more quickly, but that seems silly when you can buy supplies...
    I mean, we already have commendations tied to selling cooked meat, which you can buy, cook and sell at any outpost! So I feel like adding an extra step to Emissary Quests is not a big reach.

  • So this is something I have made a guide for, which is available at the Completionist discord. This is one of those things (like the gifts commendations) that was not at all thought through when changes were made. If it was thought through, that's embarrassing. With the removal of these types of quests from barrels, and the removal of gunpowder barrels from the Merchant voyages, they have become much more rare to obtain.

    The best way, or rather the quickest way, to obtain this now is through a dedicated grind. Below I will post some images for different islands. You gather 2 other people, and all 3 of you set sail on your own individual brig.

    Then you put down a quest, where you dive to a basic Gold Hoarder voyage. You keep putting those down until you get one of the islands in the images below.

    Dive to the island, follow the guide, dig up the Gold Hoarder chest (just dig it up once so the voyage completes, you're not selling it anyway), and put down a new dive voyage to one of the other islands.

    Depending on what all 3 of you need, you invite eachother to eachother's brig once you have something one of you needs. This can be a voyage for a gunpowder barrel, a wood crate, fruit crate, or cannonball crate.

    Follow the route in the images, look to see if any of the journals spawn, and look for bottles on the beaches along the way.

    It is extremely tedious, but there's no other way to do this with any sort of replicable results.

    Crook's Hollow -

    Lone Cove -

    Mermaid's Hideaway -

    Snake Island -

    The Sunken Grove -

  • @raziel-cruentus Thanks for the instructions and guide! There is one more way to do them, although it may or may not also work. In the abandoned quest journals randomly found on larger islands they almost always offer quests of carrying barrels of gunpowder, wooden crates, fruit, or cannonballs. The last 2 or 3 times I found any of these mission journals, about a week ago, I was given these missions.

  • @thezocki I have not tried those specifically so I can't say which method is better. I do know we tested larger and smaller islands, and the smaller islands had more possible journal locations per square meter than the larger ones. We were trying to go as quickly as possible.

    Additionally, smaller islands were better because the riddles are shorter. We wanted to finish the quest as fast as possible so we could put a new voyage down to go to the next island. Larger islands will send you to 3 different places before giving you the location of the chest, and we just couldn't be bothered with that.

  • Merchant needs more adjustment in my opinion. At first quest with animals should have 4 animals to catch on small islands and up to 6 on bigger island with 1 barrel to deliver. Cargo rund shoud be stackable or shoud have more cargo in it. 8 shoud be perfect. Merchtant is most borring and unprofitabke thing to do in SoT at least thet should be more profitable to acctually be wanted to do by players. I acctualy like merchant quests, but by now i dot do them beacause i wait for better times to do these quests

  • @kitkatt2554 also quest in bottles with crates shoud have more crates to deliver. 2-5 would be nice

  • @thezocki sagte in Merchant Achievment:

    @raziel-cruentus Thanks for the instructions and guide! There is one more way to do them, although it may or may not also work. In the abandoned quest journals randomly found on larger islands they almost always offer quests of carrying barrels of gunpowder, wooden crates, fruit, or cannonballs. The last 2 or 3 times I found any of these mission journals, about a week ago, I was given these missions.

    Then you are a very lucky person.
    Since season 11 i have found about 50 of these journals and not a single one of them was a merchant quest.

  • In my experience, the books gives bounties most of the time. I think it's just RNG as any other "random" quest you can find in bottle/book-form.

    Sidenote: These voyages has ALWAYS been hard to find, even when the game came out, finding these voyages was extremely luck based. Only thing that was easier from before was that you could get keg-deliveries with your animal voyage.

  • @dermasterbob Well, it will be that, but I assure you that in this season they appear as I have explained. The last memories were in shipwreckbay, croocked mast and in Sailors bounty

  • @thezocki

    I also received one from the journal at Sailor's Bounty recently. Going to try there again and use fast-dive to Shipwreck Bay using the Seabound Soul Tall Tale.

  • They must fix this achievement...

  • @raziel-cruentus said in Merchant Achievment:

    So this is something I have made a guide for, which is available at the Completionist discord.

    Seems pretty useful. Its worked once out twice for me so far. I'm doing it alone however.
    Its better than nothing.

6 out of 24