Merchant bugged at various outpost (can't retrieve items)

  • This subject may have been addressed lightyears ago... As this has been an issue for many years. It seems to be rather simple, or at least I hope it is. When doing merchant missions, or just in general, buying items then retrieving them from the merchant seems to bug it out. If you grab items too quickly from the merchant, the next item seems to "hang". The item will show as available to take from merchant, but you will not be able to take it. This seems to be across many instances (servers). I've particularly noticed this issue with Sanctuary Outpost, and Plunder Outpost. Lately has been buggy with the firework crates, if I had to take notice to any firework crates in particular, it'd be the Pirates Life and Ancient firework crates. Looking forward to responses on this. Just want to help make the game better for all.

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  • Agreed. This needs to be fixed, top priority. How can players progress in a trading company at the same pace compared to the other companies if you cannot gain the items needed from the npc? This seems like an easy problem to fix, and we have heard within the last year that this item was fixed, but the reality is that it is still broken. I got scammed from the merchant at Port Merrick on commodity crates, and my son got scammed on commodity crates at Dagger Tooth. Rare needs to fix this issue and properly QC the solution. Maybe an option that when the purchase is made, the crate plops down on the deck beside the Merchant instead of having to interact with her to get the crate.

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