Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates

  • With the addition of a sniper rifle, chubby pirates may be at a disadvantage in gunfights (if hitboxes are accurate). They will be easier to spot, and easier to aim at.

    So i was thinking, maybe this could be balanced out with benefits. For instance, the running speed of a chubby pirate could be less affected than the running speed of a skinny one when transporting a chest ?
    Maybe a chubby one could hit a tad harder with a melee weapon ?

    Thoughts ?

  • 59
  • In that case I will create a 3ft tall, skinny, bespectacled, female character. So if the small, slight stature of someone wearing glasses doesn't make it much harder to be hit I can fall back on "You would never hit me would you? I'm a laaaaaady!😆

  • @drbullhammer How VERY dare you ser. 😢

  • @wargrym Long enough at sea and you will make a very pretty lady says I 😘

  • @bedgroover72 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @wargrym Long enough at sea and you will make a very pretty lady says I 😘

    I do have both the looks AND the shape of the graceful Manatee so I guess you're right. Many a sailor apparently mistook the creature for a beautiful mermaid during a long voyage. Problem is, not enough make up in the world to raise my looks to their standards 😢

  • @bedgroover72 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @wargrym Long enough at sea and you will make a very pretty lady says I 😘

    And with enough grog.

    No but more seriously, playing a large character could give a real disadvantage in PVP, so why would i play one ? Any "RP" reason wouldn't be enough in my opinion if i'm a giant living target.

    Plus, it would give a bit more variety to the gameplay. A bit like classes but more subtle.

  • @wargrym You had me at manatee 🐳

  • @aenima123 Agree with the logic in principle but I seem to recalls in some other games, even with different character sizes, their 'hitbox' was still the same standard size of every other player so the difference was only perceived and not entirely genuine. No idea how it will work in thise game though.

  • @aenima123 Valid point I myself had the admirals hat in the alpha but stopped wearing it as it made me more of a target. Chubby players will have a disadvantage in gun battles so your idea of hitting harder with sword is a good solution ☠

  • @wargrym said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @aenima123 Agree with the logic in principle but I seem to recalls in some other games, even with different character sizes, their 'hitbox' was still the same standard size of every other player so the difference was only perceived and not entirely genuine. No idea how it will work in thise game though.

    Well, even if every character share the same hitbox, there is always the fact that a big character is easier to spot from a distance.

  • And i hope they don't share the same hitbox because there is nothing more frustrating than being unable to shoot a player because its hitbox doesn't fit the model.

  • @aenima123 This is very True. Which is why my pirate will also have a very 'rare' skin disorder Where my skin uncontrollably has to change to suit/mimic it's background. Only downside is I would have to be n****d and NOBODY wants or deserves to see that. :/

  • @aenima123 Im wondering if the hitboxes are the same sizes but skewed to match the models. Short and fat has a rectangle on its side say, abd tall and thin has it upright. Same surface area to hit but advantages and disadvantages to different types of cover.

  • @syrio-forel It became quite a big deal and debating point in some games. In PUBG were players who pick the female model getting some form of advantage due to having a slighter figure. Did having the 'afro' hairstyle make you easier to hit. The speculation got quite funny.

    Visibility wise I see no reason why a smaller, slighter figure shouldn't be harder to see. The 'invisible' hitbox dimensions around a character shape, if it differs depending on build and size or just remains standard often becomes a matter of more contention.

    In a game like SoT, for me personally, it's not an issue I am concerned about. I play for fun and mess around. But I get that others who might take combat more seriously might have more questions.

  • increasing general area but decreasing headshot area seems fair

  • @syrio-forel said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @aenima123 Im wondering if the hitboxes are the same sizes but skewed to match the models. Short and fat has a rectangle on its side say, abd tall and thin has it upright. Same surface area to hit but advantages and disadvantages to different types of cover.

    Hitboxes exist because it's a very effective way to calculate collisions CPU-wise. But Sea of Thieves use rather low poly models so i guess they could go for a "per-poly collision" method for their skeletal meshes. But even if they don't, a hitbox is usually more than a basic rectangle, it is a bit more complex in order to roughly match the shape of the mesh, so, theoretically, a big character will be an easier target. But i guess we'll be able to test that out at the end of the month;

  • @aenima123 It wilk be interesting to see. I hope it doesn't discourage people from varying their pirates

  • @aenima123 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    With the addition of a sniper rifle,

    Has this been confirmed???

  • @thewolfman321 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @aenima123 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    With the addition of a sniper rifle,

    Has this been confirmed???

    We can see one in the last official clip :

  • @thewolfman321 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @aenima123 said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    With the addition of a sniper rifle,

    Has this been confirmed???

    You can see the usage in an official video, even from first person perspective.

  • @drbullhammer
    I will be super fat so when I sail with you and you try to be sneaky it fails because there's a fat pirate following you around.

  • @Aenima123 @Cpt-Erebos Ah, I've been away, so I'm not up to date. Will check this out now thanks!

  • @erinom3 Sneaky fat pirates are the best

  • @syrio-forel said in Chubby pirates vs skinny pirates:

    @erinom3 Sneaky fat pirates are the best

    I shall be the largest pirate I can be then, disguise myself as an island and ambush those pirates foolish enough to try and land on me. 😈

  • @erinom3 Gonna be real hard for him to sneak around with two of us fatties behind him!

  • @drbullhammer wouldn't the groundshake ruin your aim and keep you off balance though?

  • @wargrym I thought the game random picked you a character like “Rust,”does.

  • @erinom3 We can hide behind you and use you as cover says I 🐋

  • @frqstbite From what I've heard. That was the case for the alpha, however its been hinted that we can choose our basic pirate model from a near endless selection and then customise on top of that with clothes hair etc

  • this brings me to another issue: Using enemies as cover, although there is no friendly fire hopefully members of the same crew at least will absorb friendly fire, so one can deal with one enemy using him as cover and then advance to the next one, otherwise he could be shot by two pirates at the same time while he actually should be covered.

  • Iirc Quake had differing sized hit boxes and this resulted in most people playing the skinny dude in the floating hover board. I hope they make the hit boxes at least roughly equivalent and allow you to choose your character model rather than being assigned ala rust

  • @aenima123 said above:

    Well, even if every character share the same hitbox, there is always the fact that a big character is easier to spot from a distance.

    What if larger characters aren't rendered as far away?

  • @erinom3 gives me a job....

  • @triheadedmonkey We need a tuba in-game :D

  • @nos37 depending on how far you go, but then probably larger characters would be overpowered and you end up in a never ending loop of balancing adjustments.

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