Ok, we all asked for more biodiversity in the species of sot, now we know for sure about snakes, sharks, pigs and chickens. In the last video about art direction the showed us for the first time some little cute fishes and bats, but watching Deckard-like the video again instead of preparing my Thursday exam, I've noticed two more hints about more different species following Rare's tradition of sea of tease. In the first picture I've noticed that the yellow fishes aren't alone, but there's also a species of red and bigger ones.
More Wildlife confirmed?
I'm sorry for the low quality of the images, but I had to share my discovery
Also- if you go to Amazon and look at the Tales from the Sea of Thieves book page, it shares a couple of blurry pages with you. One shows various species of parrot (no spoilers there), but also shows a picture of a Dodo! The text next to it is blurry, but the pirate comments on looking forward to eating it for his supper!!!
Can't wait to be chasing around the islands trying to catch some of those... :D- At 1:55 you can see seagulls and a couple of parrots in the distance.
I reckon as well as chasing hogs, chickens & snakes, a merchant will go after a whole range of other wildlife to fulfil their shipping quests.
Dodos, brightly coloured tropical crabs in buckets, maybe? Parrots- of all colours of the rainbow... The higher reputation missions could ask for all manner of different creatures to be caught, shipped and delivered. Your galleon or sloop could end up looking like Noah's ark!@tarkit0 Well, eggs should be used as a weapon.
I guess Dodo will be a very dangerous threat due to their militaristic hierarchy(Ice Age reference)@niqsun We should ask to Rare if Seagulls will have an animal like routine or they will remain a gameplay element
I could find that I think there will be giant crabs (or a giant crab)
@xredx-harlow If I'm sailing across the sea and hear the dulcet tones of "I'm shiny! Like a sunken pirate wreck..."
Game will be 10/10
Yep but parrots are flying above the landmass. Hmm, I never found them in the open sea. You sure you aren't talking about seaguls?