FORTUNE UNION | Legacy Crew | Social & PVP/PVE Events

  • Oh boy! What a great adventure so far!

    I am happy to see that over two hundred Pirates have joined the Fortune Union!

    Our Discord was thriving during the Stormy Closed Beta and I can't express how proud I am of the implication of the Fortune Associates throughout this fantastic journey.

    I would love to congratulate our very own @KHARITES for winning the Screenshot Contest! We want a picture when you receive it!

    I also want to take the time to mention that our Landlubbers (Closed Beta Testers) have done a great job and I am proud to see that they've earned their Sea Legs and are now ready to become renowned Sea Rovers!

    The future holds many wonders and I can't wait to seek them with you all!

    Solidarity Forever! Fortune makes us strong!

    Sirio Neruda de Bastille
    Captain of the Triumphant Hound

  • alt text

  • A few pearls have been found from the Depths of the Closed Beta!

    Have a look at what Fortune Associates have done to themselves and to others during their time on the Sea of Thieves!




  • Avast ye Scurvy dogs! Gettin' ready for tomorrow!?

  • Heyy b*****s,

    Looking forward to sail with you and conquer the high seas.

  • Looks good. Will be joining you all if possible.

  • @siriondb HEllo, I was told to post here. I'm Tinfoil from the discord server.

  • Instajoined this discord

  • Come watch the dorkiest of Fortune's Pirates!

    @slayr747 @DrBullhammer @WhenKoalasattak @Thor-Von-Blitz

  • Haven't bought the game yet, but I'm very interested in the game!

  • Lady O’ Fortune
    (Shore her up Boys!)
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    The Pirates life, by all means.
    From her bowsprit to sterncastle,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    Our luck she all deems.
    From her foremast to rudder,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    And the gold that all gleams.
    From her nest to the keel,
    And the pitch in her seams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune,
    Mistress of our dreams.
    From her decks to her galley,
    Amongst her rigging and beams.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    For the Lady o’ Fortune
    Tis why all the boys preen.
    From her brig to her cannon,
    And the pitch in her seams!
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

    (optional outro)
    The Lady o’ Fortune
    The Mistress of Dreams
    For the Pirates life
    And the gold that gleams
    The Lady o’ Fortune
    Our luck she all deems.
    Yo Ho! Shore her up boys!

  • Loving the chance to join the crew towards the Grand Odyssey and telling tall tales in the Tavern Nights!

    Been a long time since having a feeling of part of a clan (I setup one back in the BF1942 days and ran our own server and clan tournament) and SoT is the first game since those glory days to draw me back in.

    So thanks for the invite, thanks to the admins for setting this up (love the announcement and invite!) and looking forward to the next scale test (did I see 3rd of March?)

    To our future stories and nights in the Tavern!

    alt text

  • FAKE NEWS...The 3rd March for the next scale test (although another one is coming before launch - check the Jan 2018 post) just be whispers in the sails lads...I've just found the post that it was speculation!

    Don't want the admins or the devs to think that more secrets have been released after the who data-plundering that went on (I can sympathise with how this made them feel and I stopped reading to save me some surprises) and I think it's a bold move to use codenames moving ahead - We named our Chest of Sorrows - Garry the Stepfather and gave him a whole back-story as to why he was weeping - it kept us entertained as everyone had to check and see how Garry was doing and if he had started up again!

  • @spannerwercs said in Fortune Smiles Upon You! - Join Us!:

    FAKE NEWS...The 3rd March for the next scale test (although another one is coming before launch - check the [Jan 2018 post]

    Nothing's official till it's on these forums, If there is another test in the works you'll hear it here first!

  • I would like to join :)

  • Hey all. I would like to join in your plunders !

  • Official forum post. Thanks for the Discord invite!

  • Seems like a good bunch of lads to sail the seven seas with and plunder some booty arrgg

  • Avast!!!

    Finally I have found a Fortune worth fighting for! To the sea.......

  • Ahoy! just a Pirate from the rivers of saskatchewan looking to join a crew of future Legends!

  • Aaaye I would really like to join your crew!

  • Arrrrgh ye scurvy sea dogs

  • hello everyone! nice to meet yall

  • Arrrr! It be Cpt Calico Jak here, me and ma crew look forward to seeing you all on the seas! and perhaps battling it out or partnering up for a few shanagens.

  • I have decided to set sail on yer direction m8s, see you on the seas all!

  • @siriondb said in Fortune Smiles Upon You! | First Pirate Union | Join Us!:


    Fortune is looking for able-bodied lads and lasses to sign up for a myriad of adventures on the Sea of Thieves!

    • What is Fortune?

    Fortune is an organization that unites all Fleets, Captains, Crews and Pirates under a Common Goal!

    Fortune is a desire to create a community of Pirates from all around the world!

    Fortune is a quest to achieve the unimaginable and live as Legends on the Sea of Thieves!

    Fortune is a World where you can become the Pirate you want to be!

    • Our Goals
      Fortune seeks to provide the Pirates with a multitude of emotion filled and thrill inducing adventures! To further this goal, we believe that we must listen and respond to our Community's needs!

    Landlubbers: As new Pirates reach our shores and that of the Closed Beta, we believe it to be essential to offer a positive environment to learn the ropes. In the spirit of solidarity, we will be offering mentorship to those who desire so!

    Freebooters - Founders: As sturdy swashbucklers, you are invited to take part in the Community and share your passion for plunder with the other Pirates. We know we can trust you and you know you can trust us! Your participation will take Fortune to richer sands!

    Corsairs - Pioneers: As proven sailors and sea rovers, you are the embodiment of what Fortune stands for! Your input is invaluable and rightly so! We aim to offer you opportunities to evolve in a world where YOU are the protagonist!

    All: Fortune yearns for the participation of everyone who wishes to be part of this Grand Odyssey! We wish to create a place where Captains and their Crews can come and connect with other Pirates from all around the world!

    As to reach our objectives, we will define a Base of Operations, where Fortune associates will be able to unite, consolidate and progress through their adventures!

    Furthermore, we will be holding Community Events that are available to everyone but also, more importantly, events made by and for Fortune associates!

    • Events and Activities

    Fortune believes in having a strong Community! To do so, many different events are going to be held as Sea of Thieves progresses through its development and at its release! Fortune wishes to give the Pirates a taste of what events are going to be held in the near future!

    I. Hunting Parties (PVP)
    II. Treasure Hunts (PVE)
    III. Naval Races
    IV. Tavern Nights
    V. The Arena

    More great ideas are in the works as Fortune awaits!

    • Values

    Inclusivity : Fortune welcome people from all over and all walks of the sea! We share a passion for discovery and adventure! We desire to evolve in a diverse environment for that's what makes the experience unique. We wish to extend an invitation to all adults regardless of their culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender!

    Solidarity: Fortune is the promise of a partnership between Pirates! An oath to carve our names in the History of Sea of Thieves! A chance for Captains and their Crews to unite, fight and revel together! A vow to be there when necessity arises and to accompany each other on our journeys!

    Sovereignty: Fortune wants you to be the master of your own destiny! It is of the utmost importance that every Captain and every Crew member are offered the opportunities to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. You decide on your objectives! You decide on your Crew! You are the Master and Commander of your Fate!

    Respect: Fortune strives to be a pillar for the Community of Sea of Thieves. To that avail, Respect is at the forefront of our interactions and activities! Thus, we wish to offer the Pirates a place exempt from discrimination and prejudice based on culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and wealth.

    • Who Can Join?

    Fortune welcomes everyone! Being part of another Fleet or Crew does not exclude you from joining in the pleasure! We wish to include everybody that shares the dream of creating a world of Adventure!

    • Where Do I Sign?

    Joining Fortune is simple! You can start by writing me, SirioNDB, through the Chat platform of the Sea of Thieves forums! You can also reach me through the XBOX App under the same name! Finally, you can reach me through Discord (siriondb#6892)!

    Our Discord server is available here

    We also have a XBOX Club called SEA OF FORTUNE! Come see us!

    • Lending A Hand

    Are you interested in helping out in the development of Fortune? That is great news! Don't hesitate to communicate with me! Your involvement will help shape the present and the future of Fortune!

    Questions? Concerns? Comments?
    Feel free to post them in this thread or write me through the appropriate channels!

    Fortune smiles upon you!

    Hi please can I join? :)

  • @siriondb I really like what I'm hearing in this post! Sign me up!

  • Ahoy! This seems like a good group of pirates that I would like to join.
    Looking forward to see you on the seas mates!

  • @mewiman1 hello fortune

  • My name on Discord is vibratnpantiez8 and my name in game is UnbudgingLuke

  • I'm interested, I'm currently on the discord, and was asked to post to confirm my identity.

  • Yeah im in... sounds cool

  • Heartfelt Salutations to all Pirates, Scoundrels, and Scallywags!

    I thought it'd be great time to write in to update our Beloved Fo'Rum Community!

    Fortune is doing better than ever! We are happy to announce that we have over 600 members and that we couldn't be happier with how things are going!

    As some of you might know, our Values are really important to us and we've been careful to always uphold them. I am proud to sail with such quality pirates, both respectful and deadly!

    • Now for the News:

    We now have a Twitter Account! You can follow us @FakeTunaTweet

    An exciting and new Event is making it's way to the shores of Sea of Thieves, in collaboration with Crew of Thieves.

    For this Event, you will be able to follow some of us who will be working to make this Event possible through our Streams. You will be able to watch us amass the Duke of the Ancient Spire's Treasure!

    Stay tuned for more information!

    Fortune awaits!

  • I am Captain Severin Seupe and I seek "Fortune"!

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