FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game)

  • I redid this post instead of making a new thread but to see the original post I saved it as a comment here FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

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    Something I and many others think Rare is missing out on as a in-game activity in Sea of Thieves is FISHING!

    Fishing has been one of the most common requests from Sea of Thieves fans on the Official Forums, Facebook Groups/Comments, and Reddit alike. Video games and fishing go waaaay back... and as a side thing they are a great pass-time in many a larger experience.

    Please RARE give us the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sea waves by giving us more to do while on them. I love the islands and all but I'de rather be out at sea. Fishing would be a great addition to the game!

    The RARE devs are already well aware we want Fishing. “During the first three months we’ll make small additions to enrich the experience,” executive producer Joe Neate says. “Later, we’re always going to be looking at things that enrich [the game] for everyone – that could be new quest types, new trading companies or new mechanics like fishing.”

    "Sounds like an awesome idea," design director Mike Chapman said. “Love the fishing idea!,” principle coder Andy Blastable agreed. But studio head Craig Duncan might not, "Not sure fishing is part of the pirate experience."

    I'm pretty sure Fishing -- in some form -- is on the road map for post launch additions but here's how they could/should do it.

    Net Fishing | The Equipment:

    The type of fishing that many people today are familiar with is the hook and line method. Bait fishing. Today this type of fishing is mainly associated with recreational purposes. In the past however fishing was not seen as a recreational activity rather a source of food to sustain oneself or commercial fishing to sell their catch and make a living to support oneself. This hook, line, and bait method was not a very popular method of fishing back in the golden age of piracy days.

    By far the most common way to fish back in the day was use of nets. Drag unwilling fish into a boat by net and the use of ropes. Without going into too much detail castnet fishing or net fishing as a general idea for Sea of Thieves fishing method could be as simple as clicking a button on a fish and capturing it. Net fishing doesn't have to be any more complex than chasing a chicken or pig with a coop or cage.

    This is the method that Pirates would use if they were fishing.

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    As a game mechanic fishing should be tied in to or added in to the Merchant Alliance voyages systems. Fish/Aquatic Wildlife could be one more thing they list or request on their voyages. So you would have to sail around like you do to find the islands with pigs, chickens, and snakes to find the right species of fish by searching schools of fish in the sea.

    The Merchant Alliance is perfect and there's no need to add a separate Trading Company just for fishing. They already task you with knowing where to find and gathering certain resources and some of them resources are land animals so why not aquatic animals? If you can chase and capture chickens, lure pigs with bananas, and charm snakes with your instruments why not go fishing for requested species of fish or other aquatic wildlife?

    I think this would be ideal as they already tie into the existing game mechanics and fits the theme or narrative of the Merchant Alliance so well. They could even make them have drawbacks akin to the pig who needs to be fed a banana. Once you have the fish drug aboard in nets you gotta keep them alive before you can deliver them to the Merchant Alliance turning them in at the Outpost. Maybe you need to throw water on the fish or "give them a drink" by pressing a button to feed them every so often like you must do a pig. If you don't then they start to 'crappie flop' on the deck in their nets container and should you neglect to water them they'll too eventually die. Or as an alternative solution you could choose to keep the ship partially flooded by allowing the bottom hull of your ship to carry water. With the bucket/pails dump water ONTO your ship instead of bailing water out. Do this purposely so you can put the fish nets with said fish inside in the standing water so they can survive being submerged in the water. We know the game has a system where it already detects if the animals are submerged or not because chickens will die by being drowned so they already have this ready to go to detect if a fish is out of the water too long or is submerged and okay. It only leads to some quirky/funny emergent gameplay if you ask me. Don't you think?

    The act of fishing in gameplay should function as simple as other acts of gathering animals in game. It would be akin to capturing the pigs in the cages or chickens in the coops. Just add one equipment item – the Fishing Net – and RARE doesn't have to do much more than add the net and the fish themselves that you capture. The mechanics are already there in the game with capturing pigs in cages and chickens in coops and snakes in their containers. It's just a net and a fish (or other aquatic wildlife see below) in the sea not on land.

    The process could get started by visiting the Merchant Alliance NPC on the docks and that's where you would receive a fishing net. The fishing net is just like a chicken coop. Acts as the same as a coop/cage for their respective land animals. You use it to capture fish and it holds one fish of a varying type/color.

    First a school of fish must be spotted. As you sail around the sea you come across and see these spots to fish at. This could be someones task from the Crow's Nest up top spotting fish like you can see Seagull's circling shipwrecks or barrels off in the distance. The fish would be detectable only at far closer ranges but similar to how you see the seagulls circling the shipwrecks or the barrels but just in the ocean instead of in the sky. What they appear like is up to RARE but I suggest a cluster or a small school of fish swimming together just under the waters surface, swarming one little area in the ocean in circular movements. If you're not paying careful attention one can easily sail past it without even noticing. OR as the animated gif above shows a simple bubble effect could indicate there are fish below.

    After a school of fish had been spotted, the Pirates would then use the fishing net to throw it into the middle of the bubbles and trap the fish from above on the ship. Just like capturing a chicken in a coop or a pig in the cage it yields just one fish, even though it's cast into a school of fish, but that fish can be of a certain color or type. They can either make it a random thing like when you capture a fish from a school by using the net it gives you a randomly colored fish or random type of fish. That or they make different color/type schools that spawn so you have to search from school to school to find the right fish type. However they choose to do it, the different color variants or fish types are requested by the Merchant Alliance in their voyages just like the different colors of chickens or different pigs are requested. I.E. 2 Black Pigs, 1 White Plumed Chicken. Each sells for a various amount and some more than others just like Golden Chickens sell for more gold than White Plumed Chickens do.

    They could even do a system where schools of fish in the three different regions spawned different types of fish. More aggressive/dangerous fish like Swordfish, Barracuda, etc in The Wilds schools of fish, more Blackfin Tuna, Clown Fish, etc in The Shores of Plenty schools of fish, and some other different ones in The Ancient Isles schools of fish. This region specifics could tie in to the Merchant Alliance with 2 Outposts in each region. There could be different markets for fish from their region and from outside their region. Sell fish from outside their region for more gold perhaps than fish from their local market region.

    It's difficult to fish from a ship on the open sea. Yes this is a concern many have shared but it doesn't have to be. You can't go chicken or pig hunting without first stopping sailing. Whether you glide to a stop raising your sails or drop the anchor. You should have to raise your sails so your ship can be becalmed for fishing too. If the sails are down and the wind is enough for sailing, the ship is probably going to be moving too fast to be able to be fishing. Clicking that capture button prompt should not be allowed if the ship is sailing past.

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    If they do add in the often asked for Rowboat(s) this would be a perfect pairing. Using the rowboats that can be dragged along behind a Galleon/Sloop by rope to go fishing. But even if not they could have you simply pull your sloop or galleon up next to a school of fish and throw the net out overboard to capture them and drag them into the boat.

    The final method of fishing during the time uses a spear or harpoon (maybe Trident). While I'm all for using a net they could choose to include an alternate type of equipment too. Using a spear to fish with yields much less fish than that of a net and was done at night which makes it easier to see the fish. The use of a torch or lantern “fire-basket” would have been used to lure fish close to allow for a better shot. When I first read this I thought like this would make for fun gameplay in Sea of Thieves. You could have to work as a team, with one pirate holding the lantern high and the other spearing the fish that come to the surface.

    The Targets | Fish Variety:

    Sea of Thieves already has plenty of aquatic wild life present in the early test builds. I definitely saw fish swimming around underwater. They could add more and other varieties of fish post launch.

    They could have schools of smaller fish like sardines, anchovies, and other forage fish.

    They could add generalized salt water fish of various colorful patterns kind of like the orange and white striped Clown Fish I seen swimming in game already.

    They could also add like medium-larger fish that function similar to how the Sharks do now that don't swim in schools but as individual fish.

    Hammerhead Sharks, Dolphins, Blue Marlin/Swordfish/Sailfish, Stingrays/Mantarays, Sea Eels.

    Of course the common sea fish like Albacore or Blackfin Tuna, Sea Bass, Mackerel, Barracuda, Anglerfish, Grouper, Flounder/Flat Fish, Hogfish, Puffers/Scorpion Fish, Winged/Flying Fish, Tarpon, Piranha (yes I know they are fresh water).

    It could even be expanded to include other sealife (non-fish).

    Lobster or Crab(s) and other Crustaceans (Oysters/Conch) could be collected for Merchant Alliance voyages. You must dive down for to collect. Or place lobster cages out in sea. And then the pirate aspect can be how you can steal other players planted lobster cages before they come back to check them. (credit reddit user Normathius)

    Barnacles aka “Crusty Foulers” should be in this game. Something parasitic like (Lamprey, piranha, leeches) that sticks to your ship and makes holes and causes other complications. Have them attack the under side of your ship so you and your crewmates have to go under water and shoot/cut them off! If you don't and they continue to add and build up on your ship it slows you down by a small %. (The U.S. Navy estimates that heavy barnacle growth on ships increases weight and drag by as much as 60 percent) Moving objects like ship hulls are particularly vulnerable to these pesky critters. Large barnacle colonies cause ships to drag and slow down, leading to -25% movement speed of Galleon/Sloops. Combined with them opening up holes periodically these nasty little critters would make for a great additional complication. Maybe they can only be gotten or picked up around certain islands. Maybe just while immobile/docked at an Outpost for too long? I want them to bring some added complications to the game that make sense so sailing doesn't become so mundanely simple.

    Sea Turtles

    J*******h even sea anemones

    Octopus/Squid or rather mollusk related cuttlefish or baby Krakens! even... (How cute!)

    All kinds of as aquatic animals they could add to Sea of Thieves.

    Some of these could even become new waterbased enemies alongside the current in-game Shark(s).

    For example;

    Barracuda are some of the most ferocious and speedy fish in the ocean. Short of Piranha they have some of the most fearsome behavior of any fish in the world. They would be a perfect choice for a medium sized fish that could attack players. Making for a Shark-lite type of enemy where they bite you the same as Sharks do but deal less damage. Maybe 4 bites to kill you.

    Pufferfish, could fill the role of the medium-rarity fish, harder and scarcer to find but not impossible. Don’t feel lucky for long once you do find them though. A pirate who manages to snag or catch a puffer is inflicted with the drunken effect (instantly as if they were drinking 10 tankards of Grog) as it inflates and sticks them with the pokey needles/quills. This of course would be hilarious as you try to swim back to ship drunk all over the place. Pufferfish contain toxin and with this toxicity they could have the pirates health slowly drain until they ate a banana to stop this effect. Rare could decide to just do the visual effect of being drunk without the health loss depending on if they want to make it another enemy obstacle or not or just something unique about puffers that kinda funny.

    Sea Eels could wiggle and swim after pirates in the water and when they get close enough to you bite you and you become stunned momentarily. These electric eels shouldn't be as heavy hitting as a shark two biting pirates to death but more of an annoyance as you swim long distances, nibbling bites of your health (8 bites to die) and stunning you for a few seconds. J*******h could also suit this role as more of a passive threat you must avoid while swimming or else.

    Swordfish or Marlins could stab you. Basically a charged sword attack move with short bursts of speed. They could keep circling where they swim away and then come back near you in quick bursts of speed and then charge you to stab you only to swim away again.

    Also they should add the Hammerhead shark. As a rarer spawn of Shark that the Merchant Alliance wants sometimes. One in every 25 sharks or something ratio so you actually have to do some hunting for them.

    EDIT: Saw this video and thought Sea Serpent definitely a great idea. Large creature, a threat akin to the Kraken, nice skeleton model already spotted in game in multiple places. Video

    I've heard some stuff about possible harpoon guns as cannon upgrades or items/weapons in game? If they are a thing they could even implement them into taking down certain larger fish, whales even. (such as Moby D**k the great white whale that rams ships opening up multiple holes at once. The new Kraken?) Needing to utilize a harpoon gun cannons to their fullest to take it down.

    They could even have rare breeds of certain fish like they have rare(r) chests like the Chest of Sorrow. Making them very unique and having special challenges to transporting them on your ship. Maybe something like the Great White Shark a red eyed shark or maybe even ghost sharks or something crazy like. I mentioned above the Hammerhead Shark which is basically just a Shark reskin but behavior is exactly the same just more rare to spawn.

    The Reason | Narrative:

    Already went over it a little bit about how they should keep it simple and add it into the Merchant Alliance.

    Seafood seems like it might have been an easy source of food for pirates. Being out on the largest bodies of water one might think it was only natural to fish for your food. However, it was rare that pirates would actually have the time to sit around and fish all day for a bite to eat. There was a lot of work to be done on a pirate ship with repairs to sails and the ropes among other things that just made fishing quite honestly unpractical. It would've taken too long and not have produced enough food especially considering large areas of the sea are actually barren of fish. Though that being said, I'm sure desperate times called for desperate measures and at some point pirates may have fished rather than starve. Low winds could make ships become adrift for extended periods of time leaving crews forced to kill or eat what they could due to lack of supplies.

    Shipboard food was necessarily limited to what would keep in the course of prolonged voyages. The reality of life for these voyaging pirates was not always so fanciful. Often so pirates were out to sea for months on end. In these long periods of time their food supply would dwindle and many would become stricken with diseases such as Scurvy or Dysentery. In preperation to be stuck at sea, ships setting out were able to store lots of salted food and sea biscuits (a hard dry bread meant to last long periods of time) but still needed fresh fruits and vegetables or dried beans and fermented/pickled vegetables. Rum was preferred for drinking since it kept better than fresh water, which spoiled and turned slimy in its storage casks. Also these are pirates we're talking about here so whatever they could steal from other ships, they would eat.

    Smart pirates would steal or keep livestock such as cows, goats, pigs, and chickens on board. They were often brought on board to provide milk, eggs, and eventually meat. When the animals were no longer able to be fed, they were used as food. Leftover meat was often salted/cured in order to prolong its shelf life but in reality the meat served to the crew was often rotten and filled with maggots and for this reason heavily spiced to mask the rottenness and taste. Galley cooks became quite good at masking the rancid meat with herbs and spices. Occasionally sea turtles and fish were caught for additional, fresh protein.

    Salmagundi was a common meal served on a pirate ship. Loosely described as a “salad,” and consisting of a random hodge-podge of ingredients, generally a scrambled concoction of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Any mixture of widely disparate things from whatever was available or on hand really. This miscellany often included chopped or cubed poultry or fish, chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, cabbage, onions, oil, salt/pepper and other spices etc.

    Thus in Sea of Thieves, fishing should be more of a commercial effort type of thing rather than a source of food or a fun pass time. That's why I propose the Merchant Alliance Trading Company to request fish or rather their customers are requesting the fish and they are using the pirates to go get them.

    They can do rare fish or a bunch of common fish. They should keep it simple as the Chickens, Pigs, and Snakes though. Color A, Color B, Color C, Color D. Each one worth a different amount. Accept and start one of their voyages and it might ask you to get 1 White Chicken, 2 Black Chicken, and 1 Pink Pig. Keep this basic request but just add in fish for like 1 Blackfin Tuna Fish, 2 Sword Fish, 1 Puffer Fish.

    I also think they should add more fruits. I'm pretty sure I've read that there will be more than just bananas in game. I hope so... Pirates also ate yams, plantains, pineapples, p*****s, and other fruits and vegetables indigenous to the tropics. They could choose one or more of these and make them like a enhanced banana where it heals your health fully but you have to actually harvest them on certain islands. Coconuts would be ideal for this as they have palm trees already in place just have it like a digging animation where they shake the tree trunk or you gotta shoot em down with the flintlock pistol. This could be another collectible you are asked for by the Merchant Alliance voyages and must go out in search of on the various islands to collect the different fruits. Crates of Coconuts. Crates of Bananas. Etc. You could remember key locations where there's a lot or a big grove of trees or just go to a random island in search of them stored in barrels.

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    P.S. Rare if you do like my net fishing idea and use some of it maybe throw me a bone or a shoutout in-game, the Cipher Fish or something rare and exotic/colorful. Little easter egg. That would be epic!

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  • @cipher-8 The only part I take any issue with is buying the equipment. Currently, all other equipment is given to you.

    Not a big issue, but I want them to be consistent. If you have to buy fishing equipment, you should also have to buy shovel, compass, etc.

    I think most people will want to have it from the get-go.

  • EDIT: This is the original post in it's entirety.

    Not sure if this is the right area to post game ideas or suggestions so forgive me if not...

    First I want to say I know I'm not the first to think of this or suggest this idea, not trying to claim the idea as my own, just trying to share my thoughts on it.

    Something I think Rare is missing out on as a in game activity in Sea of Thieves is FISHING!

    A small feature in game that i think could be as simple as digging treasure chests up with a shovel or capturing a pig with a crate but something that could tie into the rest of the world as a whole. To me the star or thing that sticks out the most about the Sea of Thieves is by far the awesome ocean or sea itself. The crashing and flowing waves are just so well done it sells the immersion perfectly of being out on the seas in a ship. Why not double down on the games best feature and add content that keeps you engrossed within the sea! When most the other gameplay mechanics take you off the ship and onto land we need more things to do on the seas besides PVP ship combat (which is everybody's favorite part of the game so far.)

    Pirates have a long history as maritime poachers, people who take fish illegally. Even to present day.

    Also Fishing is a perfect way for the Merchant Alliance Trading Company voyages (quests) to be expanded. Adding different objectives to collect and deliver probably wouldn't even take developers a whole lot of time to hash out. The Merchant Alliance is perfect because they already task you with knowing where to find and gathering certain resources and some of them resources are land animals so why not aquatic animals? With the Merchant Alliance Trading Company being one of the three major quest givers at launch I think adding in fish to capture would be a perfect addition for what is basically 1/3rd of the game. Something to add post launch that already ties into the existing gameplay and fits the theme so well. If you can capture pigs, chickens, and charm snakes with your instruments why not go fishing for requested species of fish or other aquatic wildlife?

    Rare can make it as simple or robust as they want but I do have some general ideas I think are worth sharing that they might like.

    The act of fishing in gameplay should function as simply as other acts of gathering in game. It would be akin to capturing the pigs in the cages or charming and luring the snakes with the instruments or digging up chests with a spade. Simple but exploration and finding the right fish among the different schools of fish or maybe just coming across one large fish such as the in-game sharks periodically and seemingly randomly spawn in the ocean.

    As you sail around the sea you come across and see these spots to fish at and you can choose, as anything in Sea of Thieves, to participate or sail on bye.

    You'll first need to purchase the Fishing Equipment back on island Outposts. Equipment selling NPCs can give you your first nets/poles etc. You use your equipment to capture them just like you use your spade to dig or your instrument to charm and lure snares to be easily captured. For the fish, however, this would be a net and dragging them in. Once you have them drug aboard you can deliver them a Trading Company, most likely turning them into the Merchant Alliance. Fish could be one more thing they list or request on their voyages. So you would have to sail around like you do to find the islands with pigs and chickens/birds and snakes to find the right species of fish in the sea. In order to fulfill your order you might have to do some sailing and searching for awhile. Or plunder another pirates ship and steal their booty of course! Let them do all the hard work while you reap the rewards.

    The schools of fish could be a new type of emergent system in the game. Detectable similar to how you see the seagulls circling the shipwrecks or the barrels in the ocean.

    What they boil down to though is a cluster or a small school of fish swimming together swarming one little area in the ocean. If you're not paying careful attention one can easily sail past it without noticing.

    Once you find the species you want though you can stop or pull up alongside the school to gather the fish. If you anchor down and fish them out one might want to make sure somebody is in the Crow's Nest keeping an eye out with the spy glass for other pirate ships. Once aboard Rare could reuse the Wooden Barrels already in game to store em or add something akin to a Fish Bowl/Glass Jars if they wanna go the funny quirky rare kind of route (ala Gold Fish). If they go the route of netting fish they could even have you store them in nets off the side of the ship potentially.

    Something I see a lot of in Sea of Thieves is the overarching aspects of teamwork and coordination, being social with the crew, and working together. It's a sub theme to pretty much everything in the game. Especially the act of sailing itself but I also see it when you go on land your all looking at the map and searching for X marks the spot and then when one finds it it's not just on them it's usually 2 or 3 pirates digging up the chest together with spades then one carrying it back while the others escort them and guard them from skeletons. Teamwork is built into every aspect of Sea of Thieves and fishing should be no different.

    If they go the net route the Captain steering the ship must guide it over to the school of fish while another player(s) release the nets to capture them and other still might be working the sails so you can slowly glide in while another yet drops the anchor or watches your backs up in the Crow's Nest.

    The general idea is to have players working together to complete the task most effectively so you can keep sailing. Efficient crews I think would love this feature in game.

    Bait Fishing: Grab your pole, line it, get your lure and bait and cast away as you deceive the unsuspecting fish into believing they're getting a meal. If Rare goes this route for fishing they might as well add in a new NPC fishmasters on shore Outpost Islands. That or have current Equipment sellers help you get started. Possibly sell you bait in exchange for a little gold. Also sell you the equipment you need to fish like the pole/nets and maybe even let you rent a fishing boat (rowboat) if Rare does listen to this much requested feature.

    Net Fishing

    Net Fishing: Net fishing drags unwilling fish into a boat by net. Personally this would be my favorite choice for a fishing addition. Not only is it easier to just add one equipment item – the Fishing Net – but you don't have to do much more than add the net and the fish themselves that you capture. The mechanics are already in the game with capturing pigs in crate containers and snakes and chickens and that. It's just a net and a fish or other aquatic wildlife in the sea not on land.

    If they do add in the often asked for Rowboat(s) this would be a perfect pairing. But even if not they could have you simply pull your sloop or galleon up next to a school of fish and throw the net out overboard to capture them and drag them into the boat. The act of net fishing is not a one person activity. Sure the pirate or player who throws the nets out will be effectively dragging in fish by themselves similar to how one can dig up a chest out of the dirt by themselves but the effort of others goes into finding that chest often and players can join in with their own shovels to help. So too should the act of net fishing require a team effort. Requiring a steady handed captain to carefully navigate the ship up next to the school of fish. Possibly needing the coordination from other crew members yet with raising the sails for slower speeds for the precise angling of the ship. Which makes the act of net fishing an entire crew activity when your already 3 players in. One to steer the ship, 1 to raise/lower the sails, and 1 to throw out and drag in the net. Possibly one to drop the anchor too. That's what Rare wants I feel not something one person does by themselves (not to say one person couldn't manage to net fish by themselves with practice and determination. After all, many can sail a Galleon by themselves.)

    I don't think they should do Net Fishing as modernalized Bottom Trawling form of fishing and instead stick the the Net Fishing in the Bible era times type. Bottom Trawling is particularly frowned upon and would only bring negative attention to the game as one of the most harmful techniques of fishing even though that's kinda the point behind Piracy and fishing illegally there's no need to bring about negative attention. Besides that it doesn't engage entire crews to participate like the olden days form of net fishing suggested above. It just uses enormous nets weighed down and dragged behind ship or along the sea floor. Thus only the Captain steering the ship would be engaged in activity and everyone else bored or drinking Grog.

    They could have some quirks to the system or set backs like the nets forming holes which obviously would make a net useless. Then they could do something where you have to patch holes in nets. Honestly we should have to patch the sails already because ship upkeep and maintenance was one of the daily things pirates did at sea. Just some other ideas I have rolling around in my head.

    Sea of Thieves already has plenty of aquatic wild life present in the early test builds. I only played in the stress test but I definitely saw fish swimming around underwater. They could add more and other varieties of fish post launch.

    They could have schools of smaller fish like sardines, anchovies, and other forage fish.

    They could add generalized salt water fish of various colorful patterns kind of like the orange and white striped Clown Fish I seen swimming in game already.

    They could also add like medium-larger fish that function similar to how the Sharks do now. Like the Albacore or Blackfin Tuna, Hammerhead Sharks, Dolphins, Blue Marlin, Swordfish, Sailfish, Tarpon, Barracuda, Stingrays, Anglerfish, Sea Eels, Sea Bass, Mackerel, Grouper, Flounder, Hogfish, Puffers/Scorpion Fish, Winged/Flying Fish, Piranha (yes I know they are fresh water), and even sea anemones could be collected for Merchant Alliance voyages as aquatic waterlife you must dive down for to collect.

    Even Sea Turtles, Squid, J*******h, Octopus, baby Krakens! (How cute!)

    Some of these could even become new waterbased enemies alongside the current in-game Shark(s).

    For example;

    Barracuda are some of the most ferocious and speedy fish in the ocean. Short of Piranha they have some of the most fearsome behavior of any fish in the world. They would be a perfect choice for a medium sized fish that could attack players. Making for a Shark-lite type of enemy where they bite you the same as Sharks do but deal less damage. Maybe 4 bites to kill you.

    Pufferfish, could fill the role of the medium-rarity fish, harder and scarcer to find but not impossible. Don’t feel lucky for long once you do find them though. A pirate who manages to snag or catch a puffer is inflicted with the drunken effect (instantly as if they were drinking 10 tankards of Grog) as it inflates and sticks them with the pokey needles/quills. This of course would be hilarious as you try to swim back to ship drunk all over the place. Pufferfish contain toxin and with this toxicity they could have the pirates health slowly drain until they ate a banana to stop this effect. Rare could decide to just do the visual effect of being drunk without the health loss depending on if they want to make it another enemy obstacle or not or just something unique about puffers that kinda funny.

    Sea Eels could wiggle and swim after pirates in the water and when they get close enough to you bite you and you become stunned momentarily. These electric eels shouldn't be as heavy hitting as a shark two biting pirates to death but more of an annoyance as you swim long distances, nibbling bites of your health (8 bites to die) and stunning you for a few seconds. J*******h could also suit this role as more of a passive threat you must avoid while swimming or else.

    Swordfish or Marlins could stab you. Basically a charged sword attack move with short bursts of speed. They could keep circling where they swim away and then come back near you in quick bursts of speed and then charge you to stab you only to swim away again.

    Also they should add the Hammerhead shark. As a rarer spawn of Shark that the Merchant Alliance wants sometimes. One in every 25 sharks or something ratio so you actually have to do some hunting for them.

    EDIT: Saw this video and thought Sea Serpent definitely a great idea. Large creature, a threat akin to the Kraken, nice skeleton model already spotted in game in multiple places.

    |We already know harpoon gun cannons are a thing so they could even implement that into taking down certain larger fish, whales even. (Might be kind of a touchy political backlash thing though this could be a way to bring in another Kraken like enemy such as Moby D**k the great white whale? And utilize harpoon gun cannons to their fullest.)

    They could even have rare breeds of certain fish like they have rare(r) chests like the Chest of Sorrow. Making them very unique and having special challenges to transporting them on your ship. Maybe something like the Great White Shark a red eyed shark or maybe even ghost sharks or something crazy like. I mentioned above the Hammerhead Shark which is basically just a Shark reskin but behavior is exactly the same just more rare to spawn.

    I also think they should add more fruits. Not just bananas. Pirates also ate yams, plantains, pineapples, p*****s, and other fruits and vegetables indigenous to the tropics. They could choose one or more of these and make them like a enhanced banana where it heals your health fully but you have to actually harvest them on certain islands. Coconuts would be ideal for this as they have palm trees already in place just have it like a digging animation where they shake the tree trunk or you gotta shoot em down with the flintlock pistol. This could be another collectable you are asked for by the Merchant Alliance voyages and must go out in search of on the various islands. You could remember key locations where there's a lot or a big grove of trees or just go to a random island in search of them perhaps.

    Lastly, as a social aspect of this game Pirates played cards or rolled dice. Though they forbade gambling on board ships to prevent arguments that divided the crew or proved fatal to one or more participants. I think the taverns should be a place to do this as well. When ashore, pirates squandered their booty on drink, women, and games of chance. Rare should look into games like Red Dead Redemption's “Liar's Dice” but create something unique but fun for a mini-game. I don't know with the current affairs of gaming and loot boxes if they can have us gamble or chance our actual in game gold but I'de do this just for fun competition from time to time. (I really liked Liar's Dice in RDR, Caravan in Fallout, etc).

    P.S. Rare if you do use some of my ideas maybe throw me a bone in game, the Cipher Fish or something. Little easter egg. That would be epic!

  • Nice fishing thread lots of good ideas. you have put lots of hard work into this. Thanks. I look forward to fishing in any form. I really hope Rare do it justice though.

  • I love minecraft. And i love minecraft's fishing. I agree this is a MUCH NEEDED addition to this game. ^^

  • @cipher-8 Would be a very cool mechanic and add a new economy to the game. I would love to see this in game. Getting a little bit of track but I would also like if there was different type of ships, maybe some for fishing or storage and others for speed.

  • fantastic idea. All types of fishing.

  • @cipher-8 First off I would like to say that your post is extremely well thought out and has some superb ideas that I would love to try out and I think would fit into the sea of thieves world. the thought of line fishing in that beautiful water is an extremely exciting prospect which I prey they add to the game but I never thought of net fishing which makes perfect sense and would require team work and also fit into the quest system like you suggested. fingers crossed they add both I think the whole community would love this

  • @xcalypt0x said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    @cipher-8 The only part I take any issue with is buying the equipment. Currently, all other equipment is given to you.

    Not a big issue, but I want them to be consistent. If you have to buy fishing equipment, you should also have to buy shovel, compass, etc.

    I think most people will want to have it from the get-go.

    Yeah, maybe just buyin the different looks or flashy equipment. I'de be down with getting fishing nets for free too.

    @wheatoman said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    @cipher-8 First off I would like to say that your post is extremely well thought out and has some superb ideas that I would love to try out and I think would fit into the sea of thieves world. the thought of line fishing in that beautiful water is an extremely exciting prospect which I prey they add to the game but I never thought of net fishing which makes perfect sense and would require team work and also fit into the quest system like you suggested. fingers crossed they add both I think the whole community would love this

    Thank you.

    I didn't put much thought into how line fishing or bait fishing would work in game once i thought about net fishing i just liked it better and ran with it started thinking how it could work. Any ideas how bait or hook line and sinker fishing would work in game. How they could make it teamwork orientated or so a whole group could participate?

  • Im typically not this guy but holy hell TL;DR can we get a summary?

  • This post is great matey. Detailed and well formatted. I'd love to see fishing. I think in one of the articles I read after the media embargo was lifted I saw something about them adding fishing in the first update. I'll try and find the link.

    Edit: Found it.

    Producer Joe Neate also promised special limited events. “During the first three months we’ll make small additions to enrich the experience,” he says. “We’re running timed events, so for a weekend there may be a character in the tavern whom you’ve not seen before. If you chat to him, he’ll set you off on a quest to retrieve something he’s lost and he’ll give you a reward you can only get at that time. Later, we’re always going to be looking at things that enrich [the game] for everyone – that could be new quest types, new trading companies or new mechanics like fishing.”

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    This post is great matey. Detailed and well formatted. I'd love to see fishing. I think in one of the articles I read after the media embargo was lifted I saw something about them adding fishing in the first update. I'll try and find the link.

    Edit: Found it.

    Producer Joe Neate also promised special limited events. “During the first three months we’ll make small additions to enrich the experience,” he says. “Later, we’re always going to be looking at things that enrich [the game] for everyone – that could be new quest types, new trading companies or new mechanics like fishing.”

    That's awesome. I'm glad they are or have been already thinking about it. I think eventually we will see it in game. Maybe someone will see this thread and like some of the ideas.

    Remember Rare... Cipher Fish :)

  • @cipher-8 I don't think line fishing would work as a group activity. maybe that's a good thing though, have net fishing as a group activity and line fishing as a solo event that way you could partake in fishing no matter how you are playing the game, more options is always better. it would be awesome to have leaderboards for who has caught the biggest fish in a certain area but with regards to the actual mechanics I would have to trust rare as I don't have any ideas apart from I like the idea of being able to buy better rods that make it easier and the leaderboards could be in taverns for everyone to see

  • @wheatoman said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    @cipher-8 I don't think line fishing would work as a group activity. maybe that's a good thing though, have net fishing as a group activity and line fishing as a solo event that way you could partake in fishing no matter how you are playing the game, more options is always better. it would be awesome to have leaderboards for who has caught the biggest fish in a certain area but with regards to the actual mechanics I would have to trust rare as I don't have any ideas apart from I like the idea of being able to buy better rods that make it easier and the leaderboards could be in taverns for everyone to see

    Good idea. Probably is room for single player fishing equipment. Just wanted to note though the net i propose is used by one player and like everything else in game can be done solo if you have enough skill and coordination. Imagine sailing a Galleon by yourself and going out to net schools of fish on a Merchant Alliance voyage. Yes please!

  • @tinfoil11291 said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    @cipher-8 Would be a very cool mechanic and add a new economy to the game. I would love to see this in game. Getting a little bit of track but I would also like if there was different type of ships, maybe some for fishing or storage and others for speed.


    That would be interesting the different ships.

    Definitely check this forum post out.

    I know a lot of people want Rowboats added. Maybe that could be a fishing vessel. I like the notion of a speed variant ship. Maybe takes less damage/quicker to sink when taking on water than an average sized Galleon but obviously sails faster along the ocean. I would choose this for Merchant Alliance runs every time.

  • Don't know if any one's suggested this yet, but as a DLC what if they added sunken cities/Atlantis ruins? The ruins could be guarded by Mermen with tridents or something like the black lagoon creature as a boss. The rewards for these ruins could be fish themed weapons and barnacle coated clothes(picture a squid blunderbuss or salmon pistol.) As for the treasure chests we could have a higher drop chance of the chest of sorrows or (am i using "or" to much) even a storm chest that several people have suggested (we could call it Poseidon's Wrath).

    Feel free to tell me what you think; just be constructive please.

  • @who-da-camper They've said there will be no DLC and all updates to the game will be free, but there are currently underwater ruins.

  • @who-da-camper said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    Don't know if any one's suggested this yet, but as a DLC what if they added sunken cities/Atlantis ruins? The ruins could be guarded by Mermen with tridents or something like the black lagoon creature as a boss. The rewards for these ruins could be fish themed weapons and barnacle coated clothes(picture a squid blunderbuss or salmon pistol.) As for the treasure chests we could have a higher drop chance of the chest of sorrows or (am i using "or" to much) even a storm chest that several people have suggested (we could call it Poseidon's Wrath).

    Feel free to tell me what you think; just be constructive please.

    I bet they do something with the mer as a faction/trading company eventually. I think we've seen underwater caves mentioned and I'm pretty sure I've seen footage of it in these stress tests.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    @who-da-camper They've said there will be no DLC and all updates to the game will be free, but there are currently underwater ruins.

    Ya i was going to say i swear the datamine or something i've read that.

  • @cipher-8 It was in the stress tests and beta.

  • @blackbeard-lufy right i saw that video, I was mostly toying with the how the devs could expand on these ruins, and add a some variety to the NPC enemys.

  • @who-da-camper Aye, it'll be interesting to see there purpose and functionality.

  • Woah, that's quite a long post OP! And I'd like to answer that this way: 'Hey! Rare has been working on a game that happens in the sea. I wonder if they thought of adding some fishing features in it ?'. No. No way it crossed their mind. Absolutely not. It's only a chance if they even thought of adding some boats.

    Let's wait for the 20th before rethinking the world, don't you agree ?

  • @blackbeard-lufy i do rememer the a video saying that we'd get to explore the sea of the damned some. I wonder if that arch and key stone are a gateway to it?

  • @racmop I've posted it before, but here it is again.

    Producer Joe Neate also promised special limited events. “During the first three months we’ll make small additions to enrich the experience,” he says. “We’re running timed events, so for a weekend there may be a character in the tavern whom you’ve not seen before. If you chat to him, he’ll set you off on a quest to retrieve something he’s lost and he’ll give you a reward you can only get at that time. Later, we’re always going to be looking at things that enrich [the game] for everyone – that could be new quest types, new trading companies or new mechanics like fishing.”

  • Honestly i would be sitting all day around and fish, just to enjoy the water effects.
    Who cares about those chests :P

  • In Addition they could add some sort of recipe. Those are active for a certain amount of time for everybody to complete, like a weekly challenge.
    So the quest would look like this (e.g.):
    "Wolfgang the Wale at Outpost Zimonja is preparing his famous fish soup for his up coming birthday, friday 5/5, every crew that supports his feast with a delivery of 2 Sharks, 1 Swordswish and 12 mermaid tails is rewarded with 1000 gold!"

  • @sigrid-service said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    In Addition they could add some sort of recipe. Those are active for a certain amount of time for everybody to complete, like a weekly challenge.
    So the quest would look like this (e.g.):
    "Wolfgang the Wale at Outpost Zimonja is preparing his famous fish soup for his up coming birthday, friday 5/5, every crew that supports his feast with a delivery of 2 Sharks, 1 Swordswish and 12 mermaid tails is rewarded with 1000 gold!"

    I really like this ideas for a live event/campaign they run for like a week or weekend. Repeatable of course so it's not just a one and done thing. Everytime you bring back the ingredients for the recipe you get the reward again. Would give the game a bit of a shakeup from doing the same thing from time to time and players start looking for and farming the same stuff only brings on more interaction/pvp between them.

  • I wouldn't mind if they expanded on the Merchant Alliance company where you do some crab fishing for them.

  • @cipher-8 Very well thought out. This is a MUST in the game. And yes, Cipher Fish for the win

  • Dude yes, this is brilliant. Hopefully someone at rare sees this and can consider implementing it post launch.

  • @cipher-8 This has been mentioned several times before. And to add to @Blackbeard-Lufy's post.

    From Executive Producer Joe Neate "I look at updates through two lenses: one is for the most engaged players – what stuff can we deliver to those guys? That gives you new goals, new things to achieve for the most engaged. The people who are in the "middle bucket" who are just having fun and progressing at their own pace, we'll add new quest types, new things to do across the board that creates emergent gameplay. Fishing, for example, is a great thing that would fit into this if we do it, you could bring in a new trading company that could give you new goals to achieve, you could go and get some rare exclusive things. That would be the kind of thing that benefits everybody. I want to bring in updates that service both kinds of player."

    This more or less confirms that fishing will be implemented. I grant that it is not set in stone, but it is pretty much a guarantee, particularly with the huge support for the idea and requests from the community, and RARE's history of listening to it's community. Also, as you have said, it fits perfectly into the world and the vibe they are creating.


  • Fishing in video games is, no joke, one of my favorite things. I was crushed that there was no fishing rod in Breath of the Wild. When they (Rare) inevitably add it into SoT, I will likely spend an immense amount of time doing so.

  • @itsmcpeepants said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    Dude yes, this is brilliant. Hopefully someone at rare sees this and can consider implementing it post launch.

    I actually went ahead and tweeted it to a lot of the developers and producers/game designers at RARE. I know some of them seen it at least because they either replied or liked my tweet. Some I didn't even tweet at liked it such as the Community Manager at Rare so I'm sure it's been looked at as has other great ideas posted here in the forums.

    Thing is they already have a long roadmap of updates planned, stuff to come basically in the works or ideas they like. I bet fishing in some form or degree is in there just hope they can consider the net-fishing idea.

  • @invader-stork said in FISHING Idea/Suggestion (my take on how to add in game):

    Fishing in video games is, no joke, one of my favorite things. I was crushed that there was no fishing rod in Breath of the Wild. When they (Rare) inevitably add it into SoT, I will likely spend an immense amount of time doing so.

    I can honestly say I've spent more time than I care to admit fishing in WoW and Minecraft. Not to mention the old Bass Fishing Tournament games they don't make anymore I use to love playing them Cabelas and stuff. That being said I actually enjoy fishing year round IRL too. Ice Fishing in Wisconsin during the winters and on a boat/off shore in the summers/spring. But yeah fishing in games is relaxing and can be fun I can only imagine how awesome it would be in SoT with the realistic waves and boating/sailing simulation aspects.

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